Thanksgiving and Christmas. I hate to admit it, but they are coming at us fast and furious style. Rivers of gravy, pounds of potatoes, and dozens of homemade cookies are about to dive into your mouth over the next few weeks.
Journey with me to December 31st, a land that rivals a haunted house more than a wonderland. You're writing out your New Year's Resolutions, which go a little something like this:
Lose the holiday weight that snuck up on me.
Stop eating junk food.
Get back on track.
Eat salads.
Make time to meal plan. And prep. And cook.
Drop a dress size in 2 weeks.
What if your resolutions were actually fun, like:
Sky dive.
Learn sign language.
Book a vacation.
Decide if I want to wear shoulder-less shirts.
What if you breezed through all the holiday madness and never gained a single pound? What if your body, gasp, actually got leaner and stronger during the busiest days of the year? What if you enjoyed more results, more food, and more energy?
You are so busy planning out family gatherings, class parties, Christmas shopping....on top of everything else you juggle in life. Do you honestly have the time or desire to figure out every single meal you're going to eat? Do you even have the motivation to workout? WHERE IS THE EASY BUTTON?!

Welcome to your FatLoss Fall 6-Week Menu + Workout Plan!
I've mapped out the next 6 weeks of how to happily eat and joyfully move so that you finally lose the fat.
"I feel so much lighter and leaner. I LOVE the workouts and have been dedicated to completing them. I have enjoyed the recipes and know I will reuse them. O and I am so glad that I cut out dairy! It really has made me feel good. Thanks for being so motivating and such an amazing inspiration. Not only as a coach but also as a wife! I love watching your videos and learning from you. It is a hard job being a Godly wife everyday with all of the distractions in our lives. You have really changed my perspectives on may things. And made me want to do better! Thank you!!!" --Erin
You can end the yo-yo effect of gaining and losing and gaining weight.
You can stop eating the same things over and over again.
You can discover how to cook healthy meals that land on the table in minutes.
You can exercise 3 days a week, just 20 minutes at a time, without hating life.
You can get results. You can be stronger, healthier, and supported.
"One of the things that I like best about this month has been getting me out of my cooking rut and learning new ideas." --Jenn
I'm here to hold your hand from now until Christmas. We are going to soar through the holidays together! I've made a list, checked it twice, and can't wait to watch your confidence go through the freaking roof as you dine on delicious meals that fight fat and enjoy fast workouts that boost your metabolism into overdrive!
"Down 1 1/2 inches in my waist. I think I was so bloated when I started from all the junk I had been putting in my body...always nice to see progress." Isn't Sarah awesome? Day 8, y'all.
Beth shared, "Week 1 is over for me and FOUR pounds down!" 4 pounds is nearly the weight of a bag of sugar! THAT IS INCREDIBLE!
Are you ready for 6 weeks of easy meals that are planned out for you and your family? They are delicious, dairy-free, low carb, and budget-friendly. Listen, my family is doing the 6 week plan alongside you and I refuse to waste my time cooking and I will not eat gross food. Oh, and your grocery lists are already made for you. Because I adore you.
Staying on track is easy with your colorful calendar that has meals and workouts mapped out for you! Just stick it on the fridge, knowing you're armed with a plan! You'll see 5 days of recipes and the weekend to enjoy flexibility with your nutrition! Yep, you can eat pizza and cupcakes like I do every weekend!
Is it time to have an exercise calendar handed to you so that all you have to do is press "PLAY" on a workout video? We're going to workout together for 20 minutes at a time, 3 days a week. You won't die, but your fat will.
If you don't have a clue what's for dinner, there is a solution!
If you need to exercise but don't really want to, there is a solution!
Lindsay shared, "I literally feel like I've deflated! Everywhere. My skin looks better and I feel so much better."
Summer said, "I have more energy and confidence. And my clothes fit better. Woot!"

Your family is going to wonder why it took you so long to whip up these delightfully delicious meals, like:
Cashew Chicken, Banana Bread Smoothies, Pumpkin Chili, Blueberry Cobbler, Steak Fajitas, Apple Crisp, Spinach Pecan Salad, Coffee Cake Muffins, Bacon Scallion Chicken Salad, Sparkling Black Cherry Shakes, And SO MUCH MORE!
You're crazy if you think any drive-thru or tired ol' spaghetti trumps these meals! It's time to enjoy eating WHILE LOSING FAT. I'm emailing you soon because Meal #1 starts in just a few days!
Carri shared,
"The inches-lost totals since I started my summer with Deb:
3 inches total arms,
Small of Waist: 2 1/2,
Lower Waist: 3 1/2,
Hips: 3 1/2,
Thigh: 2 total,
Calves: 1 total....
Grand Total: 15 inches are GONE!
I have more energy, patience, focus, drive, leveling out of moods, and experience less anxiety, My asthma isn't as bad, my skin is better, I cope with stress better, clothes fit and I am a size smaller.I am thrilled with the results of this program and the knowledge of the journey! Thank you, Deb!"
Anna made me smile big when she posted, "Does anyone else just feel happier? I feel like I'm back in control. I actually look forward to meal prepping these meals and love the workouts. coworkers always want MY lunch."
FatLoss Fall WORKOUTS!
Santa is the only one with the big belly this year, nkay?
You're getting 6 weeks of workouts that scream HI PRE-PREGNANCY WEIGHT! I know you're busy, so I've kept the workouts to only 20 minutes. That is 1% of your day.
These full-length workout videos are done at home and they're the perfect challenge for every fitness level! It's all about results and you'll give thanks for short sweat sessions!
I'm even going to throw in a Measurement Tracker for you to monitor your progress over our 6 weeks! I want your jaw to drop as you finally see inches drop forever.
Jessica said (on day 10), "I've lost 2 inches in my waist too!"
----> You keep all FatLoss Fall workouts forever!
----> You keep your FatLoss FAll 6-week menu forever!
----> You're ready-to-print Grocery Shopping Lists are included to steamline your new lifestyle!
---> Your printable FatLoss Fall Calendar keeps you motivated and on track!
----> Oh, and we OF COURSE have a closed online community for coach interaction! You are NOT doing this alone! Get accountability, support, and encouragement for 6 weeks!
Burning fat never tasted so good!
But you've got to hurry. Your FatLoss Fall starts SOON! I'm emailing your workouts and menu in just a few days!!!!
FatLoss Fall Workouts
* 6 weeks of full-length workout videos that fight fat (plus a bonus Measurement Tracker)
FatLoss Fall Menu
* 6-week menu of easy Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Recipes that burn fat naturally
* Weekday Menu with Weekend Flexibility!
* 6 printable Grocery Shopping Lists
* Calendar schedule of meals, workouts, and hydration reminders
* Closed Facebook Group for Coach Interaction, Support, Encouragement and Motivation!
Valued at over $700, you have forever access for just $149.97! But you have to hurry! The sale ends THIS Wednesday at midnight!
Once you register, let's become Facebook Friends! Please send me a Friend Request so I can add you to our exclusive club (Debbie White Wilkins Baisden). Menu & Workout Program will be emailed and shared in our closed online group.
Questions? I love 'em. Email me at
My FatLoss fall program is currently closed. If you'd like to see what program we are currently on, see my Fit & Fresh program for how to begin.