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    One of my 4 sons wanted to workout with me so we decided to film a brand new workout for you and your family to enjoy TODAY! Here's why this video is AMAZING: you can wear pajamas you don't need shoes no equipment is needed you'll never stand up during the workout it's only 10 minutes (though you can make it 5, 15, or 20) warm-up and cool-down are included you will feel the burn, but have fun too Don't forget, all of my FIT + FRESH workouts are effective and powerful!  My full-length workout videos are enjoyed in the comfort of home.  Oh, and you can enjoy 7 days for FREE to try it all out!  YOU DO NOT NEED A GYM MEMBERSHIP...EVER!!!! Head HERE to workout with Josh and me in this never-before-seen workout video!

  • eating this does not make you fat

    I saw the funniest meme this morning!  This guy is holding up a cardboard sign that reads, "Spoons made me fat" -- I was DYING laughing! I grew up in the 1980's when errrrrrything was "fat-free."  The salad dressing, the yogurt, the ice cream, the crackers.  All fat-free because SURELY fat makes you fat, right?! The truth is, eating fat does NOT make us fat. The truth is that SUGAR makes us fat. (More on that below!) Your body NEEDS healthy fats to function properly. Like protein, fat helps keep you feeling full. It helps your body process vitamins and minerals, gives you glowing hair and skin, and provides vital energy. And yes, it’s true that it’s important not to eat TOO much healthy fats because by their nature, fats contain more calories per gram than carbs and protein. But that doesn’t make them bad. Healthy fats include things like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, ghee, animal fats (duck, beef, pork), omega 3’s (found in cold-water fish like salmon), etc. The “bad” kinds of fat you want to stay away from are trans fats. Trans fats were invented to give foods (mostly processed ones) a longer shelf life. Years ago, scientists discovered if they “hydrogenated” certain oils by adding hydrogen to them – basically turning a liquid oil into a solid fat (“transforming” them) – they wouldn’t spoil so quickly. Plus, it was cost-effective. Trans fats are found in many packaged foods – baked goods, donuts, pie crusts, cookies, crackers, margarine – and a lot of fried foods. Why does this matter? ● Trans fats increase the “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and decrease the “good” cholesterol (HDL) in your blood. ● They create inflammation, which can raise your risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and a host of other chronic conditions. ● Trans fats contribute to insulin resistance, which can raise your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. ● And it doesn’t take much to cause problems: according to Harvard Health, for every 2% of calories from trans fats you eat daily, your risk of heart disease goes up by 23%. Convinced yet? Check your food labels and if you see anything labeled “partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated,” get rid of it fast. Omega 3’s and 6’s It’s also important to try to maintain a healthy balance of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids Some scientists estimate we now eat a diet that’s closer to a 12:1 ratio of omega 6 to omega 3. Guess what that unbalanced ratio leads to!? You guessed it…. INFLAMMATION. Omega 6 fatty acids tend to be found in refined vegetable oils like peanut oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, and corn oil (all of which, not surprisingly, are often found in processed foods). Not that you know what kinds of fat NOT to eat, let’s talk about why the right kinds of fat are GREAT for your body. Healthy fats are incredible for your body. They’re important for: ● Making hormones ● Brain health ● Heart health ● Energy levels ● Supporting your thyroid ● Strengthening your bones ● Boosting your immune system ● Reducing your risk for cancer ● Giving you healthy skin and hair ● And the list goes on as scientists learn more about how our body functions This is why our Fit + Fresh Menu includes those healthy fats. We need those healthy “good” fats to look and feel our best. We don’t want to have this stuff by the gallon, but let’s not eliminate it from our daily nutrition. Healthy fats help our heart, energy, appetite, and bones. They balance our cholesterol and our blood sugar and our hormones. Healthy fats satisfy as they slow digestion. Our brains need fat. Fats give us energy and help us absorb vitamins. Oh, and fat tastes good. Be sure to treat yourself to a 7-day free trial of Fit + Fresh now!

  • how to combat cellulite

    Most women have cellulite.  Do you?  I have plenty, from my hips to my knees.  I'll be really honest, I don't love it.  Yeah, I love my body, but it's not my favorite.   ​ I like to joke about my "gunshot wounds" and that I've been "sitting on a gravel driveway." ​ So is there a CURE for cellulite? ​ Let me back up.  What IS cellulite?  It's fat and collagen fibers.  And unlike men (who rarely have cellulite), women have vertical collagen fibers.  Picture fat packed inside collagen pockets.  That's how we get that lumpy, bumpy effect. ​ Here's the bad news first, sorry. ​ There is no cure.  Sigh.  And a lot of it is genetic.  Bleh. ​ BUT. ​ There are ways to lessen the appearance of cellulite, woohoo, and they actually help you to feel healthier too! ​ Here is what research says to do (and you have to be consistent): use collagen daily (a great source is using Mom Fuel protein powder daily since collagen is already included) drink a ton of water​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ daily (6 cups is not going to cut it) dry brush daily before showering (here's the one I use, which came with directions) try creams and oils daily (twice a day if you can) (I've tried plenty, so email me if you want the list) try contrast hydrotherapy (that's hot and cold water therapies) and/or hot baths/sauna foam roll and/or get deep massage regularly to smooth your skin (you can get a lumpy foam roller from Amazon since those promote circulation more than smooth ones -- GRID seems to have the best reviews)  ​ ​​​​​​​​​​ But the TOP 2 WAYS TO COMBAT CELLULITE: 1.  Lift challenging weights and walk -- consistently.  Aerobics and the elliptical won't cut it.  When we strength train, we burn fat.  And remember, we are dealing with fat packed inside collagen pockets so we want the fat to leave.  In my Fit + Fresh Membership, you can access a ton of cellulite-minimizing workouts that are 20 minutes or less! ​ 2.​​​​​  Eat high quality, low carb foods -- consistently.  I know, it's the hardest part.  But if you eat poorly, the cellulite will be more pronounced.  So even if you're doing all the water, creams, and treatments, but you're not eating foods God grows, you are going to have the cellulite in full effect.  In my Fit + Fresh Membership, I have hundreds of fat-burning recipes that taste amazing and land on your plate in minutes! I think having cellulite keeps us humble.  And that is a GREAT quality in a woman.  It prevents pride and keeps us striving in our health journey!  I hope these tips help! ​​

  • I'm so sorry

    A few years ago I was on the phone with a coaching client who said to me, "Debbie, what I really need is for you to come to my house and swat cookies out of my hand." ​ We both laughed and I said, "I hear you.  I get it." ​ Have you ever thought that?  If only I just had someone to come over and keep me on track when I start to self-sabotage?  ​ I'm so sorry that I can't come pull your hand out of the cookie jar. ​ And I can't drag you out of bed at 4:30am to do that workout you promised yourself. ​ Well, perhaps for the right price I actually could.  Hmmm.  I'm KIDDING! ​ But honestly, there's a lot that I CANNOT do for you, friend. I can't control what you eat. I can't make you consistent. I can't make you want it badly enough to do what it takes. I can't magic-wand your size. I can't erase your emotional eating. I can't force you to decide enough is enough. I'm so sorry.  ​ But take heart.  If I could do those things, you would actually miss out. ​ You would never discover your strength. You wouldn't have the capacity to appreciate your journey. You would not earn your results. Your sweet, humble attitude that comes from striving could be replaced with self-righteous pride if you magically transformed overnight. ​​ I know it's not easy, day in and day out, but it is worth it!  YOU are worth it. ​​ Here's what I *can* do: I can encourage you with nonstop support and accountability that propels you forward. I can educate you with the latest research and proven experiences that transform your health. I can provide the tools and resources that hold the power to change your life. I can ​​​​​​​​help old habits disappear while new habits cement. I can show you how to get lean, strong, confident, and on track. ​ And I've got amazing cookie recipes (that whittle the waist)! If you're ready for results, don't go at this alone.  Message me about how to get in the BEST shape of your life! ​​​​​​​

  • Do this and start feeling better ASAP

    Your body LOVES to move … and your health depends on it. Here’s a shocking stat for you: “In less than two generations, physical activity dropped by 20% in the U.K. and 32% in the U.S. In China, the drop is 45% in less than one generation.” - Taking care of your body and muscles goes far beyond the results you see in the mirror when you workout! In case you missed this Facebook Live video, I shared how I have never been a "walker."  I just felt too busy to walk slowly.  It seemed unfun and more of a stress creator than a stress buster.  "Eh, I don't really NEED to walk.  It's just a good idea.  Plus, I lift weights."   ​ But I kept feeling this nudge to practice what I preach.  So I bought a used Apple Watch that would prompt me to stand up more often AND to simply move.  I was already in the habit of exercising, yet not being ACTIVE. ​ Over the past 10ish months, I started with just a slow one mile stroll every now and then.  I made sure the environment was motivating so I WANTED to walk.  I WANTED to close my watch rings.  I WANTED to listen to fun music.  I WANTED to avoid sweat and go for the slowest mile time possible.  I WANTED to be inside wearing pajamas (so I used my man's elliptical). ​ I now LOVE to walk and feel weird if I don't do it.  And I walk longer and more frequently now!  CHANGE IS POSSIBLE!  It has reduced my stress, burned fat, protected my joints, and not impacted my cravings! Moving your body on a regular basis helps everything from your energy levels, emotions, relationships and ability to learn, to your overall quality of life. ​ Here’s just a short list of how movement (walking, dancing, gardening, exercising, doing chores, etc.) has huge payoffs for you: ● It can help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. ● It can help support brain health. (One study even showed middle-aged women who were considered “highly fit” had a lower risk of developing dementia at an early age.) ● It boosts your mood by creating more brain chemicals associated with happiness. ● It helps you handle stress better. ● It can help improve your focus and attention span. ● It can help your body battle inflammation. ● It also helps power your body’s lymphatic system, which is like your own personal army against infection. Because there is no natural “pump” to help your lymphatic system drain toxins from your system, the movement of your muscles is actually responsible for helping to move this important fluid! Here’s a little trivia you can even share with your friends: How much faster can you recover from a common cold if you exercise on a regular basis? Answer: Your chances of coming down with a cold are cut in half! It’s true! A study of 1,000 people found people who were active 5 or more days a week were 50% less likely to come down with a cold over a 3-month period. And if they did come down with a cold, their symptoms were about 40% less severe. ​ Pretty amazing, right? ​ The great thing about it is that pretty much all forms of movement can help you – stretching, walking, even conquering a mountain of laundry! ​ Here’s a challenge for you … ​ Every day this week, set a timer for 15-20 minutes and move. This could be a quick workout, a walk, or even a fast & furious cleaning session in your home. To make it more fun, turn on some music to make it happen! You can access my workouts HERE! How are you going to get your movement in this week? Let me know either in a quick reply or over in our Fit With Deb Girls Facebook group! ​ What do you think? Are you up for it?

  • Healthy FOOD Swaps Checklist

    While you’re working towards your health goals this year, I still want you to be able to enjoy some of your favorite recipes … but a healthier version of them may taste equally as great (and will be a lot better for you)! It’s important to note that because baking involves some science, swapping your ingredients can throw off your results (especially in the texture department) if you don’t adjust some other ingredients. Example: if you have a recipe that includes eggs and you sub them out, you might need to add a little more baking powder. That’s why I recommend only making 1 swap at a time per recipe, to avoid any surprises when you pull them out of the oven. >>>> Easy Healthy Recipe Swaps <<<< Sugar Swap for unsweetened applesauce in a 1:1 ratio (1 cup sugar = 1 cup applesauce). NOTE: For every 1 cup of applesauce, reduce the amount of other liquid by ¼ cup. Or, swap very ripe bananas in a 1:½ ratio (1 cup sugar = ½ cup banana). My favorite sugar alternatives are Swerve and monk fruit! ​ ​​ Eggs Make a vegan “egg.” Mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds -or- ground flaxseed with 3 tablespoons of water and let it thicken for 15 minutes. Bonus: this adds fiber and healthy fat! ​​ Oils & Butter Tip: Start by replacing half of the fat in your recipe. Swap either pumpkin puree or applesauce in 1:1 ratio (½ cup oil = ½ cup pumpkin or applesauce). Or, swap avocado in a 1:½ ratio (1 tbsp of butter = ½ tbsp avocado). This tip will help your recipe feel rich and creamy. I also like using ghee, Earth Balance, and Melt as a butter swap.  My favorite oils are grapeseed and avocado!​​ Flour Swap wheat flour for gluten-free flour (almond, coconut, etc.) (Follow the package directions for proper ratio). Or, try rinsed and drained canned black beans in a 1:1 ratio (1 cup flour = 1 cup black beans). ​​ Have fun with these! And your friends and fam don’t ever have to know about the swaps. :) It can be your little secret! ​​​ How are you doing with your goals so far this year? Are you ready to fast-track your success with our proven program? Get your free 7-day trial in the ultimate Fit + Fresh Membership right now!

  • Natural remedies for sickness

    As I type, I have a child on day 4 of feeling like garbage.  It's so "fun." I know we all hate this time of year when everyone seems contagious with some kind of virus. I try to avoid a lot of over the counter medications -- check the labels and you'll see most have artificial sweeteners in the ingredients list.  The body receives fake sugars as a toxin.  And when the body receives a toxin, it becomes inflamed.  When the body experiences inflammation, it feels sick (and tired and achy).  So basically, your OTC medications can actually make you sick...not well. Uh no. I'm a much bigger fan of natural remedies when under the weather. So here are some basic things to do at home when sickness strikes (in no particular order, because I'm too busy being my kid's nurse): * Probiotics + Nourish.  70% of your immune system is in your gut.  So while it's great to wash your hands, you also need to take a probiotic daily.  I even do a morning pill and another again in the afternoon. Since most of your immune system is in your gut, monitor your nutrition. Often we have to shift to survival mode and eat what we tolerate (Sprite and crackers), but let's not downward spiral into all the junk foods to comfort us. * Hydrate.  Flush the system of the funk.  And go ahead and enjoy some hot tea with honey as well as soothing broth.  For a sore throat, gargle warm salt water throughout the day. * Rest + De-Stress.  Conserve energy and let your body work on recovery.  You'll be too tired to do much anyway.  I often get asked if it's okay to walk/exercise when under the weather.  There's the expression, "If it's in your head, go ahead.  If it's in your chest, it's best to rest."  But honestly, I say go with your gut.  If you have the energy and desire for a slow stroll, try it.  If you know you can't function for even 5 minutes, stay on the couch.  I've sometimes compromised by doing a shorter, less intense workout, just to stay moving in hopes of boosting wellness. Stress is an invisible force that's out to attack every system of our body. It wants to destroy you. In order to improve our immune system, we need to reduce our stress through self-care and stress management. Take time to say no, have sex, pray, cuddle pets, take a walk, and read a book. * Bathe.  A warm bath and/or a steamy shower will require energy, but if you can, it can bring comfort.  Speaking of steam, go ahead and get a humidifier running in the room where you're quarantined. * Elevate.  Use an extra pillow to assist drainage and ease a headache. * Eat.  If you have an appetite, typically bland foods are tolerable.  Just make sure you're not causing inflammation (like in the medicine example I shared).  The goal is so survive sickness with whatever you can keep down, but be aware that some foods with a lot of sugar / carbs / dairy can slow the healing process. * Elderberry.  Try to get your hands on locally made syrup if you can.  We start using lozanges the instant we feel "off" to try and prevent worsening. * Essential oils.  I am pretty ignorant about essential oils, to be honest, but many swear by them, so ask some friends in the know which ones to try. * Zarbee's.  I love this brand because their ingredients are healthy.  We use their Vitamin C drink mix, lozanges, and syrups at our house. * Vitamins & Minerals.  While there can be some different schools of thought here, I am a big fan of Vitamin D (more important than Vitamin C) which requires Vitamin K in order to absorb.  GET OUTSIDE MIDDAY for natural Vitamin D from the sun as well. I also like zinc (found in Zarbee's lozanges).  And I use 1 teaspoon of colloidal silver each day. * Pray.  Get others praying for you, since sometimes praying for yourself calls for too much energy. I really hope you're spared sickness this season!  But if symptoms show up, you're equipped to fight! Oh, and stock up BEFORE ailments arrive!  I try to grab these while at the drug store and/or on Amazon! What else would you add to the list?  I'd love to hear! Good luck!

  • try this secret workout!

    I've got a secret workout video to share with you today!  This is actually hidden on my Fit With Deb YouTube channel!  I never do this, so take advantage of this special gift! If you haven't yet subscribed to my FREE YouTube channel, head HERE and do that so you never miss a video! This workout is only 15 minutes of your day!  Be sure warm-up before starting, and cool down once you finish -- that way you have less chance of injury and soreness! 15-MINUTE TOTAL BODY WORKOUT VIDEO! YouTube Link: 3-5 minute warm-up. Each move is 60 seconds. Use 2 lighter/moderate weights and 1 heavy weight and a mat. Rest as needed throughout the workout. Complete 3 rounds: 1. KNEELING SNOW ANGEL 2. 1 LEG CALF RAISES (30 SECONDS EACH LEG) 3. ALTERNATING LEG CLIMBS 4. 5-3-1 SUMO SQUAT OPTIONAL FINISH: 1 MINUTE TRICEP DIPS 3-5 minute cool-down Sharing is caring, so share this with a friend who loves quick at-home workouts that build muscle while burning fat! Want more workouts?  Get a 7-day FREE trial in my Fit + Fresh Membership right now!  Access the entire workout vault right now!   Head HERE for all the FREE workouts!

  • No one has to know…

    Wow do I have something special (and super delicious) for you! ​ This may even become one of your new favorite recipes. ​ This new brownie recipe is decadent and delicious – and it also happens to be dairy-free, gluten-free, AND packed with fiber! ​ AND it’s super simple and easy to throw together. ​ If you make these and plan to share them with others, I’d wait to drop the healthy ingredient info on them till AFTER they take a bite. ​ You’ll probably get a lot more takers. (But you might not want that, after you give them a try yourself!) Vegan Black Bean Brownies 1 15-oz can  black beans, rinsed & drained (don't freak out) ​ 2 tbsp Crave powder ​ ½ cup gluten-free quick oats ​ ½ tsp Himalayan salt ​ ½ cup ChocZero maple syrup or honey substitute ​ ⅓ cup nut butter ​ 2 tsp vanilla extract ​ ½ tsp baking powder ​ ⅔ cup Enjoy Life chocolate chips ​ Coconut oil (for greasing the pan) ​​ Preheat your oven to 350ºF. Prepare an 8x8-inch pan by greasing it with coconut oil. Place all of the ingredients EXCEPT CHIPS in a food processor. Blend until completely smooth. Stir in the chips. Scrape mixture into your prepared pan and place in the oven. Bake for 18-20 minutes before removing. Let sit for 10-15 minutes before cutting into 9 squares. These are so delish. If you keep them in the fridge they will stay nice & fudgy. Enjoy! PS: Are you ready to smash your fitness and nutrition goals in 2020?! There’s no need to have to “figure out what works.” I’ve worked with hundreds of women just like you to accomplish goals they never thought possible. You’re never alone- we’re in this together!! Check out Fit + Fresh right HERE!

  • 6 Recipes & 1 Workout!

    Because I adore you and want you to look and feel your best, enjoy 6 FREE recipes plus 1 FREE workout! This one-day menu takes you from breakfast to dessert, all without dairy or gluten or yucky ingredients that make you feel like garbage. This intense workout will boost your metabolism so you stay in fat-burning mode around the just a few minutes! BREAKFAST: CRUSTLESS VEGGIE QUICHE 1 tsp + 1 tbsp coconut oil 1 red onion, minced 2 cloves garlic, minced 4-5 cups chopped kale 1 cup diced tomato ¼ cup shredded carrots 5 eggs ¾ cup unsweetened almond milk ¼ cup chopped parsley 1. Preheat oven to 350. Grease a 9-inch pie dish with 1 teaspoon coconut oil. 2. Heat 1 tablespoon coconut oil in a skillet over medium heat; cook and stir onion and garlic in the hot oil until garlic is fragrant, 2 to 3 minutes. Add kale; cook, stirring occasionally, until kale is wilted, about 5 minutes. Stir tomato and carrots into kale mixture; cook for 5 more minutes. Remove skillet from heat. 3. Whisk eggs and almond milk together in a bowl. Stir kale mixture, and parsley into egg mixture; pour into the prepared pie dish. 4. Bake in the preheated oven until quiche is set in the middle and a knife inserted in the center comes out clean, about 50 minutes. Cool in pie dish for 2 to 3 minutes before slicing. SNACK: CANDIED PECANS ½ cup Swerve sweetener 1 tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp salt 1 egg white 1 Tbsp water 1 pound pecan halves 1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). 2. Mix Swerve, cinnamon, and salt together in a bowl. 3. Whisk egg white and water together in a separate bowl until frothy. Toss pecans in the egg white mixture. Mix Swerve/cinnamon/salt mixture into pecan mixture until pecans are evenly coated. Spread coated pecans onto a baking sheet. 4. Bake in the preheated oven, stirring every 15 minutes, until pecans are evenly browned, 1 hour. LUNCH: TURKEY RICE SOUP 4 cups low/no sodium chicken broth 1 c water ¼ tsp rosemary (optional) ¼ tsp black pepper 1 (10 oz) package frozen mixed vegetables 1 package of instant brown rice 2 c cooked turkey, chopped 2 (14.5 oz) cans diced tomatoes Any other seasonings you prefer 1. In a large pot, combine broth, water, rosemary, and black pepper. Bring to boil; stir in mixed vegetables, and rice. 2. Return to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and simmer 10-15 minutes or until vegetables and rice tender. Stir in turkey and tomatoes, heat through. Stir in black pepper. SNACK: PUMPKIN APPLE PIE PROTEIN SMOOTHIE 1 apple - peeled, cored, and chopped 2 tbsp water (approximately) 2/3 cup unsweetened vanilla-flavored almond milk 1 scoop vanilla Mom Fuel protein powder 1/4 cup pumpkin puree 1 tsp brown sugar 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice 1/8 tsp nutmeg 6 ice cubes Blend until smooth. DINNER: SPINACH SALAD ½ c dried cranberries 2 t Nature’s Hollow honey substitute (or use applesauce) 1 apple – peeled, cored and diced ½ red onion, minced 2 T lemon juice 1 t chili powder ½ t ground cinnamon 1 ½ c small baby spinach, torn into bite-sized pieces Mix everything but spinach in a large bowl. Let sit 20 minutes. Add spinach and toss to coat. DESSERT: FRUIT COBBLER ¾ c almond flour ¼ c swerve or stevia sweetener 1 tsp baking powder ¾ c non-dairy milk 2 cups of fresh sliced fruit of choice 1 tsp swerve or stevia sweetener 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Spray cooking spray on an 8 inch square pan. 3. Whisk almond flour, ¼ cup of swerve/stevia and baking powder in a small bowl. Add non-dairy milk; whisk to form a smooth batter. Pour batter into pan, then scatter fruit over batter. Sprinkle with teaspoon of swerve/stevia. 4. Bake until batter browns and fruit bubbles, 50-60 minutes. Serve warm or at room temperature. Try this heavy leg workout for 20 minutes, using 2 challenging dumbbells: · 12 squats with overhead shoulder presses · 12 walking lunges (each leg) (hold weights by shoulders) · 12 squat jumps (without weights) · 12 deadlifts · Repeat for 20 minutes, resting as needed Want more RECIPES & WORKOUTS? Head HERE! #workout #fit #sweat #cobbler #recipes #salad #smoothie #soup #pecans #quiche

  • Protein-Packed Hot Cocoa

    It's cold and you love chocolate. So let's get right to this yummy (and healthy) recipe. And be on the lookout for AMAZING dessert recipes! And you're welcome for skipping the Pinterest-type novel that usually precedes recipes. Ha! PROTEIN-PACKED HOT COCOA (makes 1 serving) 1 ½ cups water 1 cup unsweetened dairy-free milk 1 scoop Momsanity Mom Fuel chocolate protein powder (from Amazon) 2 scoops CRAVE cocoa (from Amazon) 1/4 tsp vanilla extract Combine the water and milk. Microwave for 3-4 minutes until piping hot. Add the protein powder and whisk/blend well until all combined. Add the CRAVE and vanilla extract and whisk/blend well until completely incorporated. Serve hot! #cocoa #chocolate #crave #protein

  • Is This Your #1 Struggle Too?

    This hurts my heart to write. I've sighed so deeply before putting my hands to the keyboard. I feel so privileged to peek into the lives of so many women. Whether it's in my challenge group, my one-on-one clients, or messages, I am honored to get to know you and how your life is going. I have cried over words you've shared. I laugh at your fun stories. I ​​​​smile when you share victories. I am IN THIS with you and for you. I know life is not easy and you face many struggles. I am typically on my soap box preaching about fitness and nutrition, because those are key players in our wellness. And most women tell me that eating healthy is far harder than exercising. ​ But I think there's actually a much larger struggle at hand. I don't think salads are squats need to be the #1 priority for you. And maybe that sounds odd, or maybe it's a relief, I don't know. ​​​​​​​​​​What I'm hearing on repeat from you and hundredssss of other women is YOU ARE STRESSED OUT. ​ You don't have enough hours in the day. Your demands are endless and you are spread thin. You face trials in every facet of life (finances, health, family, work, etc). And you are often in survival mode. Because your world screams, "More! More! More!" and slowly your sanity chips away. You don't get enough sleep. Your workouts are inconsistent. Stress eating is the norm. You're unsure when you can relax. THIS IS NOT OKAY. Because you are a big deal. And stress is an invisible villain that's out to kill you. Literally. Stress becomes the urgent siren in your day that drowns out the need to take care of yourself. And so you, yet again, get placed on the back burner. "I guess I'll workout tomorrow." "Maybe I'll get groceries this weekend." "Schedule a massage? What a joke! When do I have time for THAT?!" THIS IS NOT OKAY. You matter too much. You are important. Self care is not a selfish luxury. Self care is a necessity. When you can decompress and happily exhale, THIS is when optimal health happens. When you can paint the furniture or sew that blanket or read on the porch, THIS is when your wellness unfolds. I'm begging you, pleading really, to enforce boundaries in your day-to-day life. PLEASE. Because even if you're eating broccoli and planking on the regular, yet pretending that self-care​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ is optional, your body won't yield the results you crave. And your health will suffer. Today I challenge you to implement a plan: >>> ​Sketch out what makes you happy, what helps you de-stress, what pushes back against life's demands. >>> ​And then I want you to schedule them as cannot-miss appointments. This will mean you have to say no to other people and other tasks. But it also means that you will truly thrive.​​ Let me help you in your pursuit of refreshment! Send me a message and let's nail down a plan! #selfcare #stress #relax #decompress #thrive

  • Calorie Counting is Ludicrous

    I used to exercise at the gym, dying a thousand deaths, and laser focus on the number of calories burned (according to the machine I was on). And I knew that lifting weights would cause me to burn calories long after the workout ended. When my sweat session ended, I'd get in my car, excited to be a fat-burning maniac, and steer my car into a drive-thru. Not every time, but a lot of the time. Because I just "knew" that I would burn off whatever I ate or drank (Starbucks mochas and McDonald's cheeseburgers mostly). They'd magically evaporate and I would end up with a rocking body. Have you seen the shirts, "I run because I love cupcakes"? It's funny, but it's also jacked up on some level. Do you ever convince yourself that you can "work off" the naughty foods you ate? When we buy into the lie, it turns exercise into a form of punishment. So let's break down the calorie conundrum. First of all, calories = fuel & energy. Calories are little messengers that carry pieces of information. So why don't we count calories in the here and now? Calorie counting leads to short-term success. It's like a band-aid when surgery is needed. Calorie counting will cause your body to revolt with MORE hunger and a SLOWER metabolism. Calorie counting will make you obsessed, thinking about food constantly. It's time-consuming to measure, count, and analyze. We end up in self-imposed prison. Calorie counting is all about rules, and ignoring what your body is trying to tell you it needs. Calorie counting leads to misery because you're restricted. That restrictive misery leads to a future binge (or binges). Having a damaged relationship with food results. Calorie counting is imprecise. Even the labels on food products isn't exact (which blows my mind). That means that 2 scientists could disagree on how many calories are in the same apple. Calorie counting can't discriminate. All calories are not equal. We've got minerals, proteins, vitamins, and fats to consider.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Calorie counting negatively impacts your mood, energy, cravings, libido, hormones, and skin​​. Sigh. Let's leave the 1983 calorie-counting nonsense in the past and focus on the better way. Just like I prefer a tape measure over a scale, let's stop tallying points and numbers and do this instead: >> Listen to your body. >> Trust yourself. >> Experiment. >> Reduce junk food. >> Swap processed foods for wholesome foods God grows. >> Eat a variety of proteins, fats, vegetables, fruits, and carbs. >> Lower your stress. >> Get more sleep. >> Remember that food is simply information. >> Splurge sometimes. >> Love your body. >> Focus on nourishment. >> Take the lifestyle one day at a time.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Want the easy way to simply enjoy tasty foods and lose fat? Check out my Fit + Fresh Membership, where there's no calorie counting! Get 7 days free by clicking HERE! #calorie

  • A Story About My Son

    I love being able to work from home. I can grab coffee and lunch quickly. I can watch TV in the middle of the day if I want. I can enjoy my dogs beside me as I blast techno music. Today, as I clicked away on the keyboard for hourssss, my firstborn was in the home office with me and, to be honest, I needed some space. I said, "Hey, why don't you go downstairs and workout in the basement?" We have a giant mirror and tons of weights and such. Long story shorter, he said, "Nah, it doesn't really work." Oh, blessed teenager, do tell. "Exercise didn't work for you, is that what you're saying?" He proceeds to tell me that he worked out for a "couple weeks" but never got sore or muscular. I stopped everything I was doing and said, "You gave it 2 weeks and that's it?! Two weeks is the blink of an eye, man. That's not enough time. And I'm not sure those 2 weeks involved substantial workouts either. Oh and by the way, soreness is random so that's irrelevant." I love this child and I know he's so much like me. Like all of us. We want results YESTERDAY. How cool would it be if we could eat a salad and drop a pant size, yes? Wouldn't it be amazing to finish a 20 minute workout and have our bat wing arms tight and toned? Being healthy / fit / trim / lean / strong -- it's a game of patience. That part kind of sucks, I know. Two weeks of good choices does count, but 21 days does NOT make a habit. We have to be consistent and patient, trusting the process. In case you are feeling frustrated that your healthy choices aren't working, hang in there. Results will come, but they will always seem tardy. You're doing a great job, so stay the course and take it one day at a time. Do not give up! Do not buy into the "all or nothing" formula for failure!!!! Do 2-4 workouts a week. Repeat. Eat a bunch of plants and protein. Repeat. Drink water. Repeat. Get sleep. Repeat. Eat a handful of M&M's like I did before typing this email to you. You can do hard things. Your disciplines can become second-nature habits that bring you all the successful results you crave. I'm cheering for you from the sidelines! If you're feeling stuck or like you're wandering aimlessly with food or fitness, let's talk. I'd love to chat on the phone or message with you about turning your frustrations into victories! Just email me! #expectation #workout #patience #progress #consistency #exercise #strong #cleanse #results #success

  • Thin Thigh Program

    "My sister in law just asked how my thighs got so skinny!!!! That made my day!!!" --C.C. * Be honest. When you look in the mirror, are your eyes immediately drawn to your saddlebags? * Do you cover up your thighs at all cost, especially during swimsuit season? * Do you lack lower body strength and it shows? * Do you wish there was a magic wand to just erase the extra inches from your bottom half? The thighs are quite a stubborn body part for women, largely because of hormones. Our bodies are designed for childbearing, so we have to be vigilant about showing those thighs who's boss. We can whip this trouble area into shape by activating those muscles in the inner thigh and outer thigh areas. When we stimulate those thigh muscles, we fight the stubborn fat, then enjoy lean, strong legs....and a more confident you! But we have to be both smart and strategic when taming our thighs. Remember the "Thigh Master" back in the day? Yeah, that's just not gonna cut it. Most women admit to the thighs being a problem area, so you are not alone. Most women aren't sure exactly how to win the battle of thunder thighs. The solution is not to take up running or to become a cardio queen. It's not about exercising longer or more often. We have to train our muscles in the proper way to improve our body's ratio of lean mass to fat mass. We want more lean muscle mass and a faster metabolism that naturally slims saddlebags and ends chub rub! I want you to feel confident about your legs, especially since it's the season of showing skin. Let's tone and tighten your thighs from the comfort of your own home! No gym membership needed. No fancy equipment required. No hour-long workouts allowed. We will effectively tame those thighs together so you look and feel your best! Back by popular demand, but only for a very limited time, I'm offering my Thin Thigh program! Enjoy access to 15 full-length Thin Thigh workout videos RIGHT NOW! You keep each of the 20-minute videos forever! Think of me as your on-demand trainer! Together we will specifically target the inner thigh and outer thigh area so that your clothes fit better and you feel incredible! No more embarrassment over thunder thighs or chub rub. No more wasted time on workouts that don't actually work. No more excuses. Your Thin Thigh Program starts right NOW. You exercise on YOUR schedule using the exclusive thigh-slimming workout videos. Just press "play" to lose stubborn thigh fat. These carefully crafted workouts are intense, yet perfect for all fitness levels (even if you HATE exercise). You'll quickly start noticing muscle definition and fat reduction so prepare to do a happy dance! These 15 secret YouTube workouts are valued at over $150. But RIGHT NOW you get all 15 videos for just $57! Hurry and save over $93 before it's too late! "Debbie, I can not thank you enough for such a great program! I love having you work out with me each morning, your motivation and humor kept me going strong when I would have otherwise quit. So here's a little of what I've gotten out of this program: I really tried to look at a this program as the beginning of a lifestyle change, not some program that I did for 28 days and then quit. Life happened in this month- birthdays, company, PMS, so some days I did really well, and other days I did ummmm... Less well. And honestly, I was skeptical that 28 days was enough time to do much of anything even if I was perfect. But I was so wrong! I started because I wanted my pants to fit, well enough that I might even wash and dry them again. And in my dreams, that cute pair of jeans that I didn't even bother bringing down from the attic last winter. And my stomach often hurt at night, so bonus if I could figure out what was going on there. My body feels completely different, night and day... I so badly want there to be some magic pill or short cut, but it's finally sinking in that this is a process and a lifelong journey, and one that is worthwhile for more reasons than just refusing to buy pants a size up. Besides the way I feel, I'm down 1.5 inches in my belly and another 1.5 in my hips. But hallelujah, my pants! They Have been fitting differently for a few weeks now, some are even loose, and I'm so close to the aforementioned cute jeans! Woo-hoo! Thank you thank you thank you!" --K.S. Hurry, this special offer is not permanent! #thigh #exercise #workout #health #program

  • 1 Fat-Fighting Metabolism Booster!

    ”By our early 40s, most of us are losing muscle mass, at a rate of about 5 percent a decade, with the decline often precipitating a long slide toward frailty and dependence.” (G. Reynolds, New York Times, 2019) By the time we're about 65 we start to lose strength at 30% per decade. Ummmm, ​​​​​crap. Chances are, you are in between these ages and your metabolism is about to plummet. Gaining 10 pounds during perimenopause is typical. ​ NONE OF THIS HAS TO APPLY TO YOU!!!! ​ That's the great news! Today you can stop losing muscle (and bone) and get stronger!​​​​ You have the power to boost your metabolism and fight fat! The magic formula = lift challenging weights. Notice I did not say cute 2 pound dumbbells. You are much stronger than that and have no time to waste. Lifting challenging weights is THE shortcut to a faster metabolism and a lean body!​​​​​​​ ​​ Here's why we HAVE to lift weights as we age: 1. To keep and boost bone density.​​​​ Bye, osteoporosis. 2. To keep and build muscle mass (and reduce fat). ​​Did you know that 2/3 of American women over age 75 cannot lift 10 pounds? 3. To reduce your risk for heart disease...the #1 killer of females. 4. To relieve back pain. Build muscles that support the spine and reduce the pressure, viola! 5. To prevent injury. ​​Stronger tendons and ligaments + flexibility and mobility and balance = no broken hip at the retirement center. 6. To be happy. Lifting weights releases happy and relaxing hormones...without pills. 7. To energize. Fight fatigue without caffeine or carbs and maybe go repave your driveway. 8. To sleep better. Lifting weights is work that creates an energy deficit so you fall asleep and stay asleep. 9. To ​​​​​​ boost your brain. You'll improve cognition, attention, creativity, productivity, and memory. It's never too late to start. Today is your day to get weights in your hands. Stay safe, stay challenged. And BE CONSISTENT!!!!!!! Start with once a week, then go for twice a week, and then maybe shoot for 3 days a week. You do not need to lift weights daily!!! If you're unsure how to do what, I'm here for you. I have created a workout s​​​​​​​​chedule for you, a guide on how to know what size weights to lift, and how to make sure you're in the fat-burning zone once you slip on the sports bra! And I have metabolism-boosted workout videos that fight fat in less than 20 minutes! Get started today...for FREE! ​​​ #40 #fatburn #weight #metabolism #weights #muscle

  • Sometimes I hate the fat-loss lifestyle

    In case you're under the illusion that I lust after celery and have to pry myself away from dumbbells, let me shed some light on reality. Yeah, I've been on my health journey for about 9 years now. And I don't make pasta casseroles every night anymore and I am okay smelling like sweat in public. But, you know what? Sometimes I hate the fat-loss lifestyle. I believe in it. I know it works. And I want you living it. But it often involves mental and physical pain. It can suck. ​ No one has a bigger bottom lip than this girl when I can't have chocolate cake. My child has wrestled a pack of M&M's out of my vice grip. My sons have taunted, "Mooommmmmm, you know you can't have Starbucks, remember? Don't pull into the drive-thru." My husband tried to oblige "Morning Debbie" who tells him sugar is banned from the house, only to get the stink eye when "Night Debbie" sees he's come home empty-handed. ​ It's hard, y'all. To die to self. To retrain taste buds. To watch others so freely lick icing off their fingers. And that's just the cravings. I don't "rise and grind." Just because the "sun's out" doesn't mean I am chomping at the bit to get those "guns out." Sometimes I just will myself to exercise. I give a mental pep rally as I start my warm-up. I even fold laundry to convince myself I'm too busy to workout. And while waking up sore is kind of rewarding, it also means that magnesium oil is needed and that I gotta schedule a deep massage to undo the tightness. I mean, my freaking hamstring has been nagging me for over 7 months! Right about now, you're wondering if I need an intervention or counseling. Or maybe you think, "Dang, Debbie, if it's not sustainable then you're doing it wrong" or "Ummmm, I never want to do your crappy programs." But here's the thing. Just because it's hard, doesn't mean it's bad. Just because it takes effort and willpower and even inconvenience doesn't negate the awesomeness. Being uncomfortable, stretched, refined....gosh, it's so worth it! No one only and always loves salads and squats, nor should you. I eat cupcakes. And pizza. And I sit on the couch with untouched weights at my feet. Just not every day. Because what is the alternative?! Going back to Lucky Charms and laziness? Gaining 20 pounds by summer? Hating my reflection? NO CHANCE. So when we know in advance that there are hills and valleys in this wellness journey, we don't freak out when the measuring tape isn't our best friend. When we are prepared for obstacles, we can grit our teeth and power through. No one can do it for you! And that is what makes the rewards so sweet! Because you discover strength you never realized. You challenge yourself. You slowly transform. It's worth it. I want you to know, it is worth it. It won't always be hard and it won't always be easy. Stay the course, veering off sometimes. Be consistent, except when you're occasionally not. And trust the process that will change your life. #realistic #lifestyle #cravings #workouts #suck

  • What are Rest-Based Workouts?

    Last week on vacation, I enjoyed exercising outdoors while each kid enjoyed hammock time. My oldest played Bob Marley on the giant speaker while I did squats, leg lifts, and calf raises. I just needed a timer and shoes. That's it. Outdoor workouts are awesome because we get fresh air and the breeze helps dry our sweat. While my timer is counting down the seconds to the finish line (my favorite part of any workout is the end, ha), I make sure to rest throughout. How often do you rest while exercising? If you're not resting, you actually may be working against yourself! A phrase coined by Metabolic Effect, "Rest-Based" Workouts simply means that you will rest as often as you need, for as long as you want, during a workout. In typical workouts, there are set intervals of work and rest. Unfortunately, this technique doesn’t cater to the individual. Maybe you need a rest earlier…or later. Maybe you need to rest for a longer time….or shorter. In order to get the maximum benefits of a fitness session, you want to make it to the end of the workout without running out of stamina too early (and without pacing throughout). Why do we rest: · To maintain the intensity & quality of a workout (and to avoid pacing yourself) · To reset the body, becoming able to push to the max again and again · To get real results · To avoid hating exercise in general · To feel in control of the workout · To stay safe, and prevent injury and overexertion “The more you rest, the harder you will push. The harder you push, the more you will have to rest.” As you workout, you want to feel hot, breathless, and burning. These signals will help determine when it’s time to pause and when it’s time to give full exertion. During workouts you will hear me say, “Push until you can’t do any more. Then rest until you can resume the workout. Be a quitter, a failure!” The goal is to give it your all, your best, while at work. Rest will be required to complete the workout. It’s a start-stop-start-stop pattern. Rest-based workouts are perfect for the ultra fit athlete as well as the newbie, because they’re individualized. Some people use a lot of short rests, while others will take fewer, longer rests. There is no structure to the rests. Resting more and more as a workout progresses means you are doing the workout RIGHT. If you never rest within a workout, you did not rise to your potential and avoided the challenge of lifting heavy and pushing hard. Get access to dozens of rest-based workouts right now by clicking HERE! #workout #fitness #fit #exercise #sweat #rest

  • Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Almonds

    You know what I hate about Pinterest recipes? Well, several things bother me. But don't you hate when you click on a recipe and the blogger spends 8 pages describing the tablecloth, trips to the farmers market, childhood memories, and how much she adores the way sunshine hits the cherries in the bowl? I am like GET TO THE FREAKING RECIPE! You are reading this because of the word "chocolate," so let's not wait a second longer to get to this healthy dessert recipe! Be sure to share this recipe with a chocolate loving friend, nkay? DARK CHOCOLATE SEA SALT ALMONDS INGREDIENTS: 6 oz Enjoy Life dairy-free dark chocolate chips 1 ½ cups almonds Himalayan salt or sea salt Swerve sweetener DIRECTIONS: 1. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Set aside. 2. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or (carefully!) use the microwave. For the microwave, place the chocolate in a medium heat-proof bowl. Melt in 30 second increments, stirring after each increment until completely melted and smooth. 3. Stir the almonds into the chocolate, making sure to coat each one. Using a dipping tool or a fork, lift the almonds out of the chocolate one by one or only a couple at a time (you don't want them all sticking together!), gently tap the tool/fork against the side of the bowl to release excess chocolate, and place onto prepared baking sheet. Repeat with remaining almonds. 4. Sprinkle almonds with a little salt and Swerve, then allow chocolate to completely set. (place the baking sheet in the refrigerator to speed it up) 5. Enjoy! Want more recipes that don't suck? Get FREE access right now, girl. Click HERE. #chocolate #almonds #recipe

  • The Dangers of Dairy

    Got milk? I hope not. It turns out that milk does NOT do a body good. Unfortunately, dairy is the MOST common food allergen we face (not the Epi-pen kind of allergic reaction). 75% of people are genetically unable to properly digest diary. I know, it’s your Ben & Jerry Buzz Kill. Let’s not confuse “dairy” with “calcium.” We need calcium but we do not need dairy. How can we get calcium without dairy? Easily. Calcium can be found in: Vegetables Fruits Non-dairy milk Nuts Seeds Beans Dairy, despite its reputation (thanks to clever marketing), may increase risk of bone fractures by 50% (especially hips). That means our osteoporosis-fighting will not be done with a tall glass of milk. Dairy may also increase the risk of MS as well as cancer (especially prostate and cervical cancers). That makes us think twice about dumping cheese on every dish we serve. Milk has this reputation for boosting athletic performance, but this is another false claim. No need for Muscle Milk or a post-workout milk/chocolate milk drink. Just drink water and maintain quality nutrition. Dairy, with its gross hormones and terrible antibiotics, can take credit for a host of other nasty side effects, like: Inflammation Weight-loss resistance Headaches Exhaustion Raised cholesterol Sinus problems Ear infections Type 1 diabetes Constipation Diarrhea Gas Bloating Acne Anemia in children I’m sorry to be Debbie Downer. I don’t get to eat yogurt now either. Now that we know the aftermath, what are some words to avoid as you play Dairy Detective? Casein / Caseinates Butter Buttermilk Cheese Cottage cheese Cream Whey Lactose (or words that start with "lact-") Milk Pudding Ice Cream Yogurt Want to know if you have a dairy sensitivity? Eliminate dairy (in all forms) for 3 weeks. Yes, you’ll cry. Then reintroduce it and see how you feel. I went 3 weeks dairy-free, then drank a Starbucks mocha (my now “ex boyfriend”) and my stomach was huge and I felt sick. You can start slow, if you’d rather, by reducing it and being aware of nutritional labels and ingredients. Often you’ll see the words, “contains milk.” That’s a big red flag. So simply begin by using LESS and wean yourself off of dairy products. They do make dairy-free cheese, coconut milk ice cream and yogurt, as well as non-dairy milks, dairy-free butter alternatives, etc. You’ll quickly notice how much better you look and feel! Here are more resources to check out: #milk #dairy #yogurt #cheese #health #nutrition #body

  • When You Don't Want to Workout

    Today I did not want to workout. I woke up dragging and unmotivated. I knew I *should* workout but the motivation was nonexistent. If you think I just live to sweat, it's a no. Most times I enjoy it and I see it as necessary as tooth brushing, but sometimes starting is the hardest part. Do you ever have those days (or weeks) where exercise seems like a burdensome chore? Here are 8 tips for making a workout happen when it's the last thing you wanna do (it worked for me this morning and my sweat is drying as I type): 1. Write down that you are going to exercise on your To Do list or calendar so that you can cross it off. Nothing is more satisfying than crossing off an accomplishment! 2. The night beforehand, set out everything you will need for the following day's workout. Getting started is usually the biggest challenge, so get your water bottle, mat, weights, hair tie, shoes, socks, and sports bra ready. Be sure to put these where they will be in your way as a visual reminder to get it done. 3. Find a motivating quote or Bible verse that inspires and encourages you. Have this on display in your house or as your phone's wallpaper. Sometimes we just need that little reminder. 4. Remember your WHY. WHY does working out even matter to you? Is it because you want to get leaner/stronger/confident? Maybe you want more energy or you want the pants to fit. This helps turn that light bulb back on and think, "Oh yeah, this is why I don't want to skip my workout." 5. Play music. Maybe you want to create a playlist or find your favorite station. Upbeat music will get you excited to move! 6. Give yourself permission to stop after 5 minutes. Mobility is everything, so the goal is to be active. If you want to quit after 5 minutes, walk away without regret. Chances are you'll stick it out for longer. 7. Reward yourself. Tell yourself, "If I workout, then _______." Incentive makes things fun! Maybe you'll read when you're done, or enjoy a hot bath, or paint your nails. 8. Text me. Having accountability is EVERYTHING. Going solo means it's so easy to justify skipping workout after workout. But knowing you have to tell someone you're doing it, and they are checking in to see if you are doing it, this is the game changer. You'll have more success with reaching your workout goal if I'm waiting for your text. You can click HERE for more information about that. So which one is helping you get that next workout in? Because the feeling of I DID IT is priceless and euphoric! #workout #motivation #accountability #reward #fitness

  • How to Get the Body You Crave

    Can I ask you a question? I have to pry, sorry. If I asked you, "Do you have the dream body you crave?" what would your answer be? If you're like most women, you'd start rattling off a list of your flaws and weaknesses, right? "I have cellulite." "I hate my calves." "My butt is huge." "My stretch marks are the worst." And on and on and on, right? While you may not feel the urge to grace the cover of a swimsuit magazine, do you just wish you could get closer to your dream body? You know, the one that is leaner, stronger, healthier, sexier? You are your worst critic. You already know this. What you see in the mirror is not what the rest of the world sees. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are valuable. You are sexy. But, you might not have the confidence you wish for. And you might wonder what sexy feels like. Do you lack the energy for day to day life? I'm a big fan of pants fitting. And muscle definition. And dancing naked at night. I think having your dream body is achievable. And it's easier than you think! Last year I read a book called "The One Thing," and it's amazing. So let me share how this book applies to your goal of having a dream body! If you want a dream body, you must do 2 things: 1. Write down your goals. "People who write their goals down are 39.5% more likely to succeed." Dang. Just by putting pen to paper you are more likely to get your dream body! But I want you to take it one step further. I want you to break that goal into action steps. Here's how the author explains the domino effect: "SOMEDAY GOAL: what’s the ONE thing I want to do someday? FIVE-YEAR GOAL: Based on my Someday Goal, what’s the ONE thing I can do in the next 5 years? ONE-YEAR GOAL: Based on my Five-Year Goal, what’s the ONE thing I can do in this year? MONTHLY GOAL: Based on my One-Year Goal, what’s the ONE thing I can do this month? WEEKLY GOAL: Based on my Monthly Goal, what’s the ONE thing I can do this week? DAILY GOAL: Based on my Weekly Goal, what’s the ONE thing I can do today? RIGHT NOW: Based on my Daily Goal, what’s the ONE thing I can do right now? Now all you need to do is knock each domino down until you’ve hit your Someday Goal." It makes sense, right? 2. Share your progress. "People who write their goals AND share their progress with people that they’ve chosen to hold them accountable, are 76.7% more likely to achieve them. Wowzers! Double your effectiveness. Share your goals + progress. Do it!!!" Write them down. Share with your accountability person. Your husband: NOT your accountability partner! Your best friend: NOT your accountability partner! Why? It's not their role. And let's be honest, they love you and will want to be on your side and never "hold you to the fire" because it feels bossy. They'll tell you it's okay to have wine every night if it makes you happy. They'll buy you candy on emotional days. Your loved ones are wonderful. But it puts them in an awkward position to try and keep you in line with your goals all the time. Can you imagine asking your friend to be your dentist?! Ha! To get that dream body: write down your big goals and the tiny steps it'll take to get there (starting TODAY not TOMORROW), and then choose your accountability partner for progress sharing! In case you didn't know, I offer one-on-one coaching! I love partnering with women who are serious about reaching their wellness goals! These are the women who crave success and get results! I'd love to start a conversation with you about starting accountability coaching in January! You can go ahead and claim your spot now to lock in 2018 prices. Consider this the best gift you could give yourself! Head HERE to schedule a 15-minute FREE consultation phone call with me before the spots are filled! Here's to ACHIEVING SUCCESS, hot stuff! #body #goals #energy #fit #progress

  • 1 Easy Way to Get Motivated!

    Motivation can be fleeting, here one day and gone the next, right? One day we feel motivated to do a workout, the next we just can't bear the thought. Or one day we eat a salad but the day after we just gotta have pizza. It can be like a roller coaster. We want to ____ (or at least we want to want to), but it can so easily lead to wishful thinking instead of action, right? Let’s learn how to break out of this fruitless cycle and finally stay motivated! On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being lowest, 10 being highest), how would you rank your current motivation level for being healthy? If you had to pick between fitness and nutrition, which do you wish you had more motivation for? You'll be far more successful if you start with one or the other, not both. Do you have your answer? Here's a concrete, practical solution to GETTING and STAYING motivated, whether it's for fitness or nutrition! In order to start your road to success you need FOCUS. But what exactly does that mean? It means you only need to focus on the next 5 steps, not the end goal. It's all about baby steps! For example, instead of saying, "I need to start exercising 5 days a week" (when you're currently never exercising) you could say, "I am going to workout Tuesday and Thursday this week and next week." Doesn't that sound less overwhelming and way more doable? Or maybe you're tempted to say, "I just have to start eating healthy foods daily and start doing meal prep," you could lift that burden and have a more specific and attainable goal, "I am going to fix a healthy breakfast every day this week. That's the only meal I'm going to target right now." Isn't that practical? My husband Jason often asks me when I'm overwhelmed, "Debbie, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Being "healthy" is a marathon and this lifestyle takes practice and patience. As long as we're making progress, THAT is perfection! When we can break goals into smaller pieces, we stay motivated and experience the joys of success! In case you're feeling pretty blah about sports bras and salads, I'd love to start a conversation with you and help you get jazzed about optimizing your health! Send me a message by clicking HERE and let's chat!

  • Try This Sweaty Workout!

    This is the prefect no-equipment-needed workout that will boost energy and fight cravings for you! Enjoy this quick yet intense fat-burning workout, right in your living room! This super sets style is 2 movements back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, so you get those muscles to fatigue. Hello, lean and tight body! Take rests as often as you need, for as long as you like. Rest means you're doing the workout properly. Don't pace yourself. Give it your all, then rest, then give it your all again. Set a timer for 5 minutes and alternate between the 2 moves until the 5 minutes ends. Then take a quick break, and set your 5-minute timer again for circuit #2. It's insane how hard a 10 minute workout can be! Be sure to share this with a friend who needs the challenge and accountability! And let me know when you've conquered this workout! I want to congratulate you! FIT WITH DEB 10 MINUTE FAT-BURNER ************************************************ 5 MINUTES: 5 SLOW TRICEP PUSH-UPS 5 FAST BURPEES (REPEAT) 5 MINUTES: 5 MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS (5 EACH LEG) 5 SQUAT JUMPS (REPEAT) #workout #challenge #fitness #fatburn

  • Cereal is toxic.

    I grew up on Lucky Charms, Raisin Bran, Grape Nuts, and Frosted Mini Wheat. What about you? What was your childhood cereal of choice? And if you know me at all, you know I fought my Lucky Charms addiction WELL into adulthood (and I had a bowl of it last month). So I have a question for you. And before you think I'm on a mission to judge and condemn, that's fake news. Do you or your kids eat cereal on the regular? My hand is raised. I'll be honest. Every Friday morning my kids eat cereal. See, I told you I'm not here to judge and condemn! Here's the problem. How often is cereal happening at your home? Once a week, once a day, once a month? I gotta shout from the rooftops (okay, the computer screen): CEREAL IS TOXIC. Cereal is one of the most highly processed foods on the planet. ​​ CEREAL. IS. NOT. FOOD. ​​ Cereal is a "food product" that's actually not fit for human consumption. Dang. It gets worse. Cereal is not only highly processed, it is a refined carbohydrate meal that is loaded with sugar. Yeah, even Kashi. How is cereal even MADE? They take grains and process them into a fine flour and cook. Then they mix this flour with sugar and water, forming a sludge. Then they shoot the soupy mess through a hole at a high temperature with lots of pressure (so it can shaped to look like cereal). This process strips the vitamins and nutrients, and it also affects the structure of the grains' proteins which makes it a toxic product that damages the nervous system and organs. Some cereals then get sprayed with oil and sugar and get synthetic vitamins added back in (which are toxic and incapable of being absorbed by the body). GROSS. Can you picture this process unfolding in a factory? Yet so many cereal companies market that box with clever wording about being healthy and wholesome. Listen, if you're actually healthy (like, say, an apple) no claims are needed. Check the label. Cereal is loaded with sugar which puts us at risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and even cancer. The sugar high leads to the sugar crash leads to cravings leads to overeating. And cereal's preservatives can lead to neurological issues, behavior problems, and cancer. Cereal's GMO's (think corn, soy, wheat) can contribute to allergies, digestive problems, liver problems, and fertility issues. ​​ All in the name of convenience. ​​ Cereal's fake dyes and fake flavors equal behavior problems, fatigue, headaches, and even the risk of cancer. Did you know cereal contains pesticides? Cereal was created for convenience. Because mornings are busy and chaotic. Because cooking is a chore. Because we don't want to induce our kid's tantrum. Because we are tired and lazy. Right? WHAT'S THE REAL-LIFE SOLUTION? 1. Start by reducing. Like I said, we haven't eliminated it from our pantry. Just eat less. ​ 2. Wake up 10 minutes earlier. Just 10. Don't click on Facebook and you're golden. Ten minutes can make quite the healthy breakfast. This week I made my kids an amazing berry protein smoothie in like 3 minutes. ​ 3. ​​​​​​​​​​​Make breakfast the night before. Maybe as you cook dinner, or as your kids clean dinner, or maybe before you head to bed. This week I started gingerbread oatmeal in the crockpot after I set my coffee pot for the morning. Yesterday my kids cut up fruit for me and I then baked Strawberry Apple Crumble while also roasting veggies in the oven. Easy. ​ 4. Organize. I almost used the word "plan" but knew it might make you freak out. Listen, before you think you are being bossed around and told to become a meal planner, I've already meal planned for you. Yeah, seriously. I have your breakfasts alllllll figured out already. They're as convenient and tasty as cereal, yet healthy and satisfying. ​ Here are this month's breakfasts (and, by the way, there are DOZENS more recipes to pick and choose from​​​): ​ Peanut Berry Smoothie Baked Bacon and Eggs Slow Cooker Gingerbread Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Blender Muffins Strawberry Apple Crumble Smoothie Parfait Frittata Baked Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Chocolate Protein Cookies, Blueberry Protein Pancakes Apple Vanilla Smoothie Baked Eggs in Avocados Pumpkin Souffle Strawberry Blender Muffins Bacon and Zucchini Nest Protein Smoothie Bowl Chorizo Egg Skillet Cherry Cobbler Paleo Biscuits Berry Oatmeal Muffins and a partridge in a pear tree ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I highly suggests you put down the spoon, milk, and Wheaties, and enjoy 7 days of FREE access to my Fit + Fresh Membership. Let's stop POISONING our kids, for crying out loud! Deal? Click HERE to check it all out! I'd love for you to share this with a busy friend who loves convenience but doesn't want to contaminate her kids. Thanks! #cereal #nutrition #recipes #convenience #toxic

  • Do you feel like a fitness failure?

    You may not know this, but in 2001 I married a P.E. teacher. He was super active, had played every sport since birth, and loved exercise. Opposites attract. That P.E. teacher married a super inactive, uncoordinated, sweat-hating girl. I never felt the urge to exercise. In my mind, some people liked being active and some didn't. I didn't. It felt like unfun torture​​​​. Fast forward several years to that girl with 4 kids​​ and mysteriously-shrinking pants. Suddenly exercise had to be put on the schedule, despite all the pouting in the world. How in the world did I go from loathing to loving exercise? One day at a time. I'm wondering if right now YOU feel like a fitness failure. Maybe you think, "I should exercise, but I don't want to." "I am too busy to workout today." "I'm tired and unmotivated, so maybe I'll do that sweat thing tomorrow." ​​And then you get down on yourself​​​​. "What is wrong with me? Why can't I just do it?" "Why am I so on again off again with working out? I keep falling off the wagon." "How do all those busy girls do it?" ​ What if it's all in your head? No, I'm not calling you a mental case, haha! What if your brain is the problem? Does the concept of "fitness" automatically make you feel like a failure? ​ Here are 3 important questions to redirect your thoughts about your activity level: 1. Am I optimistic?​​​​ Do I feel optimal health is impossible or possible? Am I telling myself that I'm always a failure in this area or that change is possible? Is exercise viewed as the enemy or a friend? How can I change my thought life from pessimism to optimism?​​​​ 2. Am I realistic? Do I have realistic expectations of myself or am I aiming for something unachievable/unnecessary? Do I allow imperfection or is perfection the standard?​​​​​ When looking at my current schedule, when could I actually exercise? Am I willing to start small and ease my way into a new routine? 3. ​​​​Am I excited? When I think about fitness, what emotions do I feel? Which activities seem fun, exciting, and challenging? What songs could I play to get pumped up about sweating?​​​ If I tell myself I can stop at 10 minutes, does that bring freedom and relief? Which quotes or Bible ​​​​verses inspire me to follow through with my intentions? You are not a failure. Period! You just might need to redirect your thoughts and make a few tweaks! How can I help you in your fitness journey? Send me a message by clicking here! #fitness #exercise #unmotivated #sweat #activity #optimistic #realistic #expectation #schedule #routine

  • 10 CRAVING CRUSHERS (that work):

    Here's the bad news: cravings. never. go. away. Honestly, I have cravings just about every day of the week. I've been "eating clean" for 8 YEARS and I still struggle with lusting after food. Sometimes I cave, most times I do not. Every time I'm about to give in, I remind myself of my goals. "Debbie, will this help you to lose fat or will it cause you to gain fat?" And so I tell myself, "Food is fuel, that's it." But it's a DAILY dying to self. It really is. It's hard and I am often waging war against temptation. What is your biggest craving? How do you handle it in the moment when there seems to be such urgency? There are times I rely on willpower and fight through it. But that is not enjoyable and I think it's not highly effective to feel deprived. Feeling deprived can intensify the craving and lead to future obsession which then leads to a binge. So over the past 8 years, I've learned some practical ways to defend myself from cravings and I want you to feel equally equipped! 10 CRAVING CRUSHERS (that work): 1. Stay hydrated. Dehydration convinces our brain that we're hungry. Yes, drinking water sounds boring, but it works. Drink a minimum of 8 cups a day (with a goal of 12 cups). 2. Use BCAA's. Branched Chain Amino Acids are a natural powder I add to my water jugs 3 times a day. Every single day. Our brains are the cause of our cravings. It involves dopamine, serotonin, acetycholine, and GABA. When our brains get cortisol (thanks, stress) out of whack, welcome to cravings. BCAA's are immediately absorbed into your body and regulate your blood sugar level. Since this magical potion balances your brain chemistry, your cravings naturally evaporate. Boom. 3. Eat right. Again, this sounds like such a lame solution, I know. But if you're nourishing your body with ample protein, fibrous vegetables, healthy fats, fruits, and complex carbs -- you will prevent out of control cravings. So make sure you're staying in front of hunger with a healthy menu. Unsure how to eat right? Check out my FRESH Menu, which is loaded with exactly what you need! 4. Gum. Often our mouth just wants to be busy, so gum is a brilliant way to trick our brains into thinking we are eating. It doesn't work for me, to be honest, but I have a client who swears by it, so it can't hurt to try! 5. Fruit. When my "need" for sugar is ridiculous, I'll grab fruit for a natural sweet fix. Pick whatever fruit(s) you love most! 6. Craving Cocoa. This is my chocolate solution all the time. It's a healthy way to get my chocolate fix without guilt or regret. It's healthy and dairy-free. When I need to keep my mouth busy for a while, I sip on homemade hot cocoa (blend 1 scoop Craving Cocoa with hot water for 1 minute). Now, when liquid ain't gonna cut it, I make homemade chocolate pudding (blend 1 scoop Craving Cocoa with 1/2 cup of nondairy milk for 1 minute then refrigerate for 30 minutes). It's delicious, for real! 7. Just a taste. You know what? There are moments when we just gotta say "yes." Do we need to inhale 8 donuts? No, but if one massive bite kicks the craving to the curb, then enjoy that massive bite and move on. 8. Make trail mix. Promise, it takes 60 seconds. This is a great sweet-and-salty solution. I just dump into a big Ziploc bag: Enjoy Life chocolate chips, my favorite nuts, my favorite seeds, some unsweetened coconut flakes, some gluten-free granola, and shake the bag to mix. You can even add some dried fruit (I detest dried fruit, but maybe you don't). 9. Go for convenience. This is the real world, and sometimes we don't have time to wait for homemade pudding to set. We need something quick, fast, and in a hurry! I always keep my pantry stocked with both protein bars (I like Dale's or No Cow brand) and Mom Fuel protein powder (I like both chocolate and vanilla). You can quickly unwrap the protein bar or quickly shake protein powder with water or nondairy milk. In seconds, the gotta-wanna-needa is soothed. 10. Enjoy a healthy dessert. Yeah, they exist and don't taste like cardboard. I have so many quick and easy recipes for cookies in my Fresh Membership menu vault that you (and your family) will love. The chocolate peanut butter cookies are amazing! We CAN break the cycle! We eat what we crave, and we crave what we eat. It's often just a matter of redirecting our brain and reminding ourselves, "I can eat anything I want. I am allowed to eat anything in the world. But, I'm choosing not to because I'll feel sick and remorseful and addicted." I want to hear from you! What's your favorite way to show cravings who's boss? Or maybe you have a question about something I suggested? Message me and let's start a conversation so you can get more distance from cravings and move toward control! #crave #cravings #dessert #sweet

  • How to Jump-Start Motivation!

    What are you currently SO unmotivated to do right now? Exercise? Eat right? Grocery shop? Cook? I'll be honest, I'm a pretty lazy person. I just want to sit around and deep couch sit as often as I can. It's usually cooking that is my least-motivated thing, BUT I know it's super duper important. I want you to think right now about ONE task you're not motivated to do, and might even dread, in the "health" area. Maybe it's exercising, cooking, meal prepping, grocery shopping, avoiding drive-thrus, whatever. Be specific (don't just say, for example, "I'm not motivated to be healthy," because that means absolutely nothing). Okay, got your one thing? Here are 5 ways to JUMP-START your MOTIVATION! And, by the way, motivation is a fleeting feeling, but that's not important right now. And let's think of this as easing your toes into a cold pool. This is basically the PREQUEL to your motivation (or, how to get motivated to get motivated). 1. Get Rest. That's right. Get enough sleep consistently. When you are well-rested, you will have more energy, clearer thinking, and (you guessed it) higher motivation. This costs zero dollars and is something that we love to do! Easy enough, right? 2. Help hormones. Huh? What I mean is this: eat right and exercise. Why? Because those help your hormones cooperate and you are energized, less stressed, less irritable, and (ding ding ding) more motivated! So if your goal is to grocery shop, you are more likely to grocery shop if you've been eating health foods instead of junk foods AND being active which boosts your mood and energy level. 3. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Be optimistic. When thinking about your ONE thing that currently lacks motivation, it's really important to shift your brain from negativity to positivity. Instead of thinking, "I hate squats. They are so hard. I'm so weak," we tell ourselves, "I am going to get my Brazilian butt today by squatting for just 5 minutes. I'm gonna feel so strong and empowered!" We must be intentional about what we are telling ourselves. What excites you? Which songs pump you up? Which Bible verses and quotes inspire you? Because I loathe grocery shopping, I often put in my headphones and blast my favorite music while filling my cart; instead of saying, "Gosh, I hate this chore," I say, "I can't wait to tune out the world and listen to techno while getting stuff that will nourish my family." 4. Ask why. Remember your ONE thing? Why is that important to get motivation for? Why does it matter? What are the benefits? If it's not meaningful, then you are less likely to get and stay motivated about it. I am not motivated to run. To me, it does not matter and it is not meaningful. So I would not say, "I want to be motivated to start running." Make sure your one thing isn't just another "I should _____." 5. Start small. I'm a fan of going at a snail's pace when beginning a new discipline. This prevents overwhelm and leads to a sustainable habit. If you want to start exercising, start with completing 1 workout a week for a month. Doesn't that feel less scary than going from zero to 4 workouts a week forever? To be motivated, let's set tiny goals with tiny action steps (and celebrate every inch of the way)! My husband often asks, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." I want to hear from you! Maybe your goal is in the fitness area. Maybe your goal is more in the nutrition realm. Did you know my Fit + Fresh Membership is just what you need? You have everything at your fingertips that will help motivation become discipline become habit! All you have to do is start! You can click here for all the details! And I'd love to hear what your ONE THING is (or any questions you have), so be sure to email me to start a conversation with me!​​​​​​​​ ​​​​ #motivation #energy #rest #meaningful

  • 6 Ways to Whittle Your Waist

    Muffin top, Mom Pooch, Belly Bulge, Spare tire. Busted can of biscuits. We all know the nicknames for an uncooperative waistline, right? So, what's the fix? Is there even a fix? Do we need to live on celery and do 100 crunches a day? Yes, yes you do. You are required to diet til you die, and do crunches in between bites of celery. It's the only way that works. Wink. But seriously, here's the bad news. There are a lot of causes to an untamed tummy and it's a tall order to put it all into one article that doesn't take you 45 minutes to read. So here's the quick and dirty summary, okay? The villains: * Hormones out of whack (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, etc) * Pregnancy (or pregnancies) * Age (wrinkles AND permanent bloat, yikes) * Stress (it stores fat) * Sleep-deprivation (more likely to overeat, lower self-control, less calorie burning, and missing that hormonal reset) * Genetics (what does your family tree look like?) * Lack of exercise or over-exercise (being sedentary or compulsively doing too much) * Nutrition (usually junk food) I know, I know. It's a really long, sad list. Let's see it more as a puzzle, with a lot of pieces. That makes it seem like a fun game to solve! Let's get to the good news. How do we shrink our stomach yesterday, right? Again, for the sake of time, here's the condensed version of 6 stomach shrinkers: The 6 heroes: * Balanced hormones (go see an integrative doctor)(we need our body to function in harmony) * Rest-based living (as we age, we need to rest more) * Sleep (consistent quality and quantity so we have self-control, stress reduction, hormonal reset, post-workout recovery, and weight loss) * Stress reduction (daily)(the higher the stress, the higher the demand for stress management) * Exercise properly (join my FIT membership to know exactly how to move for fat loss)(more is not better) * Nutrition (join my FRESH membership to know exactly when to eat what for fat loss)(this is the #1 way to change your waistline) Having a trim tummy is more than just vanity. It's prevention of disease and discomfort, so it's really important to start taking action now! Message me right now so we can start a conversation about how you can get healthier faster! #belly #tummy #waist #stomach #abs

  • 15 Ways to Save $$$ on Groceries

    My husband and I often joke about finding buried treasure one day so that we become instantly filthy rich. When that day comes, I'm going to get a yacht, a house on an island, weekly massages, and a chef! Until we become millionaires, we gotta live on a budget. And there is no reason that food should be a crazy high expense for us each month! I've uncovered a lot of ways to save cash every time you grab groceries​​​​! ​ ​​Here's a straight to the point list of 15 ways you can save big on groceries: 1. Buy generic instead of name brand. 2. Grow your own food. 3. Buy ingredients instead of pre-made meals.​​ 4. Remember that by buying healthy now you won't spend thousands on prescriptions later.​​ Some items are worth a few extra dollars. 5. ​​Learn which stores have lower prices. 6. Shop sales, and stockpile on staples. 7. Be careful with coupons. You may end up spending more or buying unnecessary items. 8. ​​​​​​Buy in bulk. ​ 9. Remember that home-cooked meals are cheaper than restaurant meals. 10. Buy frozen or canned foods if you want. 11. ​​​​​​Buy seasonal produce. Freeze extras for later. 12. Shop once a week instead of every few days. 13. Don't shop hungry. 14. Use my Fit + Fresh grocery list and stick to it! 15. Those with meal plans (like my Fit + Fresh Menu) save more compared to those who randomly grab a variety of foods. ​​ ​​ I wanna hear from YOU! What are your grocery shopping hacks? Send me an email so I can add to the list! Happy Shopping!​​​​ #groceries #food #menu #healthy

  • 5 Yummy Recipes!

    You have a whole day of recipes all planned out for you! Are you pumped or what??? Enjoy each meal! SMOOTHIE PARFAIT! 1 cup nondairy milk 1 scoop Mom Fuel vanilla protein powder 1 cup ice 1/4 cup fresh strawberries, diced 1/4 cup fresh blueberries Blend nondairy milk, Mom Fuel, and ice until smooth. In a large cup, pour a little smoothie, then add a layer of diced strawberries, pour a little smoothie, then add a layer of blueberries, and repeat. Makes 1 serving CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES! 1 cup peanut butter 1 large egg 1/3 cup Nature's Hollow honey alternative (on Amazon) 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 cup Enjoy Life dairy-free chocolate chips Parchment paper 1. Preheat oven to 350. 2. Cover a cookie tray with parchment paper. 3. In a large mixing bowl whisk together the peanut butter, egg, "honey" - microwave 15-30 seconds if needed- and vanilla extract. Whisk to combine. 4. Add the cocoa powder, baking soda, chocolate chips and combine with a spatula until it forms a consistent shiny cookie dough ball. 5. Shape 12 cookie balls with your hands. 6. Place each cookie balls on the prepared cookie sheet. Press slightly with your hands to flatten the balls as a cookie. 7. Bake for 10-12 minutes. The cookies should be soft and moist when removed from the oven. Makes 12 cookies. BACON SCALLION CHICKEN SALAD! 1 lb rotisserie chicken, cut in pieces 8 oz bacon crumbles (real bacon, not turkey) ½ cup avocado, paleo mayo or Vegenaise mayo 2 scallions (green onions), thinly sliced ½ tsp garlic powder – optional Bibb or Romaine lettuce 1. In a large bowl, add chicken pieces. Sprinkle the chicken with garlic powder (if using), then add bacon crumbles, sliced onions, and mayo. Mix fully to combine. 2. Cover bowl and refrigerate until chilled. 3. Serve cold in lettuce "boats" as lettuce wraps. Makes 3 servings. TRAIL MIX! Your favorite nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, etc) Unsweetened coconut shavings Gluten-free granola Enjoy Life dairy-free chocolate chunks Your favorite seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, pine nuts, etc) Dump everything into a big plastic storage bag. Seal bag and shake to combine. KABOBS! Skewers (presoak in water for 30 minutes to prevent burning on grill) 1-2 lbs meat, cut in big chunks – pork / chicken / shrimp / steak 1 red onion, cut into large pieces 3 roma tomatoes, cut into large chunks 3 bell peppers, cut into large slices – red / yellow / orange / green 1 squash, cut in large slices 1 zucchini, cut in large slices Mrs Dash seasoning – "chicken" or "steak" or any flavor you prefer 1. Soak skewers in water for 30 minutes. 2. Place ingredients onto each skewer, alternating meat and veggies. 3. Sprinkle Mrs Dash over finished skewers. 4. Grill until meat is cooked through. Serves 4-8. CRAVING MORE RECIPES? THERE'S PLENTY WHERE THESE CAME FROM! ENJOY MY FIT + FRESH MEMBERSHIP FOR FREE! CLICK HERE FOR ACCESS! #recipes #kabob #trailmix #cookie #smoothie #parfait #chickensalad

  • Try This Quick Workout!

    I recently experienced a random blessing and had to tell you about it. My husband Jason and I decided we would workout together Saturday morning in our basement. This is a big deal to me, because I love being with him, and there's something sexy about watching my man lift heavy things and sweat. Just sayin'. As we were lacing up our shoes and mixing up BCAA's, some of the kids were swarming around and I casually said, "If any of y'all want to come workout, you can!" Please know that my kids are still small so they don't lift heavy weights or do anything hard-core. It's more of a hangout and doing a few bodyweight moves. I am not raising Bodybuilder Kids, don't you worry. Anyway, I was so surprised in the basement when I saw one kid, then another, then another! They were ready to be fit like the grownups! How adorable, right? My heart melted. Sometimes we wonder if all that modeling and preaching pays off, don't we? My husband so patiently let his workout get repeated constantly so he could show the boys how to have good form and which moves to try. I basically fell more in love with the guy. I selfishly wanted to get my workout over and done with, and was not welcoming a lot of interruptions (just being honest). We all finished and I told everyone how awesome they were and how impressed I was (I was panting and dripping sweat in pajamas). I want YOU to know how awesome YOU are! I'm including a body weight only workout that will take 15 minutes of your busy day. It's just 1% of your day! Go ahead, invite your loved ones to join you (see who can do the most reps)! Feel free to share this workout on social media when you're done and tag @FitWithDeb in it so I can virtually high-five you! Want more amazing workouts to conquer? My FIT + FRESH MEMBERSHIP has an entire workout vault waiting for you! You get a 7-day FREE trial because it's that fantastic! Click HERE for more info! FIT WITH DEB 15 MINUTE FAT MELTER: ************************* 1 MIN BICYCLE CRUNCHES 1 MIN TRICEP DIPS 1 MIN MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS 1 MIN SQUAT JUMPS 1 MIN JUMPING LUNGES (REPEAT) #exercise #workout #fitness #family #fit

  • My Beach Binge

    My husband and I surprised the 4 kids with a trip to Myrtle Beach for Memorial Day Weekend (we kept it a secret for months)! I love traveling, and I love being at the beach, don't you? We spent 4 days and 4 nights lounging in the sun, jumping waves, and sleeping in. One day I'd love to move to an island. In case you think i nibble on lettuce leaves while sunbathing, that would be a big fat no. Life is short, and I use vacations as a time to practice grace upon grace. It's about moderation, not deprivation. And I am a work in progress who still enjoys junk on occasion. Want to know what I devoured one day? You know, because I’m a fitness-and-nutrition freak. Try and keep up, nkay? Chips and queso 1 Smirnoff Ice (think wine cooler) 3 margaritas (they were tiny, promise) Taco salad with cheese (ate half the shell) A huge cookie sandwich (2 chocolate chip cookies with a melted chocolate bar in the middle) That was just dinner. Lunch was, my goodness, from Taco Bell (road trip):I ordered their power bowl which has some healthy elements to it. I even had sour cream and cheese on this massive protein salad (gasp). Breakfast was a monster omelet with all the meats and all the veggies. And a biscuit with butter. So it was a stellar day of eating perfectly, clearly. I will not wallow in guilt, shame, and regret. And neither should you! In case you’ve blown it lately with food, you’re never too far gone. Today has grace upon grace. In case you're not really sure what to eat to quit blowing it with food, I have a bunch of easy, simple recipes that will keep you happily on track! Don't worry, I've included a weekly cheat meal so that you can splurge with your favorite indulgences! Check out all the yummy goodness HERE. #beach #binge #nutritin #eat #shame #grace #regret #TacoBell

  • A Cool Trick That Helps My Cravings (and Marriage)!

    In case you didn't know, I was widowed in 2012. It's as tough as you imagine. What an unexpected gift to have remarried a few years ago. I never expected to be married twice, but I certainly don't take marriage for granted! Love is a beautiful thing. It's really important for me to be faithful within my marriage. Duh, of course. It's a big deal. I want my marriage to be fruitful and protected. I never want even a remote hint of flirting or cheating. For me, it's not even okay to study guys. What does this have to do with fitness or nutrition?!? Just hang tight. Here's a cool trick that helps my marriage that I had to share. Let's say I'm driving down the road and see a guy running down the sidewalk. Because I have eyes, I can tell he's shirtless and probably looks attractive. Here's what I will not do. I will not look twice at him. What I tell myself is "Eyes down." I don't want to entertain thoughts of, "Dang, look at that six pack!" I want to keep myself protected and safe from lusting after another man. So I remove the temptation....instead of pumpin' my breaks to stalk the hot guy. I feel happy and satisfied in my safe, insulated marriage. How does that apply to cravings?!? I use this exact same approach with my cravings. Here's what sucks. I love watching TV at night (any other fans of "The Office" out there?). What I don't love is alllllllllllllllll the commercials for food. Taco Bell. Doritos. Pizza. Ice cream. This is what the food industry is doing to us. They are tapping into our nightly cravings and forcing us to lust for Taco Bell, Doritos, pizza, and ice cream. It's easy to cave. We stay stuck in the cycle of cravings winning and us losing. So I take the same stance that I do on marriage. I don't want to look twice. I don't want to cheat on my man. I want to be faithful. I want to be loyal to my nutrition as well. I want to guard myself, knowing how human I am. Those chips....not worth it. EYES DOWN. I don't want to look twice. I don't want to ponder the taste of queso hitting my tongue. I don't want to be infatuated with donuts. I don't want Oreo obsession. And this applies to Pinterest (dang chocolate lava cakes). And this applies to Facebook (freakin potato cheese casseroles). And this applies to Instagram (seriously, with the beautifully lit cakes). Keep on scrolling. Don't look twice. Eyes down. This has dramatically reduced my cravings. Not even kidding. Temptations are so mental. I don't want to get busted with my hand in the cookie jar, whether we're talking marriage or nutrition. Because once we start, well, you know. What's your stance on cravings? Is there a feeling of obsession? Of being stuck? Do you overindulge consistently? Are you allowing a bite or two of what you crave? Do you restrict yourself and feel deprived? If you feel you're in this cycle of lusting after food and giving in, over and over, what can you do differently? I gotta be honest. Cravings can be the downfall of a well-intentioned diet. We don't meet our goals. We don't get results. We feel discouraged. Right? "If I could just get a handle on this, I would be successful!" I'd love to help you get some distance from cravings. I know how you can enjoy the freedom that comes from a monogamous relationship with food! You can be truly satisfied! Head here to for the simple solution! I can't wait for you to experience what you CAN enjoy! #cravings #marriage #temptation #membership

  • Are you a Slave to the Scale?

    I hear it week after week. Women who want to lose 5, 10, 20, 50 pounds. Are you one of them? I'm not judging you if you are, by the way. My question is this: why? Why do you want to lose 12 pounds? Would 11 be good enough? Would 13 be too many? What is so magical about the number you want to see on the scale? I want to challenge you to really do some heart work here and keep asking yourself WHY this number holds so much power. Does it go back to childhood? Did someone call you fat years ago and the hurt is still fresh? Is there an upcoming event that you're trying to slim down for? I think if we are really unfiltered in our answer, we want to feel sexy / pretty / confident / skinny. But why? For some, it's to have energy to play with grandkids. For others, it's to prevent diseases that run in the family. For some, it's to not be embarrassed at the next reunion. For some, a number is associated with arriving at true happiness. Just be honest in what your very real, very specific reason is. I hate the scale. It's a form of self-inflicted torture. Getting weighed at the doctor's office is awful. I don't want to know my number. I don't want it to have that kind of power over my mood. I think it's an outdated tool that should be tossed in the trash. Here are the facts about the scale: It only measures your relationship with gravity in that instant. It cannot differentiate between fat, water, muscle, or bone density. The scale cannot measure your endurance, flexibility, speed, or energy. It doesn't assess your beauty, sexiness, worth, or kindness. The scale cannot know your talent, humor, purpose, love, or potential. It can't offer joy or peace. It does not know your resilience, bravery, selflessness, perseverance, generosity, or wisdom. We gain a pound....we're failures and deserve punishment. We lose a pound...we celebrate for now, but know that it may return. Let's end that vicious cycle. I dare you, I challenge you, to put that device in the dumpster. I still want you to measure progress! I think there are many ways to assess if you're moving toward or away from your goals. * See how your clothes fit. * Use a tape measure to see the sizes of your various body parts. * Stand naked in front of a mirror. * Monitor your hunger, energy, and cravings. * Assess how much you stress and how much you sleep. * Rate your overall mood and self-care. These are indicators of success! Are you ready to say adios to the scale? Need help breaking up with this machine of torture? I'm here for you! Send me a message at today! #pounds #scale #weight #sexy #skinny #weighed #gravity #fat #measure #goals #stress #energy #success

  • 6 tricks to intensifying your next workout

    Let's be honest. Aren't there some workout moves that have become a little ho-hum lately? Maybe you're wondering how to spice up a plank or make lunges more challenging. Don't we want to get the most out of a workout AND enjoy it too? Here are 6 tricks to intensifying your next workout! 1. SNAIL. Let's take push-ups for example. Instead of repping them out one after another, I want you to slow down. It should take 2 breaths to get to the bottom of that push-up, and 2 breaths to rise back to the plank starting point. This is not easy, and your muscles will quiver! You will feel mentally challenged, so be sure you have your favorite music blaring. 2. RACE. We'll go with push-ups again. Without losing control and allowing your form to get sloppy, speed up the move. Go as fast as you can without getting stupid or hurt. You will be breathless and sweating in seconds, all while feeling like an Olympian! 3. HEFTY. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are. Congratulations. Now act like it. Try lifting heavier weights and challenge those muscles to grow. If you're currently using 10 pound dumbbells, get yourself to the store and buy 15 pound weights. Unlike the scale, this is when weight matters (it's not the amount you weigh, but the amount you lift, right?). By going heavy you'll illicit the hormonal response that signals to burn fat while building muscle. 4. BOUNDARIES. Want to feel that inner burn in your next workout? Change your range of motion. Instead of squatting alllll the way down and alllll the way back up, park it somewhere in the middle and pulse that squat. Ouch! Same with push-ups: go halfway down and just hold it like a really low plank. By keeping the muscles contracted, you are working hard to fast-forward results. 5. SOLITARY. If squats, deadlifts, and bicep curls all seem mundane in your workouts, there's a really quick adjustment that transforms. It's the power of ONE. Use just 1 leg for squats or deadlifts. Use just 1 arm for bicep curls or burpees. When we single out one limb at a time, it prevents typical compensation and forces that one arm or one leg to do the work. You will feel your muscle being sculpted. Get creative with using just one weight as well for overhead shoulder presses, lunges, and farmer's walks. 6. MINGLE. Let's shock the body by intermixing heart-pounding plyometrics within our next sweat session. Every other move is to be explosive and ultra active. For example, do 10 walking lunges, then 1 sprint, then hold a plank, then do 12 squat jumps, then do a wall sit, then run up a flight of stairs, then do front arm raises, then 12 burpees. We want those muscle fibers to twitch so that muscle growth occurs while fat disappears. So there are 6 new ways to take your workout to the next level! I encourage you to drink BCAA's before, during and after these workouts to have the endurance and stamina needed! #workout #exercise #intense #weight #challenge #slow #fast #rangeofmotion #plyometrics #pushups #burn #fat #muscle #body

  • I need a detox!

    I frequently hear, "Deb, I need a detox! What do you recommend?" Have you been there, feeling bloated and puffy from overdoing it? In case the rivers of queso have been raging, there is help! But, I'm gonna be honest. Detoxes and cleanses, well, they just don't work. Dangit. The lure of quick body change through detoxes or cleanses are all over the internet. They are often unsafe and can do more harm than good. Any weight loss from a detox diet is likely from water, carb stores, and intestinal bulk. This weight returns HOURS after the detox ends! Here are some problems with DETOXES and CLEANSES: Protein deficient (which inhibits the body’s ability to eliminate toxins, ironically) Extremely low calorie (a form of starvation) Blood sugar swings (which can make people weak and dizzy) GI tract dysfunction (digestion is slowed)(often it is veggie overload) Expensive (your wallet is what’s really cleansed) Not sustainable (it’s a diet) Time consuming (following a program of rigid rules or laborious juicing) Restrictive eating and deprivation (the natural consequence is overeating later on) Gallbladder trouble, kidney stones, headaches (from nitrates which cause vasodilation) Reduced effectiveness of the body’s NATURAL cleansing system The truth is, your BODY is designed to detox for you through your: Digestive tract Kidneys Skin Lungs Liver Lymphatic system Respiratory system The best plan is to consistently eat well, move often, and rest much. Want the exact plan I recommend to my clients for the next five days? Grab my FREE 5-Day Plan with complete workouts, meal plan and grocery lists here. #detox #cleanse #fiber #weight #protein #calorie #deprivation #digestive

  • The Best Workout For Women

    Are your workouts working for you? Are you getting the results you crave? Do you even know if the way you're exercising is effective or ineffective? And do men and women train the same? While I do love couple's workouts, it's important to know that men and women are so different, so the workouts need to be different. Did you know that women recover faster than men? Women are more resistant to fatigue and need less rests throughout a workout? Go, girls! What's the best workout for women? FULL BODY WORKOUTS. Unlike men who do "chest day," "leg day," "back day," we need to do full body workouts. That way, we use the maximum amount of muscle in the shortest amount of time (my Fit With Deb workouts are 20 minutes or less). When we train all the major muscle groups often, we stimulate that lean muscle growth! And when we do compound exercise moves, we increase the hormonal response and get, once again, that lean muscle growth! Bye, fat! Let's ignore the myth about muscle confusion, and pick 3-6 moves to do within each workout, and repeat a week's worth of workouts for a month. Sometimes, I crave variety and mix things up, but it's okay to get on autopilot and just repeat, repeat, repeat. As a side note, don't do the exact same workout day after day after day; it's ineffective. So when you're doing your workouts, think about exercise moves that use your entire body. For example, make a squat more involved by doing a squat then a bicep curl then an overhead shoulder press. Instead of a push-up, do a push-up and then row each arm. Let's get fatigued by really working our muscles. And for these full body workouts to really take effect, remember that we need enough sleep, we need to reduce our stress, and we need to take care of our nutrition. I did a Facebook Live on all of this ---> check it out HERE! Confused about how to workout and get results? Feel clueless about where to start? Send me a message and I'll help you get those results you crave! #exercise #workout #women #muscle #fat

  • FREE Fat-Blasting Workout Video

    Ready to workout with me? Originally filmed as a Facebook Live in my Fit With Deb Girls group, I decided to share this with you! Make sure you lift HEAVY enough's what make the workout move from "yeah it was kind of good" to "oh my word that was really challenging and I am sweating everywhere!" I followed the workout (which, by the way, includes warm-up and cool-down) with a yummy cherry protein smoothie to really get those muscles built! Here ya go, friend! 20 MINUTE FAT-BLASTER! Each move is 50 seconds. Complete 4 rounds. 1. WIDE SQUAT + UPRIGHT ROW 2. CLOSED STANCE SQUAT + PUNCHES 3. BURPEES OR WALK-DOWN PUSH-UPS 4. SIDE PLANK LEG CIRCLES (50 SECONDS EACH LEG) #workout #exercise #fitness #fatloss #video #YouTube

  • The Galaxy's Best Smoothie Recipe

    My kids hate ugly food. Aren't we all visual people who appreciate beauty? I'll be real, most of my protein smoothies rival the appearance of a diaper's contents. Eeeew. So I try to decorate my shakes to enhance them (and it's the veggies that make them look ugly). Do you know how to make a basic protein smoothie? I'm offering a Smoothie 101 course right here, right now! I'll walk you through the basic ingredients that blend into a work of art! HOW TO MAKE THE BEST PROTEIN SMOOTHIES IN THE GALAXY: 1. You need a non-ghetto blender. Your $14 score from Wal-Mart is likely not up for the challenge. Sorry to be dark-cloud-Debbie but you may need to invest in one that is more durable and better quality. (Here's what I use. The links included in this post may be affiliate links, but I only recommend what I use, and it's no extra cost to you!) 2. In your non-ghetto blender, start with a liquid base. Use 8-12 ounces. Do not use dairy or I will spank you; dairy/whey/casein/lactose harm your body in about 17 ways. Instead, let's use different liquids like: Water Unsweetened airy-free milk (almond, cashew, coconut, hemp, flax) Coffee Coconut water Freshly-squeezed juice 3. Add in 1 scoop of Mom Fuel protein powder. You're gonna need to be a protein powder snob because most options on the shelves are filled with total crap. When you consume junk, your body revolts against you and refuses to deliver the results you crave. You want a dairy-free option without artificial junk! Having a high protein, low carb protein without a scroll of gross ingredients is not negotiable. 4. Add in your favorite fruit. Whoa, don't be like Pinterest by adding in pounds of fruit. Yeah, it's God's candy but a little goes a long way. Use 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup. Measure it because you know you'll add "just a little extra" otherwise. This is going to add color and sweetness to your life! I typically use frozen fruit! Some family favorites are: Strawberries Blueberries Raspberries Mixed berries Peaches Bananas 5. It's time to take your vegetables. I pinky promise that you will NOT ever taste the veggies. Really really. Add a fistful of spinach or kale or frozen cauliflower! You're going to be healthy without even realizing it! If green smoothies make you feel green, use a black cup so you can't see the color. 6. Get creative! This is where your artistic side comes out and you can try different ingredients (they make pretty garnishes as well)! You can dramatically change the flavor and texture with these: Nut butter (or powdered peanut butter) Seeds Nuts Oats Coconut flakes Cacao/cocoa cinnamon nutmeg pumpkin pie spice BCAA's Extracts (vanilla, butter, coconut, peppermint, etc) Cake sprinkles for decoration (my kids' must-have) 7. Add ice if you like thick and chilled milkshakes! I usually don't have room left in my blender for ice, but it can even be thick enough to serve in a bowl like ice cream. Now just blend well. I start on low and blend for a minute, then blend on medium for a minute, then on high for a minute. I want no trace of stems or leaves! Now you have the perfect smoothie in your hand! Enjoy! Our Family's Go-To Smoothie: 1 cup unsweetened cashew milk 1 scoop Mom Fuel protein powder 1 handful frozen spinach 2 Tbsp powdered peanut butter 3/4 cup frozen strawberries I want to hear from you --> share your smoothie recipe! #smoothie #shake #fruit #momfuel #protein #recipe

  • FatLoss Fall: 6-Week Menu + Workout Plan

    Thanksgiving and Christmas. I hate to admit it, but they are coming at us fast and furious style. Rivers of gravy, pounds of potatoes, and dozens of homemade cookies are about to dive into your mouth over the next few weeks. Journey with me to December 31st, a land that rivals a haunted house more than a wonderland. You're writing out your New Year's Resolutions, which go a little something like this: Lose the holiday weight that snuck up on me. Stop eating junk food. Get back on track. Eat salads. Make time to meal plan. And prep. And cook. Drop a dress size in 2 weeks. What if your resolutions were actually fun, like: Sky dive. Learn sign language. Book a vacation. Decide if I want to wear shoulder-less shirts. What if you breezed through all the holiday madness and never gained a single pound? What if your body, gasp, actually got leaner and stronger during the busiest days of the year? What if you enjoyed more results, more food, and more energy? You are so busy planning out family gatherings, class parties, Christmas shopping....on top of everything else you juggle in life. Do you honestly have the time or desire to figure out every single meal you're going to eat? Do you even have the motivation to workout? WHERE IS THE EASY BUTTON?! Welcome to your FatLoss Fall 6-Week Menu + Workout Plan! I've mapped out the next 6 weeks of how to happily eat and joyfully move so that you finally lose the fat. "I feel so much lighter and leaner. I LOVE the workouts and have been dedicated to completing them. I have enjoyed the recipes and know I will reuse them. O and I am so glad that I cut out dairy! It really has made me feel good. Thanks for being so motivating and such an amazing inspiration. Not only as a coach but also as a wife! I love watching your videos and learning from you. It is a hard job being a Godly wife everyday with all of the distractions in our lives. You have really changed my perspectives on may things. And made me want to do better! Thank you!!!" --Erin You can end the yo-yo effect of gaining and losing and gaining weight. You can stop eating the same things over and over again. You can discover how to cook healthy meals that land on the table in minutes. You can exercise 3 days a week, just 20 minutes at a time, without hating life. You can get results. You can be stronger, healthier, and supported. "One of the things that I like best about this month has been getting me out of my cooking rut and learning new ideas." --Jenn I'm here to hold your hand from now until Christmas. We are going to soar through the holidays together! I've made a list, checked it twice, and can't wait to watch your confidence go through the freaking roof as you dine on delicious meals that fight fat and enjoy fast workouts that boost your metabolism into overdrive! "Down 1 1/2 inches in my waist. I think I was so bloated when I started from all the junk I had been putting in my body...always nice to see progress." Isn't Sarah awesome? Day 8, y'all. Beth shared, "Week 1 is over for me and FOUR pounds down!" 4 pounds is nearly the weight of a bag of sugar! THAT IS INCREDIBLE! Are you ready for 6 weeks of easy meals that are planned out for you and your family? They are delicious, dairy-free, low carb, and budget-friendly. Listen, my family is doing the 6 week plan alongside you and I refuse to waste my time cooking and I will not eat gross food. Oh, and your grocery lists are already made for you. Because I adore you. Staying on track is easy with your colorful calendar that has meals and workouts mapped out for you! Just stick it on the fridge, knowing you're armed with a plan! You'll see 5 days of recipes and the weekend to enjoy flexibility with your nutrition! Yep, you can eat pizza and cupcakes like I do every weekend! Is it time to have an exercise calendar handed to you so that all you have to do is press "PLAY" on a workout video? We're going to workout together for 20 minutes at a time, 3 days a week. You won't die, but your fat will. If you don't have a clue what's for dinner, there is a solution! If you need to exercise but don't really want to, there is a solution! Lindsay shared, "I literally feel like I've deflated! Everywhere. My skin looks better and I feel so much better." Summer said, "I have more energy and confidence. And my clothes fit better. Woot!" FatLoss Fall NUTRITION! Your family is going to wonder why it took you so long to whip up these delightfully delicious meals, like: Cashew Chicken, Banana Bread Smoothies, Pumpkin Chili, Blueberry Cobbler, Steak Fajitas, Apple Crisp, Spinach Pecan Salad, Coffee Cake Muffins, Bacon Scallion Chicken Salad, Sparkling Black Cherry Shakes, And SO MUCH MORE! You're crazy if you think any drive-thru or tired ol' spaghetti trumps these meals! It's time to enjoy eating WHILE LOSING FAT. I'm emailing you soon because Meal #1 starts in just a few days! Carri shared, "The inches-lost totals since I started my summer with Deb: 3 inches total arms, Small of Waist: 2 1/2, Lower Waist: 3 1/2, Hips: 3 1/2, Thigh: 2 total, Calves: 1 total.... Grand Total: 15 inches are GONE! I have more energy, patience, focus, drive, leveling out of moods, and experience less anxiety, My asthma isn't as bad, my skin is better, I cope with stress better, clothes fit and I am a size smaller.I am thrilled with the results of this program and the knowledge of the journey! Thank you, Deb!" Anna made me smile big when she posted, "Does anyone else just feel happier? I feel like I'm back in control. I actually look forward to meal prepping these meals and love the workouts. coworkers always want MY lunch." FatLoss Fall WORKOUTS! Santa is the only one with the big belly this year, nkay? You're getting 6 weeks of workouts that scream HI PRE-PREGNANCY WEIGHT! I know you're busy, so I've kept the workouts to only 20 minutes. That is 1% of your day. These full-length workout videos are done at home and they're the perfect challenge for every fitness level! It's all about results and you'll give thanks for short sweat sessions! I'm even going to throw in a Measurement Tracker for you to monitor your progress over our 6 weeks! I want your jaw to drop as you finally see inches drop forever. Jessica said (on day 10), "I've lost 2 inches in my waist too!" ----> You keep all FatLoss Fall workouts forever! ----> You keep your FatLoss FAll 6-week menu forever! ----> You're ready-to-print Grocery Shopping Lists are included to steamline your new lifestyle! ---> Your printable FatLoss Fall Calendar keeps you motivated and on track! ----> Oh, and we OF COURSE have a closed online community for coach interaction! You are NOT doing this alone! Get accountability, support, and encouragement for 6 weeks! Burning fat never tasted so good! But you've got to hurry. Your FatLoss Fall starts SOON! I'm emailing your workouts and menu in just a few days!!!! FatLoss Fall Workouts * 6 weeks of full-length workout videos that fight fat (plus a bonus Measurement Tracker) FatLoss Fall Menu * 6-week menu of easy Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Recipes that burn fat naturally * Weekday Menu with Weekend Flexibility! * 6 printable Grocery Shopping Lists * Calendar schedule of meals, workouts, and hydration reminders * Closed Facebook Group for Coach Interaction, Support, Encouragement and Motivation! Valued at over $700, you have forever access for just $149.97! But you have to hurry! The sale ends THIS Wednesday at midnight! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS START. Once you register, let's become Facebook Friends! Please send me a Friend Request so I can add you to our exclusive club (Debbie White Wilkins Baisden). Menu & Workout Program will be emailed and shared in our closed online group. Questions? I love 'em. Email me at My FatLoss fall program is currently closed. If you'd like to see what program we are currently on, see my Fit & Fresh program for how to begin. #workout #exercise #fitness #active #body #energy #fatloss #health

  • 11 Ways to Prepare Veggies So Your Husband Will Ask For More

    Vegetables should make up 50% of our nutrition. For real. Half of every meal should be veggies. Not getting enough? Don't cry, there is help on the way! Sometimes the reason we don't get enough greens is simply because we are bored with HOW they are prepared. So let's start getting creative with veggie cooking and get about 5 cups a day! 11 Ways to Prepare Vegetables: 1. Raw 2. Bake / Roast 3. Boil 4. Steam 5. Stir Fry 6. Saute 7. Grill 8. Stew 9. Microwave 10. Blend 11. Pickled ---> Be sure to click HERE for my VEGGIE VIDEO! What's your favorite method? Which one will you try today? #vegetables #grill #bake #microwave #veggies

  • 3 Hacks to Ignite Fat Loss

    Do you know the difference between WEIGHT LOSS and FAT LOSS? They are not the same and most diet programs focus on weight loss. The problem with WEIGHT loss is, it doesn't work long-term. Those who diet end up fatter 2 years later. Yuck. Weight loss focuses on calories, willpower, restriction, deprivation. It's a one-size-fits-all approach to eating less that is a form of self-inflicted torture. No thanks. Fat loss, on the other hand, is what we REALLY want! It's a hormone focused way of eating that removes fat but not muscle. Each person has their own unique fat loss formula and you know it's working when you have balanced hunger, energy and cravings. With a fat loss approach, you eat more and get lean. Scales are forbidden and there is no white-knuckling. It's a sustainable way to finally get lasting results. Let's end our focus on how many pounds we weigh and instead target losing fat! Here are 3 HACKS TO IGNITE FAT LOSS! 1. Eat more. It's counter-intuitive to eat more, but it's all about nourishing our bodies with a lot of the right foods! No, you don't get unlimited Twinkies, but you do avoid starvation! Eating foods rich in protein, fiber, and water will automatically send your body the information to burn fat instead of storing fat. Every bite you take is a piece of information! 2. Exercise less. Instead of spending an hour on the elliptical followed by a 60 minute fitness class at the gym, do LESS. More is not better and it won't fast-forward your results. What makes a dream body is actually exercising SMARTER in just 20 minutes. That's it. By working really hard for just 1.4% of your day, you will unleash fat-burning hormones! 3. Stop and rest. We live in a world of GO GO GO, but that stress is literally killing us. When we never stop to unwind and relax, we are setting ourselves up for failure. The bottom line is STRESS STORES FAT. So every time you overdo it in life and let work flood your life and burn the candle at both will harm your body. You will be your own obstacle with fat loss. Let's cook and exercise efficiently so that we have more time to decompress and do what we love in life. By the way have you seen my video on WEIGHT LOSS vs FAT LOSS? You can check it out HERE. This is crucial information to keep in mind: eating more, exercising less, and chilling out daily. But how do we actually make it work? Do you honestly have the time to map out all these meals of fiber, protein and water? Do you really have the time to figure out optimal workouts? Probably not. You have a lot going on in life, so I decided to do that for you! I've brought convenience your way! I've created 4 weeks of easy meals that are fat-loss focused! I've created and filmed 4 weeks of workouts that trim fat and bring results. Because your month is streamlined, you now have more time to play ball in the yard, or go for a walk with your family, or sit on your porch listening to birds. But the thing is, you have only a few hours left to take advantage of this offer. And then, friend, you are on your own. To meal plan, to figure out workouts, and to cross your fingers that stress will magically disappear. Head HERE to get all the details on igniting FAT LOSS! Let me know what questions you have! #fat #fatloss #weight #exercise #nutrition #rest #stress

  • FREE Core Workout

    When I ask women their #1 problem area, the answer is usually the BELLY. Clothes are uncomfortable, pregnancy has wrecked the body, and food is just too tempting. Is it your trouble spot too? Doesn't it frustrate you to no end?! I get it. And so I have a special gift just for you! Enjoy your FREE 20 minute CORE WORKOUT VIDEO! That's right, I'm going to workout alongside you for the next 20 minutes (don't worry, it doesn't feel like 20 minutes). You're going to love it! Make sure to warm up before and cool down after, okay? We are going to whittle your middle lightning fast! You can do this! Here's what you'll need: * water * workout mat * 2 heavy dumbbells * optional Momsanity Sliders * Ab Wheel Here's the 20 minute CORE workout (complete 4 rounds): 1. Plank Reach 2. Ab Wheel 3. Renegade Rows 4. Side Plank (both sides) 5. Body Saw Slide --------------> Just press PLAY and let's do THIS! #core #belly #tummy #abs #workout #video #waist

  • 3 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life with Exercise

    How's your sex life these days? Is it amazing? Okay? Nonexistent? Whatever your answer is, your sex life can get better! Wooohooo! Ready for the juicy details on how exercise is the fix? When you take care of yourself you have more confidence. When you are more confident, you feel sexy. Exercise is the perfect way to practice body care. You feel stronger and less saggy, so you're willing to have the lights on and clothes off with your spouse! If the idea of strutting your stuff in heels and pearls makes you panic, exercise can give you the boost to want to show that body! Sex has so many benefits to our lives, but we so easily forget that if encounters are infrequent. Sex reduces stress (and don't we all have way too much stress in our lives) and feels good too! So what's our assignment? Here are 3 ways to improve our sex life through exercise: 1. Stretch. Be sure to warm up before a workout, and don't forget to cool-down at the end. By stretching your body, you become more flexible, which is an asset in the bedroom. 2. Lift weights. Lifting challenging weights increases testosterone production. Don't panic, girls. You won't become beefy and bulky; you'll get leaner! And testosterone increases our sex drive! Weight-lifting also reduces our stress so that we have the mental space to even consider being intimate with our spouse. And as I mentioned before, sex reduces stress too! By getting stronger, we reduce our fatigue so that we no longer have the excuse of being "too tired" to get naked. Exercise energizes us so that we don't fall asleep on the couch at 8:30pm. 3. Vary your workouts. Do kegels to strengthen your 'love muscle' for more intense experiences under the sheets. Do upper body and core workouts since so much of "the act" involves your upper body. Try planks and push-ups! Do lower body workouts to assist thrusting (and looking fantastic naked). Go for the sexy moves like deadlifts, bridge dips, and wide squats. Do TABATA and high-intensity workouts. Not only will you enjoy the happy endorphin rush at the end, which makes you feel good, you will also improve your cardio stamina that is needed for horizontal dancing. Do a "couples workout" with your spouse, at home or the gym. Not only will you have a fun activity to enjoy together, you can hear those grunts and groans that remind you that sex is the most fun workout there is! Exercise increases blood flow which is always helpful. And there's a good chance that one workout will naturally lead to the next "workout." Sex doesn't have to be a chore to avoid, but rather another facet of your wellness journey! Check out the video I made about how to improve your sex life through exercise! #sex #intimacy #exercise #workout #fitness #strength #stress #fit

  • Lower Stress & Lose Weight

    I'm willing to bet a shiny nickel that you are STRESSED OUT! Your calendar is flooded, your days are beyond busy, and you are about to come unglued. Right? Stress is a killer. And it is an invisible force that causes our bodies to STORE FAT. But if we can't live on a deserted island with a chef, nanny, and such, what do we do? Counteract the crazy. If your stress is extreme, your de-stressing must be equally extreme. If your stress is low, your de-stressing can be minimal. Self-care cannot be a "once in a while" event! It is not a luxury! Here are some practical ways to take care of yourself amidst the chaos. Not only will you feel calmer, but your body will thank you by dropping inches! All of this is on video by clicking HERE! 1. Shut your eyes. Take a power nap. Head to bed 15 minutes early. Sleep in an extra 15 minutes. Do whatever it takes to rest your body and your brain. Your body craves this hormonal reset! Sleep is another invisible way to really practice self care with results! 2. Cuddle your pets. While watching a funny movie. Either and both are smart ways to reduce stress! Easy, right? Notice I did not say, "Watch TV" as the brain does not equate this with calming down (I still do it anyway), but there is something that chemically happens when we watch funny movies. 3. Move. Get a change of scenery and go for a walk. You can call a friend, listen to music, pray, or just have silence, all while enjoying a relaxing walk. Walking lowers cortisol and flattens your belly too. Lift weights for an intense stress-reducing workout and enjoy the burst of happy hormone aftermath! You will have a natural mood boost and achieve a toned body too! 4. Get naked. That's right, have sex. Instead of horrible domestic obligations like dishes and laundry, grab your spouse and have sex. It's a free way to relax that burns calories too! Life is too short to obsess about our figure. Let's prioritize taking care of our bodies by recharging regularly! Put it on your calendar that you cannot miss. Do whatever you enjoy that compensates for the craziness of life! So let's hear it! What is on this week's schedule for taking care of YOU? I can't wait to hear! #stress #selfcare #weight #weights #nap #exercise #sleep #walk

  • Work Your Entire Body in Only 6 Moves

    Have I got a TREAT for you! I am all about full-body workouts because I want my entire body to get stronger and leaner! Because we are all so busy, the most effective way to workout is to make our muscles multitask in the shortest amount of time! I created a workout that is a hybrid of 6 moves in one. Say whaaaaa? It's awesome. You will be sweating and smiling once you finish! The great thing is, you can modify the workout any way you want AND you can stop the video at the 5, 10, 15, or 20 minute mark! Seriously, after 5 minutes you will get a workout with IMPACT, I promise! You will need 2 moderate weights (do not pick the heaviest size you can lift as this requires endurance). Mix up some BCAA's for the workout and grab a workout mat. Then just press PLAY and get to work! It's a down-chain workout which takes a minute to get the hang of, but you will love the intensity and the challenge. Here's the basic layout: 1. Burpee 2. Push-Ups 3. Rows 4. Leg Lifts 5. Standing Bicep Curl 6. Standing Overhead Shoulder Press As with all my Fit With Deb workouts, warm up properly beforehand. And rest as often as you need for as long as you'd like throughout the workout, then cool down properly at the end. You must maintain perfect form every single move! I want to hear from you! What should the next Fit With Deb workout video be? #burpee #workout #exercise #weights #free #video #YouTube #fitness

  • My Stupid Back

    About 8 weeks ago I realized that I am officially a 40 year old. I finally get to use the line, "That time I threw my back out." I wish I could tell you it was doing something amazing. Like deadlifting a bunch of weight. Or skiing down a black diamond slope. Or cliff-diving into the Caribbean sea. I plugged in my phone. That's right, you heard me. Grandma Deb bent over to plug in her phone and froze. The pain I felt made me stop mid-sentence and whisper, "I am in pain" to my husband. Long, boring story short, I used stick-on heating pads and muscle relaxers like it was my job. And I made sure to remind my family of my ailments regularly. Hey, it got me out of doing a lot of chores, so there's that! The good news is, I got a lot of relief pretty quickly. The bad news is, I haven't healed yet. In case you're nursing a nagging injury as well, here are some tips on coping: * Rest. Yes, it's hard to be forced into the sedentary lifestyle, but remember it's just for a bit. You want to be careful and not aggravate the problem. Go ahead and turn on Netflix. * Modify. Stay active in new ways. If your ankle hurts, sit in a chair for your workout. If your wrist bothers you, do leg workouts with ankle weights. If your back hurts, do exercise moves where you are lying on the floor. * Get a massage (or foam roll) or do gentle stretching: if your body is up for it, consider some TLC in the form of massage. * See a pro. Decide if you need to call a therapist or doctor to get real relief for good. It's not cheap or fun, but feeling good is important. * Eat clean. This is your time to really improve your nutrition, which is the biggest part of body change anyway. Remove processed carbs, sugars, and dairy from your diet. * Sleep. Sleep aids the recovery process. And when you're unconscious you don't think about the pain. Oh, and sleep burns fat and assists weight loss. Let's hear what YOU do when injured yet want to be active! #injury #exercise #back #stretch #sleep

  • Fantasizing about Taco Bell

    It's ironic that my name is Debbie because I was raised on Little Debbie Snack Cakes. Growing up, my siblings and I each had our own color-coded Tupperware container to store our sugary treats. My love of sugar goes way back. I remember paying my mom 2 quarters to add Cool Whip to her grocery shopping list to have my very own tub to enjoy. I still love sugar. So before you start assuming that this is a How To Stop Eating Sugar info session, let me be clear that my roots run deep. I have yet to "arrive" with my nutrition. I suffer from temptation, emotional eating, and food lust. I like to think that all this keeps me humble. I know how to pose for pictures to appear slimmer and I try to dress to cover my flaws. I couldn't count how many selfies I've deleted. I have cellulite and stretch marks and areas of my body that I wish had less fat. I confess all this for two reasons: selfishly, it's therapeutic; and because I want you to know that I GET where you are. I know that we sigh when pants are too tight, that bathing suits reveal a winter body instead of a summer body, and that there is yet to be a magic pill. We hope that one day salads and water will be as satisfying as a candy bar and coke. Remember, all this keeps us humble. And human. Having been on my health journey for about 7 years now, I have learned a lot. Some of it in the "classroom" and even more on the "field trip." I know the power of food and the far more powerful emotions tied to it. I know that knowing and doing are not the same. I know that body change is hard and involves our hands and our hearts. I celebrate the small victories and encourage you to do the same. More water. More vegetables. More exercise. More sleep. Less stress. Less junk. Every bit of it counts. And the effects seem to snowball. 4 cups of water becomes 5. One serving of vegetables becomes two. A 10 minute walk becomes 13 minutes. Do I now buy Cool Whip? No. And I don't miss it. Do I fantasize about Taco Bell? Weekly. But I've learned to say "no" more often than "yes." Change IS possible. Check out my I AM AN ADDICT post about how I know that to be true. Keep encouraging yourself by remembering how far you've come. Yeah, you'll keep screwing up (I ate Lucky Charms last week), but there is no turning back. All this "health stuff" matters and your body is grateful, even if no one has offered you a swimsuit cover (yet). You're learning how strong you are, how empowering it can be to say "no" to a bread basket, and that every decision made to prevent disease is genius. So now I turn to you. If there was a hidden camera in your home, what #1 habit would stand out to you that you need help with? That's STEP 1. What is the ONE thing that you could start focusing on so that you experience change? And while we're on the topic of Y-O-U, how can I help you? What do you need? I'd love to have a conversation with you about it. I'm gonna go make a massive salad instead of hitting that drive-thru down the street. #salad #addict #change #strong

  • Buns & Guns

    Where are you vacationing this summer? If you are anything like me, you have a trip to the beach planned and weekly appointments at the neighborhood pool. You browse the racks at Target looking for the perfect suit only to sit poolside covered up and trying to walk without too much jiggling. Here’s the thing with summer. Doesn’t it feel busier than expected? Maybe your days have more chaos than order. With kids home all day long or spending your time shuttling them across the county to camps and friends and swim team, how many workouts are getting skipped? The sad truth is, when we get out of a good workout routine, well, we dread that freaking swimsuit even more. Tell me I’m lying. How ironic that this is the season when we wear the LEAST amount of clothes and do the LEAST amount of exercise! Do we honestly have the time to find a Pinterest workout? Do we really have the energy to go to the gym? I don’t want you to hate that swimsuit. I don’t want you wearing any cover-ups this summer. I want you to feel confident in that body. From all the woman I talk to, including my private clients, you’re not alone. Feeling awesome in a swimsuit is everyone’s goal, even if you don’t admit it aloud. Girl, the fix is easy. When we tighten and tone our stubborn problem areas, we feel empowered and strong and lean! Boom! Maybe your arms flap in the wind. Maybe your butt sags out of the swimsuit. What if 20 minutes a day became a magic wand to your body? I’ve unlocked the secret to helping women get those tank top arms and that Beyonce booty! I want to share that with you RIGHT NOW! There’s plenty of summer left, sexy pants, and all it takes is 20 minutes (that’s 1% of your day). I created my Buns & Guns Workouts for you to enjoy at home or on vacation. And you know what? They don’t suck to do AND they melt that back-of-the-arm flab while lifting that booty! Win-win! These workouts get your muscles to multitask so that you get the most results in the quickest amount of time. I love working out with you! Go ahead, girl, and wear pajamas to get it done! Let’s do this! I’m about to email you 18 Buns & Guns Workout Videos! That’s right, EIGHTEEN. No more body shaming or self-loathing. It’s time to fully enjoy summer! These quick workouts are perfect for all exercise levels and use a pair of dumbbells and a mat. But you gotta hurry. Because like vacation, my Buns & Guns Workouts are gonna be gone way too soon. This is a limited-time offer that you don't want to miss! Valued at over $300, I’m giving you forever access to my secret Buns & Guns Workout Videos for just $130! Say whaaaaaa?? Find out why one happy mama shared, " Buns and guns is no joke! My husband did it with me today. He said thanks for including him afterwards. He needed that. I admit I had to take a longer break than designated in between circuits." Click HERE if you’re ready to walk that sandy beach with confidence and stop hiding your body. Bye, booty sag. Bye, bat wings. Your Buns & Guns Workouts will be emailed to the address used at checkout. #buns #guns #glutes #booty #workout #arms #fitness

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