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Debbie Baisden

eating this does not make you fat

I saw the funniest meme this morning!  This guy is holding up a cardboard sign that reads, "Spoons made me fat" -- I was DYING laughing!

I grew up in the 1980's when errrrrrything was "fat-free."  The salad dressing, the yogurt, the ice cream, the crackers.  All fat-free because SURELY fat makes you fat, right?! The truth is, eating fat does NOT make us fat. The truth is that SUGAR makes us fat. (More on that below!) Your body NEEDS healthy fats to function properly. Like protein, fat helps keep you feeling full. It helps your body process vitamins and minerals, gives you glowing hair and skin, and provides vital energy. And yes, it’s true that it’s important not to eat TOO much healthy fats because by their nature, fats contain more calories per gram than carbs and protein. But that doesn’t make them bad. Healthy fats include things like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, ghee, animal fats (duck, beef, pork), omega 3’s (found in cold-water fish like salmon), etc. The “bad” kinds of fat you want to stay away from are trans fats. Trans fats were invented to give foods (mostly processed ones) a longer shelf life. Years ago, scientists discovered if they “hydrogenated” certain oils by adding hydrogen to them – basically turning a liquid oil into a solid fat (“transforming” them) – they wouldn’t spoil so quickly. Plus, it was cost-effective. Trans fats are found in many packaged foods – baked goods, donuts, pie crusts, cookies, crackers, margarine – and a lot of fried foods. Why does this matter?

● Trans fats increase the “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and decrease the “good” cholesterol (HDL) in your blood.

● They create inflammation, which can raise your risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and a host of other chronic conditions.

● Trans fats contribute to insulin resistance, which can raise your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

● And it doesn’t take much to cause problems: according to Harvard Health, for every 2% of calories from trans fats you eat daily, your risk of heart disease goes up by 23%.

Convinced yet? Check your food labels and if you see anything labeled “partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated,” get rid of it fast.

Omega 3’s and 6’s It’s also important to try to maintain a healthy balance of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids Some scientists estimate we now eat a diet that’s closer to a 12:1 ratio of omega 6 to omega 3. Guess what that unbalanced ratio leads to!? You guessed it…. INFLAMMATION. Omega 6 fatty acids tend to be found in refined vegetable oils like peanut oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, and corn oil (all of which, not surprisingly, are often found in processed foods). Not that you know what kinds of fat NOT to eat, let’s talk about why the right kinds of fat are GREAT for your body. Healthy fats are incredible for your body. They’re important for:

● Making hormones

● Brain health

● Heart health

● Energy levels

● Supporting your thyroid

● Strengthening your bones

● Boosting your immune system

● Reducing your risk for cancer

● Giving you healthy skin and hair

● And the list goes on as scientists learn more about how our body functions

This is why our Fit + Fresh Menu includes those healthy fats. We need those healthy “good” fats to look and feel our best. We don’t want to have this stuff by the gallon, but let’s not eliminate it from our daily nutrition. Healthy fats help our heart, energy, appetite, and bones. They balance our cholesterol and our blood sugar and our hormones. Healthy fats satisfy as they slow digestion. Our brains need fat. Fats give us energy and help us absorb vitamins. Oh, and fat tastes good. Be sure to treat yourself to a 7-day free trial of Fit + Fresh now!


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