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  • Debbie Baisden

I'm so sorry

A few years ago I was on the phone with a coaching client who said to me, "Debbie, what I really need is for you to come to my house and swat cookies out of my hand." We both laughed and I said, "I hear you.  I get it."

Have you ever thought that?  If only I just had someone to come over and keep me on track when I start to self-sabotage?  I'm so sorry that I can't come pull your hand out of the cookie jar. And I can't drag you out of bed at 4:30am to do that workout you promised yourself. Well, perhaps for the right price I actually could.  Hmmm.  I'm KIDDING!

But honestly, there's a lot that I CANNOT do for you, friend.

  • I can't control what you eat.

  • I can't make you consistent.

  • I can't make you want it badly enough to do what it takes.

  • I can't magic-wand your size.

  • I can't erase your emotional eating.

  • I can't force you to decide enough is enough.

I'm so sorry.  But take heart.  If I could do those things, you would actually miss out.

  • You would never discover your strength.

  • You wouldn't have the capacity to appreciate your journey.

  • You would not earn your results.

  • Your sweet, humble attitude that comes from striving could be replaced with self-righteous pride if you magically transformed overnight.

​​ I know it's not easy, day in and day out, but it is worth it!  YOU are worth it.

​​ Here's what I *can* do:

  • I can encourage you with nonstop support and accountability that propels you forward.

  • I can educate you with the latest research and proven experiences that transform your health.

  • I can provide the tools and resources that hold the power to change your life.

  • I can ​​​​​​​​help old habits disappear while new habits cement.

  • I can show you how to get lean, strong, confident, and on track.

And I've got amazing cookie recipes (that whittle the waist)! If you're ready for results, don't go at this alone.  Message me about how to get in the BEST shape of your life! ​​​​​​​


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