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  • 9 ways to get (and stay) motivated

    I get asked all the time: “How do you stay so motivated?” Fact: I don’t! …. So I work at it! Motivation is like a muscle – the more you flex it, the stronger it becomes. But what do you do to get your motivation “muscle” in shape in the first place? You find ways to intentionally keep yourself motivated! I’ve put together a list of proven ways to build motivation right into your healthy habits. 1. Make it fun! Try a new recipe. Do a new workout. Listen to your favorite music. Challenge yourself to try one new fruit or veg a week. 2. Set a goal that gets you psyched. Go for a weekend mountain biking getaway. Try a new recipe every week for three months. Sign up for a dance class. 3. Make it part of your routine. Park farther away from your destination. Take the stairs. Go for a lunchtime walk outside. Work out as soon as you wake up in the morning. Hit the grocery store first thing on a weekend morning. 4. Create a journal. Document your progress: What did you do today that was great? What are you planning to do tomorrow? Write it down – and also write down how you feel about it. 5. Set up a reward system! Internal rewards: Be sure to tell yourself “good job” every time you follow through on your commitments to yourself. (It really does matter.) External reward: Set milestones and then reward yourself (new shoes, new gear, massage, etc.) for reaching them. 6. Build a solid support and accountability circle. Find a supportive friend or group that will keep you moving forward. Working with a coach is invaluable here! 7. Motivate somebody ELSE! Motivating others is incredibly motivating for YOU. How do I know? Well, let’s just say I am writing this email and it’s getting me psyched about my own plan! 8.Start the day off right. When you start your morning with a healthy meal or workout, it can set the tone for the entire day! 9. Work with a pro. There is nothing more motivating than seeing – and feeling – a noticeable difference in how you feel, move, and look! If you're a busy woman who's struggling to get healthy habits to happen and you want visible results, you can apply for one-on-one coaching with me.

  • How to make your goals stick in 2023

    Ready to make some serious progress on your goals in 2023? Well, I’ve got an exercise that’ll help in a BIG way. Remember this quote from Nelson Mandela: “I either win or I learn” … because it’ll help set the tone for what you’re about to do. FIRST: LOOK BACK Think back to this time last year and ask yourself: What goals did you set for this year? Did you make the progress you wanted to make? What helped you? What got in your way? How different is your life now vs. then? SECOND: LOOK FORWARD Imagine yourself a year from now. What do you want to accomplish by Dec. 31, 2023? WHY does it matter to you? How will it make things different in your day-to-day life? THIRD: LOOK AT TODAY Once you’ve reflected on these questions, it’s time to apply your insights to help make your goals a REALITY in 2023. What do you need to learn? What do you need to do differently? How can you jump the hurdles that are sure to get in your way next year? What specific actions will you commit to doing? Reflection is something that many people don’t take the time to do… And sadly, it plays a role in why some people never reach their goals or full potential! But that won’t be you next year — because now you’re equipped with some POWERFUL questions! Once you’ve put some thought into it (and if you write down your thoughts it’s even MORE powerful!) … You’re ready to put together an effective PLAN to bring those goals to life. It’s time to make 2023 one of the best years of your life … and that can begin TODAY! Message me if you're ready to unleash your full potential in the new year! Happy (almost) New Year! If you are ready to take your health lifestyle to the next level, you are invited to check out Fit + Fresh at no cost. Start your all-access pass for FREE. You'll see every workout video, every recipe, and every resource for optimal health.

  • Holiday survival checklist

    It’s not just you — a study by Healthline found that when it comes to health and finances, not only do 44% of people think the holidays are “somewhat stressful”... 18% of them classified them as “very stressful”! The good news? You can conquer both areas – you just need a roadmap. Thriving Through the Holidays Checklist ● Make your plans TODAY. If you love last-minute shopping, leave a couple of small things undone, but get all the big things handled ASAP … and make packing or organizing lists if your holidays involve travel or entertaining. ● Make time for movement EVERY DAY, no excuses. This will help you destress, sleep better, and boost your energy, metabolism, and immune system. ● Eat till you’re satisfied (not stuffed!). Decide NOW that this will be your plan of action! ● But still enjoy the “worth it” favorite holiday treats. ● Make time for sleep. A rested body & mind = better mood, less stress, and more vibrant health. ● Go outside for some fresh air and sunshine every day. This is a proven stress-buster! ● Create a fallback plan. I talked about this a few weeks ago but it’s worth bringing up again. Things will go sideways at some point. But when you have a plan, you won’t stress out when it happens. When you boil your to-do lists down to the actions that really make a difference – and eliminate the things that don’t – it’s amazing how much you can accomplish... WITHOUT the stress. This is the same approach I use with my clients. I create a roadmap of the BEST actions that will propel them toward their goals. Here’s to less stress and more of what really matters! If you are ready to take your health lifestyle to the next level, you are invited to check out Fit + Fresh at no cost. Start your all-access pass for FREE. You'll see every workout video, every recipe, and every resource for optimal health.

  • Boost your willpower with this

    ​​​What if I told you that changing ONE WORD can change your entire outlook? ​ Let’s say you’re at a big holiday party and you’ve just finished eating dinner. ​ You’re comfortably full and feel great… and then you notice dessert. ​ You know that after you eat it, you won’t feel so great. In fact, you’ll feel blah, bloated, and ready for a major nap! ​ And that’s just in the short term. You also know that stacking dessert on top of a big meal won’t help you meet your goals. ​ At that moment, what do you tell yourself? ​ “I can’t eat dessert” … or … “I don’t eat dessert when I’m full.” ​ Those two statements might sound similar but they are 180º apart in mindset. ● “I can’t” = Someone/something else is in charge of your behavior or thoughts. ● “I don’t” = You are making a deliberate choice. “I don’t” gives you POWER. It helps you set clear boundaries that YOU are in charge of. ​ It takes willpower out of the equation because it’s something you just “don’t” do. ​ Try saying these statements out loud to yourself and feel the difference: ● I don’t stay up till 1 a.m. when I have to work the next day. ● I don’t skip my scheduled workouts. ● I don’t eat processed foods. Scientific research shows that making the shift from an “I can’t” to an “I don’t” mindset can make a real difference in changing your behavior. ​ Pretty mind-blowing, right? ​ If you’re ready to make a REAL CHANGE in your health & fitness, my next-level coaching puts YOU firmly in control of your results. ​ To see if you might be a fit for my one-on-one coaching, email me (! ​ If you are ready to take your health lifestyle to the next level, you are invited to check out Fit + Fresh at no cost. Start your all-access pass for FREE. You'll see every workout video, every recipe, and every resource for optimal health.

  • Will this unlock results?

    I came across a study I wanted to share with you because it’s really important this time of year. The study was published in the Journal of Health Communication. In it, researchers tracked 704 people in an online weight-loss program. A little over half (54%) chose to work with an accountability buddy. And guess what? → They lost more weight & inches from their belly than those who followed the same program without a buddy! The more messages they got from their partners (both accepting & challenging!), the better their results. Bottom Line: Accountability is SO IMPORTANT. It gives you that little extra bit of motivation to keep working. It’s also why I make accountability a key part of my coaching program. I’m telling you this right now because we are heading into a very hectic time of the year — which makes accountability even MORE important. I'm here to help you stay on track with accountability, support, and so much more. Let me know where you're struggling! I'd love to help! If you are ready to take your health lifestyle to the next level, you are invited to check out Fit + Fresh at no cost. Start your all-access pass for FREE. You'll see every workout video, every recipe, and every resource for optimal health.

  • How to finish 2022 strong…

    Can you imagine looking and feeling your best just 8 weeks from now? ​ There are only 8 weeks left in 2022 … ​ Which means now is the best time to make that happen! ​ Instead of waiting until 2023 starts, I’m inviting you to get a headstart on your goals NOW. ​ And that leads me to a fun little assignment for you… ​ Right now, come up with a list of 2-3 actions you are going to commit to between now and the new year that will move you closer to your goals. ​ And then … schedule out THOSE ACTIONS so they become non-negotiable over the next 8 weeks! ​ What do YOU need the most right now? ​ Maybe it’s: ● Working out 3x a week ● Meal prepping on Sundays or Wednesdays ● Kicking your nighttime snack habit ● Walking for 5 minutes a day ● Prioritizing rest and relaxation as a daily must We’re on the home stretch …. it’s time to FINISH STRONG! ​ Are you with me? ​ If you are ready to take your health lifestyle to the next level, you are invited to check out Fit + Fresh at no cost. Start your all-access pass for FREE. You'll see every workout video, every recipe, and every resource for optimal health.

  • Healthy Halloween!

    Happy almost Halloween!🎃 I want you to fully enjoy the upcoming holiday, including the TREATS part! Here's the thing. October 31st is not what will derail you. Read that again. That's right, it's okay to eat some fun-sized candies and enjoy the sweetness! The problem comes with the DAYS SURROUNDING Halloween. That means all of this weekend and all of next week. This is when self-sabotage could unfold. One day is a blip on the radar. A week, however, can cause some damage. You need a plan. Decide in advance what your boundaries are with treats and boo-ze. If you wait to see how you feel in the moment, well, you're going to go overboard. 🍬Here's how I personally have a healthy and happy holiday: * Wait to buy candy so it's not a temptation for dayssssss * Buy candy I dislike * Stay hydrated and mix in BCAAs * Stay nourished with foods God grows * Have healthy alternatives ready and waiting (I've got Crave peanut butter cups AND bars AND Coco Whip in my kitchen right now) * Decide how much "candy tax" I want from my kids before they trick-or-treat * Remind myself that candy is sold every day of the year and is within 5 miles from my house at all times * Before mindlessly unwrapping loot, pause, and make sure it's candy I really like * Before mindlessly tearing into the confections, pause, and ask myself how I will feel physically and mentally AFTER indulging to make sure it's worth it * Before mindlessly chomping down on all-the-chocolate, pause, and remind myself to slowly savor each bite * No disordered eating is allowed (eating in secret, bingeing, hiding wrappers, starving before or after, punishing with exercise before or after) * Have an exit strategy for remaining candy on Tuesday IF YOU NEED HELP NAVIGATING HALLOWEEN WITHOUT GUILT, SHAME, OR REGRET, JUST HIT EMAIL ME (DEB@FITWITHDEB.COM)! If you are ready to take your health lifestyle to the next level, you are invited to check out Fit + Fresh at no cost. Start your all-access pass for FREE. You'll see every workout video, every recipe, and every resource for optimal health.

  • Fit With Deb Retreat 2022

    I am fighting tears because I never dreamed this would be my life. You may have seen me share on Instagram about our first ever Fit With Deb Retreat in Lake Norman, North Carolina. My heart is so full from our weekend at a glorious lake house. Women came from near and far to get away from the everyday hustle and simply relax. While the view was spectacular, it was went on inside the house that was phenomenal. The focus was to be unrushed and unscheduled. We ate a ton of delicious food, played hilarious games, talked on our expansive deck, sat by the water, walked together, exercised, and had a photographer capture beautiful women. I am fighting tears because I never dreamed this would be my life. Fit With Deb came about unexpectedly. I was widowed in 2012 without warning. I had 4 little boys to suddenly provide for. Instead of playing it safe and returning to the classroom, I took one of the biggest, scariest risks of my existence. I pursued my newfound passion of helping women feel their best. I found such joy in meeting women where they were and holding their hand as I led them forward to confidence, strength, and freedom. It has been quite a journey from December 2012 to October 2022. I have cried while learning how to do hard things. I didn't know what a blog was. I didn't know how to convert and upload to YouTube. I didn't know how to fight my fears and go live on camera. I didn't know if anyone wanted what I so desperately wanted to give. I doubted myself. I felt like an imposter. I feared failure. I stumbled often. I pushed so far beyond my comfort zone. Because of YOU. While I may not have had the pleasure of knowing you from the beginning of 2013 when I first put my toe in the water, I did all this FOR YOU. It's what's driven me for nearly 10 years. YOU have driven me. Thank you! I never take for granted your trust in me to help you meet your health and wellness goals. I know it can be scary to take those steps. But we are in this together! Before our retreat even officially began, our coordinator Parrish already started mentioning our NEXT Fit With Deb retreat. As the weekend unfolded, I'd overhear several ladies mentioning when and where our next getaway will be. In case you were confused / uninformed about how to be a part of it, I limited this opportunity to a select few. It was only for active members of Fit + Fresh. Every member was invited and had months to prepare for the unforgettable event. Our lake-front home was 3 stories and nearly 5000 square feet with lots of bedrooms and bathrooms; plus it was close to a major airport. If you are ready to take your health lifestyle to the next level, you are invited to check out Fit + Fresh at no cost. Start your all-access pass for FREE. You'll see every workout video, every recipe, and every resource for optimal health. And if and when that next Retreat planning begins, you'll be in the know!

  • 20 Ways to Drink More Water

    We know we SHOULD drink more water, but HOW do we increase our water intake each day? Here are 20 suggestions! 1. Place a large cup of water by your bed or on your bathroom counter right before you go to bed at night. That way it's waiting for you as soon as you wake up! 2. Set an hourly alarm as a trigger to down 1 cup of water each hour that you're awake. 3. Use an app that helps you track your water and reminds you to chug 8 ounces. 4. Write on your water bottle time goals to meet. Use a permanent marker and draw rings around the bottle and label with various times of the day (by 9am, by noon, by 3pm, by 6pm, by 9pm). You can also purchase labeled water bottles. Buying a large bottle or using a pitcher makes it easy! 5. Make it a game. You are not allowed to drink coffee or any other drink until you've had enough water. 6. Use a straw. You may actually drink more! 7. Buy a water bottle you love and will actually use. I am partial to my Thermos because it's big and doesn't leak. I have other water bottles I like less and when I use them, I notice I drink less. Check out the HidrateSpark smart water bottle that glows to remind you to drink! 8. Eat your veggies. Fruits and vegetables are great ways to sneak in extra hydration. Load up on melon, cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini, cabbage, grapefruit, cantaloupe, oranges, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, and celery. 9. Tea and coffee count! Both drinks are made with water so they can contribute to your water intake, just make sure they're in limited amounts. 10. Keep water nearby. Just by placing on your desk at work, in your cupholder in the car, or next to you on the couch, you're more likely to sip throughout the day. 11. Exercise. Exercise makes you thirsty and will cause you to want more H2O! 12. Flavor your water! Add BCAAs / mint / cucumber / citrus slices / fruit to make it tasty! These are way healthier than sugary drinks. 13. Tie it into a routine. Drink a glass every time you brush your teeth, take a shower, eat a meal, exercise, use the bathroom, etc. 14. Challenge a friend. Have a healthy competition to see who is chugging the most each day. 15. Double fist. Fill 2 water bottles at a time so you don't have to refill as often. Take both with you to your desk, counters, car, etc. 16. Fill up. As soon as you empty a glass, make it a rule that you must go fill it back up. You're more likely to drink if the glass is full. 17. Make festive ice cubes. We love visually appealing drinks so make ice cubes out of fruit juice, tea, or add berries to water for the freezer. 18. Eat spicy foods & salty foods. These will make you want to hydrate. 19. Experiment with temperature. Try it ultra chilled, room temperature, or warm to see what you like best. 20. Treat yourself! Reward yourself for hitting your goal every day for a week / month. Women, aim for a minimum of 11.5 cups -- ease into this amount! Men, aim for at least 15.5 cups.

  • 3 Excuse Busters

    Has this ever happened to you before? You’re planning on making dinner after work … but as soon as it’s time to start cooking, you start to think: ● You’re too tired ● You don’t know what to make ● You’re too hungry to wait that long ● You have too much to do ● You’re stressed ● You really just want to watch something on Netflix ● etc. And you’re tempted to give in and hit the drive-through (or make the takeout call). I get it! By the end of the day, making dinner can seem like a LOT of effort in your head. BUT … before you let any of those excuses take hold, try this: Excuse Buster #1: Take back your power from the voice in your head. Acknowledge that YOU control your actions – not your fleeting thoughts or whims. The choices you make and the actions you take TODAY play a direct role in your TOMORROWS … moving you closer or farther away. This is a very empowering mindset shift for any area of your life. Excuse Buster #2: Ask yourself: what’s REALLY driving your excuses? It’s probably not because you’re tired/cold/hot/bored/confused/busy … … but because of “stinking thinking” (aka limiting beliefs). Some examples: You might think that it’s only a matter of time till you’ll somehow fail (again) towards your goals … that you won’t really get the results you want … or that deep down, why are you even bothering to go through the motions with this “healthy” business, anyway? TIP: As soon as you recognize the stinking thinking, call it out. Remember Excuse Buster #1 – you are in control. Don’t let negative thoughts or beliefs get in the way of what you want! Excuse Buster #3: Get support! Having someone to hold you accountable and who supports your goals can make all the difference. That way, when you feel your excuses threatening to take over, you have someone to help keep you on track. Find a workout buddy, tell your friends or family about your goals, or work with an experienced coach. Remember: you are stronger than your excuses! At Fit With Deb, accountability and support are just two of the ways I help clients reach their goals! P.S. Fit + Fresh has reopened for enrollment. Click HERE for all the details on how to join for FREE!

  • Win a Full Scholarship!

    I'm super excited about this weekend! Why? Because my current challenge group, Summer Strong, is coming to a close which means I am about to reward these amazing women with CASH + PRIZES! They've been working hard for 8 weeks and I am beyond proud! While I get sad when a challenge ends, I often tell these ladies, "Onward and upward we go!" So while it's bittersweet that it's ending, it means a NEW PROGRAM is about to unleash!!!! I am so giddy! The program is not yet open to join, but I'll keep you posted on the details of when it launches! I've been working behind-the-scenes, filming brand-new workout videos, assembling delicious recipes, and designing your structure for success! For the FIRST TIME EVER, I'm offering a FULL SCHOLARSHIP for our upcoming "Fit For Fall" challenge! That's right, you have the chance to join for F-R-E-E!!!! Whether you've done countless Fit With Deb programs, or you've never done a program, you can apply for a FULL SCHOLARSHIP and get the whole shebang for $0! To apply, you must meet ALL of the following criteria: >> Willing to seriously commit 100% for the entire length of the program (which will end mid-December) >> Stay consistently active in our private Facebook group (this means interacting regularly every week AND refusing to disengage AND following our action plan) >> Maintain compliance to our fitness, nutrition, rest, and relaxation framework (this does NOT mean you become a perfect robot, by the way) >> Invite other female friends and family to start their success stories by joining Fit For Fall (which actually increases motivation, support, encouragement, and accountability) >> Permission for me to share your story publicly (so I can brag on you) >> Posting on your social media at least once a week about how your Fit With Deb journey is going ________________________________________________________________ How to apply to win the full scholarship: * Message Fit With Deb on social media OR email me --- tell me why you deserve to win the full scholarship as well as your willingness to meet the above listed criteria (if you do not share both aspects, you will not be considered) * Deadline is Wednesday, September 21, at 6:00amEST (applications received after this time will not be considered) (winner will be notified on September 21) * Got questions? Email * Know a friend who's the perfect fit? Share this article! BEST OF LUCK TO ALL WHO APPLY! FIT FOR FALL IS COMING SOON!

  • 6 types of stress (which one are you feeling?)

    Do you remember Whac-A-Mole? You know, the arcade game where a mole keeps popping up in unpredictable spots and it’s your job to smack it on the head? Well, that’s kind of like how stress works. Except you are the mole … and when stress gets out of control, every time you make a move, it keeps bopping YOU on the head. This is why it’s SO IMPORTANT to have a plan to manage stress before it manages you. Because when stress is in control, not only do YOU feel out of control, but it’s tough to reach your goals. It can affect your sleep, your appetite, your relationships, and so much more! I came across this list of 6 different kinds of stress a while ago and thought it was eye-opening. Since most of us deal with more than one kind of stress at a time, you can see how it really adds up to take a toll on your health! Physical stress: bad night of sleep, being sick, or hungry Mental stress: rough day at work, too many decisions to make, overwhelmed Emotional stress: feeling guilty, grief, anger, hate, frustration Social stress: disagreements with others, feeling lonely, etc. Existential stress: feeling hopeless, wondering what it all means, etc. Environmental stress: loud noises, unsafe surroundings, hot or cold temperatures, stuck in traffic, etc. Creating a lifestyle that helps you prevent and manage those stresses will help you become more resilient – and can stop stress from getting in the way of your health. ​ PLUS: the same steps that help you manage stress will also move you CLOSER to your health goals. ​ That means finding ways to: ​ ● Get enough sleep ● Move your body during the day ● Eat a healthy diet ● Practice stress management techniques that work with you (prayer, journaling, walking, hobbies, etc.) Make time for YOU today! You deserve it. P.S. For FREE resources, recipes, and workouts, check out Fit + Fresh!

  • 7 ways to boost your detox system

    Controversial topic ahead! ​ A lot of people LOVE the idea of “doing” a detox. But, what if instead of talking about detoxing the body … we talk about detoxing what we put in, on, and around our bodies? ​ (NOTE: This is also known as living a healthy lifestyle!) ​ The fact is, your body already has an AMAZING built-in system to get rid of waste and toxins. It includes your liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and large intestine. ​ But unfortunately, our modern lifestyles and habits tend to make it harder for our organs to do their jobs. ​ The good news is that you can help turn that around by cutting back on the overload your “detox” system has to deal with. ​ Bonus: This approach helps YOU reach your goals faster, and feel better, too. ​ 7 Ways to Boost your Body’s Detox System: Limit alcohol. Too much alcohol can make it harder for your liver to do its normal jobs – one of which is helping your body get rid of toxins. (Experts recommend limiting alcohol to 1 drink a day for women and 2 for men.) Get enough sleep. During the day, waste builds up in your brain. Then, at night when you’re sleeping, it’s swept away. Not enough sleep = waste buildup. Drink enough water. Water performs lots of functions in your body, including helping your body’s detox system remove waste products from your blood. Avoid sugary & processed foods. Eating high-calorie foods low in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients is linked to chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes. This can hurt your organs (like kidneys & liver) that help your body’s detox system. Don’t eat too much salt. Among other things, it can lead to your body retaining water (related to #3 above). Be active. Exercise and regular activity lowers inflammation in your body and helps boost your body’s ability to detox. Choose your self-care and home cleaning products carefully. Using natural products on your body and in your home can drastically cut your exposure to chemicals. ​ When you support your body with a healthy lifestyle that works with your schedule and your goals, you don’t need a quick fix! P.S. For FREE resources, recipes, and workouts, check out Fit + Fresh!

  • One of my top troubleshooters

    When my clients are struggling in almost any area of their fitness/health … ​ … there’s one question at the top of my list to help figure out what’s going on. ​ “How’s your sleep?” ​ Getting your sleep habits under control is a super important “basic” that will help skyrocket your results. ​ It impacts everything in your body, right down to the cellular level. ​ I’m talking about things like your: health, fitness, body composition, hormones, stress levels, appetite, mood, ability to concentrate, immune system, and even aging. ​ And … did you know that while you sleep, your brain actually “cleanses” itself? ​ Researchers discovered that while we sleep, cerebrospinal fluid washes in and out of our brain helping to get rid of metabolic “trash” that accumulates there during the day. ​ Over the long term, lack of sleep is correlated with dementia, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. ​ Plus, a large review of studies linked too little sleep to an increased risk of obesity by 89% in children and 55% in adults. ​ Pretty eye-opening, right? ​ That’s why it’s SO important to find what works for YOU, so you can get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. ​ Here are 8 tips to improve your sleep (and your results) naturally: Get some sunlight every day, but avoid blue light (from TVs, computers, and devices) at night. Avoid caffeine after your morning cup of coffee. Caffeine can stay in your system for 6-8 hours. Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day/night, and avoid daytime naps longer than 15-30 minutes. Avoid alcohol because it can interfere with hormones related to sleep … plus it’s linked with sleep apnea. Optimize your bedroom for sleep: make sure it’s quiet, dark, comfy, and serene, and that it’s at the right temperature for you (not too hot or cold). Avoid eating for a few hours before bed because it can disrupt your hormones (this is a sneaky one that’s worth tracking). Get in a workout, but not too close to bedtime. Wind down before you go to bed: take a relaxing bath or shower, listen to quiet music, read a book, etc. ​ And if you try all of those tips and STILL can’t sleep, be sure to tell your healthcare provider the next time you have an appointment. So, how did YOU sleep last night? ​ P.S. For FREE resources, recipes, and workouts, check out Fit + Fresh! It's where I store all my workout videos, recipes, and resources!


    You asked, I filmed! I have a brand-new Fit With Deb Stretching Video on YouTube for you! This 35-minute video is designed to baby those muscles and lower your stress! You can do the entire video in one glorious stretch session, or you can break it up into smaller time segments. It's perfect for your rest days or after one of your Fit With Deb workouts! If you're not yet a YouTube subscriber, be sure to subscribe today for free so you never miss a video! Head HERE and press play for the stretching fun!​​​ ​​​​​​​​​ P.S. For more FREE workout videos, check out Fit + Fresh! It's where I store all my workout videos, recipes, and resources!

  • Save HOURS with this simple meal prep trick

    I. hate. cooking. You need to know that before thinking I'm the type who just adores working in the kitchen. I have a super time-saving tip for you today – a tip that will make your life easier, save you money, AND help you stay on track with your nutrition. Here it goes: In a nutshell, most of us fall into two camps when it comes to meal prep. We either overthink it, or we don’t think about it all. Overthinking is an easy trap to fall into…there’s just SO much “stuff” on the internet, in magazines, and on social media with conflicting information. It’s nearly impossible to filter out all of the noise and to make an actual decision. So you think about it, you think some more, and then before you know it, it’s time to eat and you still don’t have a plan. Way too many people (I used to be one of them!) think that meal prep is all about identical-looking bland Tupperware meals (like chicken, sweet potato, and broccoli) and think, “Ugh... that’s not for me”! That’s when a lot of us join the second camp: “put it off for next week” / or not thinking about prepping or planning meals at all. There’s actually a happy middle ground! What if you took a few minutes to map out your meals and snacks for the next several days, and when you’re making diner, you cooked simply made 2-3x the amount you usually do? That’s actually a golden tip from the good ol’ days of home ec class, our grandmothers and beyond! Instead of making just one single meal, you could cook up two and put one in the freezer for later. You can double up by making extra turkey burgers, chili, stir fry, or … well, almost anything! Taking this approach means you don’t have to set aside several hours of valuable weekend time to cook for the upcoming week. Instead, you spend your normal amount of time cooking … plus 5 to 10 minutes each week PLANNING your meals. This seems like a no-brainer, but the PLANNING part of it makes all the difference, especially if you’re used to trying to figure out every night what you’re going to make for dinner. If you need recipe ideas to start your success (and more meal planning tips), I have HUNDREDS for FREE in Fit + Fresh (which has reopened for enrollment)!

  • 5-Minute Superfood Bowl Recipe

    Your new favorite recipe is here! This Superfood Bowl comes together fast using convenience foods! In just a few minutes, you can have 4 healthy meals ready to go for lunch or dinner. NOTE: You don’t have to buy premade ingredients – you can cook everything from scratch ahead of time if you want! Meal Prep Superfood Bowl (makes 4 servings) ● 8 oz package of microwavable quinoa (or 2 cups cooked) ● 1 lb – 1.5 lbs chopped rotisserie or grilled chicken ● ½ cup of hummus ● 2 Tbsp fresh lemon or lime juice ● 5 oz package baby spinach, rinsed ● 8 oz package cooked refrigerated baby beets (produce section) ● 1 cup frozen shelled edamame, thawed ● 1 avocado (slice right before serving) ● ¼ cup unsalted toasted pepitas (pumpkin seeds) Prepare the quinoa according to the package directions. While the quinoa cools, make the dressing: whisk together the hummus and lemon/lime juice. If it’s too thick, drizzle in a few drops of water to thin to your desired consistency. Set aside. Divide the spinach among 4 reusable containers. In each container, add a quarter of the quinoa, chicken, beets, edamame, and pepitas. When you’re ready to eat, top each serving with ¼ of the hummus dressing and toss well before adding ¼ of the avocado, cut into slices. Yum! I hope this recipe makes your lunches easier and more delicious. Try this and let me know how you like it! P.S. For more FREE recipes like this, check out Fit + Fresh! It's where I store all my workout videos, recipes, and resources!

  • A Happy (and Healthy) July 4th!

    Happy Independence Day Weekend!!!! I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating this important holiday! And a giant thank you to everyone who has served our country, protecting its freedom (and this thank-you extends to all relatives of those who serve)! Whatever your July 4th plans look like, enjoy some balance and moderation. No need to nibble on lettuce leaves while others enjoy apple pie, nkay? That said, we will probably feel like garbage if we go balls-to-the-wall with every junk food knowns to man. So pick your favorite indulgences throughout your festive 4th! Here is a resource taken from my + Fresh Membership (which you can join for FREE right now). It's all about HOW TO PACK A HEALTHY COOLER. Whether you're heading the pool, lake, beach, campground, park, or road trip, here are some fun things to throw in your cooler to stay happily nourished. WATER BCAA'S HOMEMADE TRAIL MIX PRE-CUT VEGGIES HARDBOILED EGGS SINGLE SERVE GUACAMOLE SINGLE SERVE HUMMUS TURKEY ROLL-UPS PEPPERONI SLICES PICKLES JERKY PROTEIN BAR COOKED BACON FRUITS Have a fun and festive Fourth of July, friends!

  • Big Mac in a Bowl

    FACT: Sometimes you just want to sit down and eat a big meal. But chances are, you do NOT want that “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing” feeling when you’re done … when all you want to do is curl up and take a nap! Well today, I’ve got a SUPER DELICIOUS lunch or dinner recipe that’ll make a HUGE amount of food that will fill you up, without leaving you feeling too full or bloated after. Welcome to your Big Mac in a Bowl! It’s a healthier choice because 1) it has a tasty (but lighter) dressing and 2) it’s bulked up with vegetables (your choice of shredded lettuce, coleslaw, or broccoli slaw). Big Mac in a Bowl (1 serving) ● 4-6 oz lean ground meat (beef, chicken, or turkey) ● ½ small onion, chopped ● Grapeseed / avocado oil ● 3 cups shredded lettuce or coleslaw ● 3 dill pickle chips, chopped ● 2 Tbsp dairy-free shredded cheddar cheese (optional) ● ½ large tomato, chopped For the special sauce: ● 2 tbsp plain dairy-free yogurt ● 1 Tbsp mayo or Vegenaise ● ½ tbsp ketchup ● 1 tsp mustard ● ½ tbsp relish ● ½ tsp onion powder ● Salt & pepper, to taste Heat grapeseed/avocado oil in a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the meat and onion. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently until the meat is crumbled and fully cooked through. While it is cooking, mix all of the sauce ingredients together in a small bowl. Taste and adjust seasonings. Set aside. Place the shredded lettuce or coleslaw in a serving bowl. Add the cooked meat mixture, along with the pickles, cheese, and tomato. Toss together, and add the sauce. Eat and enjoy! Try this and let me know how you like it! P.S. For more FREE recipes like this, check out Fit + Fresh! It's where I store all my workout videos, recipes, and resources!


    Sometimes I just need to vent. You know, in case you think errrrything is all rainbows and unicorns on my end. ​😂 If you've followed me for any length of time, you probably know I have some nagging discomfort in my back/glutes. It's super "fun" to be 45, yeehaw. This week I was supposed to get an MRI. I was literally about to walk into the room with the humming tube, only for a nurse to tell me I could not get an MRI. My hair extensions have some metal beads, which prevented the appointment. I pouted, but managed not to cry. The silver lining, I suppose, is I have a nerve block now scheduled . . . in August. Sigh. While I would love your wisdom on how to get relief, please know that I'm 12 years into this pain. I've done: ​ Consultations​ X-rays Pills of all kinds X-ray guided injections Physical Therapy Deep Massage Dry Needling Chiropractic care Stretches​ Trigger Point Injections All this to say, in case you have some nagging injuries, I get it. You can still be active! While I've reduced the exercise moves I can do without pain, I still exercise regularly and go for walks. You should too! I simply get creative with workouts so I can focus on strength gains and fat loss. ​ And it's a necessary reminder for us all ​that nutrition is 80% of body change! So if you currently cannot do traditional exercise, it's okay! Stay active with NEAT movement (Google it) and focus on what matters most: ​ Nutrition Sleep Stress-Reduction​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ So now is your time to offer up your ideas that are NOT on the list above. Thank you in advance for your expertise! No need to tell me I could temporarily remove my hair extensions for the MRI, wink. Or just share your woe-is-me story, because Dark Cloud Debbie would love the company! ​​​​ Check out Fit + Fresh for FREE, which is designed to help people just like you feel leaner, stronger, and energized -- even if you've got some obstacles to hurdle.


    Doesn’t it just feel good when you get into a groove that you can actually stick with? (If you haven’t yet, hang with me, I’ve got a helpful tip for you below.) ​ This hack is something to think about when you get sidetracked, overwhelmed, or aren’t sure what to do next. ​ It’s to always circle back to the 4 simple pillars of wellness – and to do what works for YOU for each of them. ​ Your 4 Pillars of Fitness & Wellness: Healthy nutrition Regular exercise Sleep Relaxation & Rest (I call it "recess" in my challenge groups) ​ When you make time for these 4 pillars – and are INTENTIONAL and CONSISTENT with them – you feel SO MUCH BETTER. ​ You have more energy, your mood is better, and you’ll probably have fewer aches & pains. Things just feel easier. ​ Which can make it even more doable for you to stick with your healthy habits. ​ I know that when I don’t pay attention to my 4 pillars, I can’t wait to get back to them because it makes such a big difference in how I feel and function. ​ Want an action plan to help you stick with your own pillars? ​ Here’s a little assignment: come up with 2-3 core actions for each of YOUR pillars, that always help you feel great. Write them down so you always have a plan in case you find yourself a little off track. ​ If you need help creating a health plan that fits your lifestyle – one that you can actually stick with… ​ Check out Fit + Fresh for FREE, which is designed to help people just like you feel leaner, stronger, and energized! ​ ​

  • Tired of feeling tired?

    Have you ever been here before? Something sparked you to set a new health/fitness/niche-specific goal that you were REALLY excited about. Maybe you: ● stepped on the scale after Memorial Day ● had a big event coming up (reunion, wedding, vacation, etc.) ● were unhappy with the results from your latest doctor’s visit ● watched an inspiring movie … or were wowed by someone else’s transformation ● or even had some kind of wake-up call So you committed to clean up your eating, start exercising, and/or make some BIG CHANGES when it comes to your self-care. And then you go at it … HARD! And things are going great. But then something unexpected pops on your schedule …. or you eat a little “off your plan” … or you skip a workout …. And that one miss turns into another, and another, and another. And before you know it, you’re completely off track and upset at yourself. A few weeks or months (or even years) go by, until the next time you find yourself back on that very same rollercoaster ride. It can be a really painful and frustrating cycle to get stuck in. But, I do have some really good news. It makes perfect sense that you kept falling off track ... because it’s almost impossible for ANYONE to keep up that level of intensity and still live a normal life! Don’t get me wrong: Having a new specific goal is FANTASTIC … and healthy! BUT it’s even BETTER to find a way to work on your goals that won’t drain as much time and energy from your everyday life. In a way that sets you up for success, rather than sure failure. PLUS, there’s a bonus: when you find a happy middle ground, you won’t find yourself on that confidence-sucking rollercoaster ride anymore. That’s because you’ll actually be able to maintain all the results you’ve earned. (YES!!) Finding this sustainable middle ground is key to your success … and something we actively work on with our clients. It IS possible to achieve amazing results without disrupting your entire routine, and it’s what we specialize in. If you’re ready to jump off that rollercoaster for the last time, Fit + Fresh is for busy women just like you who are motivated for major results – that last a lifetime! You can learn more HERE.


    😋 Today I have a no-fuss sheet pan recipe that tastes like a special occasion dinner! Just chop up the veggies and whisk together the sauce – and you’ll have a delicious teriyaki-style dinner in less than 30 minutes. ✅TIP: It’s also great with chicken tenders – just be sure to add a few minutes to the cooking time. Cashew-Shrimp Sheet Pan Dinner (serves 4) ● 12 oz broccoli florets ● 1 diced bell pepper ● 1 medium sweet onion, chopped ● 2 Tbsp avocado oil or grapeseed oil ● 2-3 pinches each of sea salt and pepper ● 2 Tbsp coconut or liquid aminos ● 2 Tbsp orange juice (freshly squeezed) ● Dash of hot sauce ● 1.5 lbs peeled and deveined large shrimp (fresh or thawed from frozen) ● ¾ cup raw cashews Preheat your oven to 400ºF and line a large rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. In a large bowl, toss together the broccoli, bell pepper, and onion with the oil, salt, and pepper. Pour onto the sheet pan and place in the oven, and roast for 10-12 minutes. While that’s cooking, prepare your sauce. In a small bowl, whisk together the aminos, orange juice, and hot sauce. Remove the vegetables from the oven and add the shrimp and cashews to the sheet pan. Drizzle the pan contents with the sauce and stir to combine. Place back in the oven and roast until the shrimp are cooked through, 5-7 minutes. Remove from the oven and serve. DELICIOUS! P.S. If you want to optimize your health and reach your goals, check out my Fit + Fresh! It's packed with recipes, workout videos, and fat-loss resources! Learn more about accessing it all for FREE here!

  • Keep your goals FUN

    Right now I have a fun assignment for you. It’s to think of 3 fitness or health-related things you’d love to do by the end of the year. They should be enjoyable or something you’d love to be able to say, “I did that!” Think of it as your 2022 Bucket List! I’m going to share mine in just a minute, but here’s something that’s really interesting: Your brain is actually hardwired to like new, fun, and different things! When you try something new – or take up a new challenge – it fires up the “feel good” part of your brain. This is a pretty cool hack to keep up your excitement and motivation for your healthy habits. If you intentionally seek out fun challenges – even if they are solo goals you’re pursuing for yourself, like lifting a certain amount of weight, doing pull-ups, or eating a different protein-based meal every night for a week – it can keep your routine fresh and interesting! So … have you been excited lately about anything fun, challenging, or different? Looking for a few ideas? Here are just a few off the top of my head: ● Try hiking if you’ve never done it before – and if you have, what new trail(s) can you conquer? ● Do a recipe challenge where you cook 2-3 new meals (from scratch) every week. ● Learn to swim, golf, ski, bodyboard, or how to play tennis ● Be able to hold a plank for 2 minutes ● Be able to do 10 full-body push-ups ● Challenge yourself to one week without any added sugar ● Do your first box jump ● Praying every day for one month and journal your progress ● Set a daily activity goal for a week or month, and use your fitness tracker to chart your success ● Go on an active date every week: bowling, geocaching, bowling, even ax throwing! ● Take a cooking class The list of ideas is endless! The whole point is to try NEW, FUN things that support a healthy lifestyle. And I didn’t forget! As promised… here’s what’s on my bucket list goals for the rest of this year: I'm working on pistol squats, which are crazy difficult, by practicing my single leg squats every week with the goal of getting lower each week. In addition, I'm focusing on strengthening my core in order to reduce persistent back pain. If you’ve got something you’re going to work toward, be sure to let me know about it! I love helping you create meaningful goals that become a reality!

  • No-Bake Cookie recipe

    Are you a fan of no-bake cookies? Soooo good! But have you ever seen the original recipe? Talk about fat and sugar bombs … whoa! Not anymore … I’ve got a healthified version for you that’s a lot less sugar, and – bonus – it’s loaded with fiber and antioxidants. PLUS (most importantly) these cookies taste DELICIOUS! Naturally Delicious No-Bake Cookies (makes 18-20 cookies) ½ cup Nature's Hollow honey alternative ¼ cup unrefined coconut oil 3-4 Tbsp CRAVE cocoa powder ¼ tsp sea salt ½ cup natural peanut butter 2 Tbsp chia seeds (optional) ¾ cup old-fashioned rolled oats ⅓ cup chopped pitted dates In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine the honey, coconut oil, CRAVE cocoa, and sea salt. Stir until the coconut oil is melted and the mixture is fully combined, about 3 minutes. Stir in the nut butter and chia seeds and cook until the nut butter is smooth and melted, another 3 minutes. Turn the heat off and stir in the oats and dates. Cover the saucepan and let stand for 5 minutes. Scoop out the “batter” by tablespoons onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes so they can firm up before eating. These should be stored in the fridge as they taste best when they are cold. I hope you enjoy them! P.S. If you love healthy recipes like this one, check out my Fit + Fresh! It's packed with meals and snacks you (and your family) will love! Fit + Fresh will also leave you feeling strong, fit, and lean. Learn more about accessing it all for FREE here!


    I’ve got a TREAT for you today! It’s a delicious recipe that is destined to become one of your regular go-to’s because not only does it taste amazing, but you can change it up to reflect your (or your family’s) likes/dislikes and use ingredients you have on hand. Plus, it’s really easy to make extra AND it tastes even better the next day. Need more reasons to love this recipe? It’s gluten-free, paleo, and it can even be VEGAN! You can eat a bowl as-is, or you can top a salad with it, or use it in tacos or over rice. It can be prepared on the stove but you KNOW I prefer to dump everything in the slow cooker! OK, enough of the buildup! I’m going to include the basic recipe with suggestions to switch it up below, but honestly you can experiment with it any way you want. The Amazing “Anything” Chili Ingredients: 1 to 1½ pounds of ground meat: beef, turkey 2 garlic cloves, chopped 2 tbsp olive or coconut oil 1 large onion, diced 2 stalks celery, chopped 4 carrots, peeled and diced 1 bell pepper, diced 2-3 medium summer squash, diced 2 tbsp chili powder 1 tsp salt 1 15-ounce can tomato puree or tomato sauce 1 15-ounce can diced tomatoes with liquid (Optional: up to 1 cup water/chicken broth as needed to thin out consistency if the chili is too thick) Instructions: In a large skillet or pot, brown your meat over medium heat, adding garlic about halfway through so it doesn’t scorch. Drain off the fat and remove from the skillet. In the same skillet, add the oil, onions, celery, carrots, bell pepper, summer squash, chili powder, cumin, oregano, and salt and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to make sure everything cooks evenly. When the veggies are soft and the onions are starting to caramelize, return the meat to the skillet and add the tomato puree and diced tomatoes to the pot, stirring well. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently, then reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Eat immediately, or keep it simmering on low for later, or put it in the fridge for later. Slow cooker alternative: dump everything and let it cook on low 6-8 hours Substitutions: Instead of (or in addition to!) carrots, add chopped butternut squash or sweet potatoes. Looking for a more “earthy” flavor? Experiment with parsnips or rutabaga. Additions: Black beans or white beans, broccoli, spinach or cauliflower. Or you can add a jar of salsa for an extra kick! If you add beans and are using a slow cooker, wait till the last hour or so before adding them so they don’t turn to mush. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

  • Mocha Protein Latte recipe

    I’ve got a surprisingly good-for-you recipe that’s perfect any time you want a little extra “kick” of energy (including before a workout). How does a mocha iced latte sound? (Answer: delicious.) Here’s why it’s surprisingly good for you – and why it’s a great pre-workout drink: ● Carbs from the banana give your muscles fuel ● Protein can help improve your workout performance & recovery. ● Caffeine from the coffee gives you energy to boost your performance Mocha Iced Protein Latte (serves 1) ½ cup brewed coffee ½ cup unsweetened oat milk 1 scoop Mom Fuel chocolate protein powder 1 medium frozen banana, sliced Place the coffee, oat milk, and protein powder in a high-speed blender, cover, and blend well. Add the banana and blend until smooth. If you want a thinner consistency, add a little extra oat milk. ENJOY! Delicious! If you love recipes like this one, you’re definitely going to want to check out my Fit + Fresh Membership for FREE. It’s packed with tasty snacks and meals that will help accelerate your results. Learn more here:

  • Strengthening your immune system

    I've had a sinus infection since last week, which is super annoying, so I thought I'd share tips on how to strengthen your immune system (and mine too). Your immune system is basically like your very own Marvel superhero universe, working hard to protect your body 24/7 from invaders. Here’s the overlooked part: when you strengthen your immune system, you actually create a fitter, stronger, leaner, and healthier body. Strengthening your immune system goes hand-in-hand with your health & fitness goals. 7 Steps to Strengthen Your Immune System: Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Studies show not getting enough quality sleep makes you more susceptible to getting sick. Make sure your diet is packed with whole plant-based foods (fruits, veggies, nuts, legumes, etc.) because they contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and vitamin C, which all can help you fight illness. Get some fiber, too. Your gut microbiome is a big part of your immune system – the healthy bacteria in your gut can improve your immunity while keeping pathogens from getting into your body through your digestive tract. Cut back on added sugar. This one is a one-two punch. First, added sugars contribute to disease-causing inflammation. And second, they contribute to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, all of which can affect your immune system. Moderate exercise can cut inflammation plus promote the turnover of immune cells in your system. Aim for 150 minutes a week (5 x 30-minute sessions of exercises like walking, swimming, weight lifting, biking, etc.). HERE is an article on how powerful exercise is for your wellness. Don’t get dehydrated because it’s linked with lowered immunity. Try to drink at least 10 cups of water a day. Make time to destress by building stress management into your routine. This could be prayer, reading, napping, journaling, exercise, or anything else that helps you burn off stress. Being chronically stressed is linked with inflammation in your body, plus it can affect your immune cell function. Being proactive about your health and well-being matters now and into the future! HERE is an article on NATURAL REMEDIES FOR SICKNESS in case you get the crud. How many of those 7 steps are you taking today? Let me know!

  • Time to throw in the towel?

    Let’s hop into your Delorean and travel back in time… not too far, just a couple of months. Back to when you set your goals for 2022 at the beginning of the year. What does January 1st YOU think about how much present-day YOU has accomplished so far this year? Are you happy and excited about your progress? Or are you thinking, “Ugh, here we go again.” Either way, it’s time to turn that Delorean around and come back to the present… because it’s time to: GET TO FREAKING WORK. If you’re happy with how things are going, that’s awesome. But if you’re NOT (like the majority of people)… it’s definitely NOT too late to get back on track. Question #1: Ask yourself: What happened? ● Did you lose steam because you weren’t getting the results fast enough? ● Because it took too much time? ● Because you missed a workout or ate some “bad” food, and threw in the towel? ● Because you lost interest? ● Because you didn’t have enough support around you to keep you accountable and motivated? ● Or is what you’re doing just not working? If you think about this the right way, it’s an opportunity in disguise. This is because reflection gives you the chance to get to the ROOT of an issue. When you practice self-reflection – and you keep it honest – you get to know yourself a lot better. This way you can pick up on triggers or tendencies that derail your progress … and you can make different decisions next time around. Which leads me to: Question #2: What can I do to overcome _____ (whatever your answer was in question 1)? (And then DO it.) This is why so many successful people decide to hire a COACH to help them reach their goals. A coach can create a plan for you and your lifestyle to fast-track success … so you don’t have to go through the pains of figuring it out on your own. Not only that, but they will be there every step of the way to help support you and hold you accountable … So that even if you fall off track, you get RIGHT back on so you can crush your goals. If you’ve fallen off track with your New Year goals, but you’re NOT ready to throw in towel … and you want to finally make your goals a reality, LET’S DO THIS! Message me so we can chat about your success story! P.S. Check out Fit + Fresh now for FREE! I have tons of resources on how to reduce stress!


    I’ve got a little bonus challenge for you today that can play a surprising role in your results … and (even better) help you feel better. Here it is: Take a few minutes today to think about your STRESS MANAGEMENT plan. Everyone should have one. It's why I "force" RECESS in my challenge groups! FACT: Stress is a normal part of life and sometimes it’s even good for you. But when it gets out of control it can affect not only your results … but also your sleep, your mood, and your health. This is why it is so important to have a plan to help burn off your everyday stresses. Don’t believe me? Just one reason: stress is the NUMBER 1 reason people say they can’t sleep. Your sleep matters, because while you’re getting your Zzz's, your body is actually hard at work, recovering, rebalancing, and refreshing. PLUS it’s also reactivating your immune system and flushing out metabolic waste from your brain! But stress does more than ruin your sleep. It can affect your appetite, lead to cravings, and also disrupt your immune, digestive, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. It can also give you headaches and lead to chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety. This is why it’s SO IMPORTANT to have a (healthy) way to burn off stress every day. There are so many great ways to do it: ● Prayer ● Regular exercise ● Getting out in nature for some fresh air & sunshine ● Journaling ● Relaxing hobbies ● Having strong social connections Today, I encourage you to take a few minutes to think about 1) how stress is affecting you and 2) the ways you currently manage stress in your life. At Fit With Deb, I believe it's all connected. True fitness and wellness is a reflection of your overall health and happiness!” Make it a great (low-stress!) day – P.S. Check out Fit + Fresh now for FREE! I have tons of resources on how to reduce stress!

  • Decadent Chocolate Treat

    Have I got a TREAT for you today! It doesn’t even require any cooking – just a high-speed blender or food processor. Heavenly Chocolate Avocado Pudding (4 servings) ● 2 ripe avocados (not over-ripe!) ● 1 cup pitted dates ● ¼ cup CRAVE cocoa powder ● ½ cup water ● ½ Tbsp Nature's Hollow honey substitute ● 1-2 pinches of sea salt Remove the peel and pit from the avocado and cut into quarters. ​ Place all of the ingredients in a food processor and blend until combined. Scrape out of the processor into a covered container (or individual covered serving dishes). Let it chill for a few hours before eating. ​ Try not to eat it all at once. Enjoy! ​ Seriously: SO GOOD. ​ If you love good food (and who doesn’t!) be sure to check out our Fit + Fresh Membership for FREE!!!! It's where I house ALL of my menu plans, recipes, and printable grocery lists! It takes all the planning out of meal planning, so all you do is shop and cook!

  • What’s your food formula?

    Last Sunday our family watched the Super Bowl. At one point my son Joshy looked at me and said, "You really don't understand football, do you? You should look for a YouTube video to help you learn the basics." I had to laugh because he's right. I just don't get it. As I look at the TV screen, all I see is guys running around (though I do get what a touchdown is). For whatever reason, I just don't get all the rules of sports. During my twins' basketball games I cheer a lot but I'm equally clueless. My kind husband, Jason, always tries to teach me what's happening by my eyes glaze over as I nod and smile. Listen. One thing I *do* get is how to keep meals SIMPLE so you can stay on track! Because a lot of times we're led to believe that the more complicated and "fancy" our nutrition is, the better. That just leads to a sea of overwhelm and confusion, right? Here’s how to keep it simple: Eat foods God grows. Eat foods in their most natural form. Eat foods that don't come from boxes or bags. When coming up with your "food formula" that works for you, include meals that: 1. you love, 2. are simple and easy to throw together, and 3. align with your health goals And simply rotate meals that follow that formula throughout the week. You do NOT have to reinvent gourmet meals every time you sit down to eat … or constantly come up with new ideas every day. Having a go-to formula works in several different ways: ● It simplifies your shopping and food prep. ● It removes “decision fatigue,” which can happen when you’re forced to make choices all day long. The more decisions you make, the harder it becomes to make good ones! ● It helps stop that overwhelmed feeling you can get when you’re wondering whether your choices are “right” or “wrong” or “good” or “bad.” ● It saves you time and energy and can actually help you stay on track. This works whether you’re prepping meals for yourself or a houseful of picky eaters. Personally, it’s SUCH a relief NOT to have the “what’s for dinner” question hanging over my head every day. Do you have a list of go-to recipes that you eat on a regular basis? What are some of your favorites? I wanna hear, so share them in our "Fit With Deb Girls" Facebook group! If you would like some more ideas for healthy meals, be sure to check out our Fit + Fresh Membership for FREE!!!! It's where I house ALL of my menu plans, recipes, and printable grocery lists! It takes all the planning out of meal planning, so all you do is shop and cook!

  • 5 questions to ask yourself

    It's FINALLY February, hooray! I've got an important exercise right in this email that'll help you: Set amazing new goals for February (and the rest of 2022), and even more importantly, Give you the power to reach them. FACT: you know New Year’s resolutions let us down. Want to know one of the main things that separate those who quit and those who don’t? It’s engaging in regular REFLECTION along the way. And a lot of people do it the wrong way. True reflection is a PROCESS that helps you recognize what’s working … and what isn’t … by asking yourself specific questions. ● Reflection is NOT beating yourself up for what didn’t work. ● Reflection IS taking time to think about the reasons why certain habits or actions “click” for you and why others are more of a struggle. It’s stepping back to look at the big picture to see what is really required to set yourself up for success. Here are 5 reflection questions to ask yourself today! How did you contribute to your happiness and health in January? Where do you want to be a year from now? What is MOST important to you in 2022? (Be specific with your Top 3) For each of your top three things, answer: What specific things do you already do in your life that are moving you closer to what’s most important to you? Do you want to continue doing them in February? Take them to the next level? What specific things do you currently do that stalls your progress or holds you back? Why do you believe you take these actions? What are 1-2 simple steps you can start taking NOW to make your vision a reality? Another great question to ask yourself: “What would this look like if it was easy?” If you get stuck, it helps to get an outside perspective. This is where coaching comes in … Because a great coach can help you make the process a lot easier and more direct. They can eliminate the learning curve to find the fastest path to real results. And it’s one of the things I do best in our ONE-ON-ONE COACHING. This exclusive program is specifically designed to fast-forward your unique goals in a personalized way. If you are ready for meaningful – and measurable – results tailored to you, I am here to help. You do NOT have to go it alone!

  • Buffalo Chicken Dip Recipe

    Ready for a dairy-free Buffalo Chicken Dip recipe your family will love? Not only is it tasty, it's easy (and no one will guess it's dairy-free). It's my friend Cameron's recipe, so all credit goes to her! This is one of hundreds of recipes from my Fit + Fresh site. Serve this with sliced veggies (peppers, carrots, celery, cucumbers, broccoli, etc.) and/or gluten-free crackers or pita chips. I often eat it all by itself, but you might like it on a salad. Cameron’s Buffalo Chicken Dip (serves 8+) 2 Rotisserie chickens, pulled off bone and shredded more 2 bottles Primal Kitchen Buffalo Sauce (or a healthy buffalo sauce like Frank’s) 1 c Vegenaise or healthy mayo McCormick’s Simply Ranch flavor packet 2 bags of frozen cauliflower rice 1 bag frozen diced onion Optional: serve with raw veggies or on a salad 1. Preheat oven to 350. 2. Shred chicken in large bowl. Add both bottles of buffalo sauce, flavor packet, mayo, frozen cauliflower rice, and frozen onion. Stir to combine. 3. Pour mixture into large baking dish. Bake 25 minutes or until heated through. 4. Enjoy alone or with raw veggies and/or on a salad. Enjoy!

  • Try this “12 Days of Fitmas” Workout

    Merry Christmas! I am so honored that you have chosen to be a part of our wellness family! My wish for you is that you continue to make time for YOU! When you're a priority, you're happier and healthier! Are you ready for a mini-challenge to ramp up that energy and have some FUN!? It’s time for this year’s edition of the 12 Days of Fitmas Workout! You already know that regular exercise will help you: → blow off some stress, → boost your immunity, → improve your sleep, and → lower your risk of a long list of chronic diseases. This workout is proof that you can get all those benefits in a short amount of time. This workout is done to the format of the song “The 12 Days of Christmas.” Here’s how it works: Every round, you add a new exercise, and you do that exercise for the number of reps it would be for the day it represents in the song. So, for round 1, you would do 1 jumping jack. Round 2 you would do 2 burpees + 1 jumping jack. Round 3 would be 3 push-ups + 2 burpees + 1 jumping jack … all the way to round 12, where you would do the whole thing from day 12 through day 1. You’ll feel so accomplished after you do this! 12 Days of Fitness Workout Warm-up with 5 minutes of dynamic stretches 1 Jumping Jack 2 Burpees (without push-up) 3 Pushups 4 Lunges (alternating sides) 5 Mountain climbers (each side) 6 Air Squats 7 High Knees (each side) 8 Spiderman planks (each side) 9 Crunches 10 Supermans 11 Glute Bridges 12 Ab bicycles, each side! Be sure to cool down with 5 minutes of static stretching. It’s a fun way to get a little movement in AND know that you’ve done something great for yourself!

  • 12 Days of Fitmas!

    How about some FREE Holiday Motivation right about now!!!!!!!!! Let's actually enjoy smart health habits during the craziest month of the year! JOIN THE FREE 12 DAYS OF FITMAS CHALLENGE HERE! It's our free Fit With Deb 12 DAYS OF FITMAS Challenge and you are going to love making consistent choices with your wellness from Monday, December 6, through Friday, December 17! It all takes place in our FREE "Fit With Deb Girls" Facebook Group, so make sure you have joined! We are going to have a nonstop prize party happening during our fitness, nutrition, and wellness challenge so that you end 2021 strong! Here are the fun details: >>> The free challenge runs from this Monday, December 6, through Friday, December 17! Mark your calendar! >>> Each day you will be given a simple, fun challenge to complete. I'll be sharing all the details in our Facebook group. Don't worry, these are not time consuming or complicated tasks! What do these mini challenges look like? On day 9 ("Twinkling Tuesday"), you will do 60 seconds of burpees + eat protein at all 3 meals + share a photo in our group to check in! Easy, right? >>> Every day you will check-in and post in our private FIT WITH DEB GIRLS group with a photo, sharing that you completed that day's motivating challenge! Set an alarm on your phone to remind you! >>> Not only will I give you some amazing motivation AND awesome resources, I'll also be sharing awesome P*R*I*Z*E*S to reward you for consistently completing the easy (yet effective) tasks that keep you in shape! You'll post daily in our private group as proof (it's all based on the honor system). JOIN THE FREE 12 DAYS OF FITMAS CHALLENGE HERE! The more the merrier, so invite your friends to join the 12 Days of Fitmas fun! We start this Monday! Got questions? I love them! You can email me -->

  • Be the 8%

    Want to be a big fat failure? You know, spin your wheels, get nowhere, stay stuck? It's super easy. Here's the formula for never making an inch of progress with your health goals. Make resolutions. Especially on December 31st. If you do this one simple thing, you have a 92% chance of failing. And isn't that what we REALLY want, to accomplish absolutely nothing? I'm joking, yet not. It's almost time for Facebook posts to ask what your New Year's Resolutions are. Hear me loud and clear as I shout from the rooftops: I LIKE GOALS! I think we should always be striving to refine. Making progress is always a super idea! ​​ Here are the 5 ways to have resolutions really, truly WORK: 1. Resolutions = something you make. Like a wish. "My resolution is to eat healthy." Let's rephrase it from "resolutions" to RESOLVE. Resolve = something you have. It's an intentional commitment that means you will actually accomplish your goal. Want a higher success rate? Write down your goal(s) and you'll be more likely to be successful! "My resolution is to eat healthy" becomes "I am resolved to eat protein and vegetables 3 times a day because I want more energy to keep up with my active family." 2. Resolutions = wrong fit. Let's avoid the mistake of having the same resolutions as the rest of the nation. If it's a "should" instead of a "want" then it's already destined to flop. What is meaningful to YOU personally as a unique individual? Maybe the goal to "eat more vegetables" makes sense because we all need more vegetables, but it feels like what we ought to say. Maybe your resolution is, instead, to start running sprints once a week to see how fast you can become by March. Maybe your tailored resolution is to get 15 more minutes of sleep every Friday. Maybe your personalized resolution is to work on strength training so that you can lift those 20 pound dumbbells by May 1. Don't worry about what everyone else is working on. 3. Resolutions = overwhelming. They imply that you are not currently awesome and you need to become awesome. Truth is, you're already great! Perfect, no, but great! How often do people blindly decide, "My resolution is to lose weight, eat healthy, exercise 3 days a week, stress less, and enjoy family time." Talk about eating an elephant in one bite! Instead, let's decide to take small bite-size pieces of that elephant. We thrive with simplicity! We thrive with structure! We thrive when "all this" is sustainable for the long-term! 4. Resolutions = "what" without "how." "I want to eat more vegetables." Well that's a great goal, but HOW will you make this a HABIT? Be specific (most resolutions are vague, like "I'm going to start going to the gym."). This starts with "I will _____" action steps. You will need milestones along the way to assess your progress. You will need to celebrate every small win along the way. You must set aside the time to practice. You will need to show up and freaking DO IT. And you will need a steady supply of grace because you're going to screw up royally in your journey. You need an easy "starting line" and the "finish line" must come WAY before next December 31st. You are now a part of that 8% that actually sticks with it! 5. Resolutions = self-reliant. A big part of why 92% of people flake on resolutions is because they are doing them alone. Change is hard! It takes work, dedication, perseverance, and time! We are designed for relationship. We are meant to live in community! We do better together! You need accountability in order to stay the course. This is a marathon, and community is going to get you there. Maybe it's a friend, a neighbor, a relative, or your favorite coach (ahem, that's the girl talking to you right now). Don't do your journey solo -- be willing to be vulnerable and transparent about your struggle and your specific, measurable, meaningful goal. Whether it's in-person, texting, calling....teamwork really does make the dream work. It's why I do one-on-one coaching and create community within my menu and workout plans --> it IS the game changer! So let's hear it! What is it you really want? Are you willing to start today instead of waiting for a new calendar year? How can I help you get from Point A to Point B? #resolutions #goals #plan #progress


    I’ve got a couple of anti-aging exercises for you … all backed by science. ​ Fact: Research shows that some body parts naturally get less mobile (i.e., more locked-up) as we get older – starting as early as our 30s and 40s. ​ Two major areas that don’t move as easily as we get older are our trunk (aka upper back & core) and our shoulders. ​ But the good news is, just as you can continue to build and strengthen your muscles as you get older, practicing flexibility and mobility exercises can keep you feeling limber. ​ And even more importantly, potentially help you avoid shoulder and back injuries. ​ I have a couple of exercises that are designed to help you rebuild and restore mobility through your shoulders and trunk. ​ ​ They take just a few minutes, and if you make time for them 3-4 times a week you’ll notice results FAST. For even more benefit, do them when your body is warm – after a walk. ​ 1. World’s Greatest Stretch (video demo: ● Stand tall with your feet together. Step forward with your left leg and lower your body into a lunge. ● As you go down, place your right hand on the floor so it’s even with your left foot. Your right knee (the one extending behind you) should remain above the floor – not touching it. ● Next, drop your left elbow so that it's inside your left foot, and rest it on the floor (or as close as you can get). ● Square your hips so you feel a stretch on both sides, and try to keep your back as flat as possible. ● Now, raise your left arm up from the floor and twist toward the left, and extend your left arm up toward the ceiling, trying to straighten your arm. ● Be sure to breathe! Hold for a few breaths and repeat on the other side. ​ 2. Shoulder Pass-Through (video demo: You’ll need a stick (like a broomstick or dowel) or a resistance band to do this exercise. ● Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms in front of your body. ● Hold the stick or resistance band with straight arms, with an overhand grip. ● The stick/band should be below your waist, your hands wider than your shoulders. If you’re using the band, gently press outward to create a light amount of resistance. ● Engage your core and keep the rest of your body in position as, with straight arms, slowly raise the stick or band above your head, keeping your arms straight. Only go as far as comfortable. ● Hold the pose for a few seconds. ● Return to the starting position. ● Repeat 5 times. ​ Try these a few times over the next week and see for yourself! Getting older is inevitable, but you have a lot more control over the aging process than you might think! ​​​​​​​​​​ P.S. I'm all about helping clients create simple (but life-changing) habits to achieve REAL results. Be sure to check out Fit + Fresh Membership, which is yours for FREE right now! Head HERE for the free details!

  • FREE full-length workout video

    I rarely "give away" FREE full-length workout videos, so be sure to save and share this! I'm ultra jazzed today not just because it's FRIDAY, but because our 5-week challenge ends this weekend and I'm so proud of how hard each lady has worked. The icing on the cake for me? I'm giving away hundreds of dollars in cash (and some cool prizes too) to reward them for investing in their health! It's so fun bribing women to get confident, strong, lean, and sexy! That means a NEW challenge is coming so be sure to look for that to open in a few days! Woohoo! This is the exact formula for thriving through the food-based holiday season! So HERE is the FREE full-length workout video to enjoy at home, woohooo! You can also access it on my Fit With Deb YouTube channel HERE. In my new challenge group, I'll be giving you a brand new set of home workouts that sculpt your physique quickly! 💥 WORKOUT ROUTINE (3 SETS OF EACH MOVE, using a chair, band, and 2 weights): 🧡 SIDE PLANK LEG LIFTS 💜 1 1/4 BANDED HIP THRUSTS 💛 CHAIR SQUATS ❤ GOOD MORNINGS 💚 BANDED CHA CHA Click HERE for that sweat session (or click HERE to watch on YouTube)! Oh, and if you want to access more FREE workouts, I'm closing enrollment into my Fit + Fresh in a couple of days, which means you will not be able to join for a while.

  • This will help you sleep (recipe)

    I’ve got a delicious recipe for you today that just might help you sleep better! Which means this makes a perfect little nightcap drink – but you can enjoy it any time you want to relax. It combines the best tried-and-true home remedies … and it also tastes great. Each ingredient in this recipe is believed to have sleep-inducing benefits. Chamomile Chai (serves 1) 1 cup oat milk (or your favorite dairy-free milk ) 1 chamomile tea bag Dash or two of cinnamon and turmeric 1 tsp Nature's Hollow honey substitute Sprinkle of Himalayan sea salt Optional: ginger (grated or powdered) Optional: bag of lavender tea Place the milk, tea, and spices in a saucepan and warm until almost (but not quite) boiling. Let the tea steep for a few minutes. Remove from the heat, remove the teabag, and carefully pour the liquid into a mug. Add the honey and salt and stir to mix. Enjoy! Some ideas to mix this up: add a little ginger (grated or powdered) or toss a bag of lavender tea into the pan when you’re steeping the chamomile. Enjoy!


    Snacks on snacks on snacks. That's the theme of our current situation, right? I've asked on social media and email "WHAT DO YOU NEED?" and got an overwhelming response! Here's what you told me you need: 1. Sweet Desserts & Salty Snacks 2. Easy Dinner Recipes I've created just what you need and you're going to love it! But it's only available until Sunday night! 15 Sweet & Salty Snacks PLUS 15 One-Pan Dinner Recipes! That's 30 RECIPES! You'll snack on deceptively healthy ice cream, chips, cookies, crackers, cupcakes, snack mix, buckeyes, and more! AND your jeans will still fit. End your day with mouth-watering suppers including Chicken Marinara, Buffalo Wings, Chipotle Taco Skillet, Jerk Chicken Nachos, Grilled Salmon with Avocado Salsa, Crockpot Mediterranean Chicken, and more! That's 30 delicious snacks & suppers recipes that hit the spot! Your kids that love to bake can whip up the chocolate cookies while you snack on the homemade Cheez Its (yes, for real). My son has literally thanked God during prayer time for "Mom's amazing chicken wings that are the best on the planet." You're seconds away from access to all 15 Sweet & Salty Snacks + 15 One-Pan Dinner Recipes! Valued at $149, it's all yours for $27!!! Hurry, this offer ends Sunday night! How does it work? Once your transaction is confirmed, you'll receive an email granting you lifetime access to the Snacks & Suppers e-books! Be sure to use the correct email at checkout in order to receive exclusive access! This is not a group accountability program; enjoy this digital product right now! Hurry, offer ends Sunday night! Got questions? Email me:

  • 85% of us use this to power our days

    Did you know that there is a drug that 85% of us use every single day? If you’re one of them, I have a little assignment for you. :) No, I am not going to ask you to quit. It’s caffeine … and we use it to get going in the morning, power through workouts or work, and keep us going through the mid-afternoon slump. Before telling you pros and cons, if you're not following Fit With Deb on Instagram, earlier in the week I shared on my stories 2 coffee memes: 1. "People who drink coffee are sexier than those who don't. (Source: people who drink coffee)" 2. "Coffee doesn't care if you wear pants. Coffee doesn't wear pants either. Pants are dumb." The upside of caffeine? ● It gives you energy ● It boosts your alertness and ability to concentrate ● It can come in beverages filled with antioxidants that have health benefits (ex: tea!) That’s all well and good ... But there are a few downsides. ● It can take up to 10 hours to clear your system – which means it can also get in the way of relaxing – and falling and staying asleep. ● You can build up a tolerance after your body gets used to it, which means you might need to drink more of it to get the same effects. ● It can raise your blood pressure. ● It can make you “wired-tired”: jittery, overstimulated, and tired at the same time. ● It’s linked with migraines. ● It doesn’t mix well with some medications and health issues. ● Suddenly quitting caffeine can give you headaches and leave you feeling tired, achy, and even nauseous. This leads me to that little assignment I mentioned earlier. Today, take some time to ask yourself: Are you using caffeine – or is it using you? If you are feeling jittery and stressed, having a hard time sleeping, getting headaches, or finding that your tolerance for caffeine is increasing … Or maybe you feel like you NEED it to keep going through the day – it might be time to reevaluate your caffeine use. Just something to think about!


    Happy Labor Day Weekend! I think you should freely enjoy the fun and festivities over the long weekend! I'm heading to the pool for sure on Monday with my family and cannot wait! That said, I don't think it should be a 4 day binge where you feel like absolute garbage Tuesday morning. That is the freaking worst. Here are 4 tips to not feel like trash: #1 DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. If you have a buffet on the horizon, cool, you still need to eat every few hours before and after. Load up on veggies, proteins, healthy fats, fruits, and complex carbs. #2 DO NOT GET MENTALLY WEIRD. Let's mature past the food psychology drama of dieting, calorie counting, exercise punishment, food shame / guilt, all-or-nothing, or rewarding ourselves with morsels. Just eat, and if you screw up, move on because stress can actually mess up your digestive system. #3 CHUG, CHUG, CHUG. You already know this, but you need a boat-load of water if you're eating junk, slamming drinks, and/or out in the sun. So reward your body hourly with 4 massive gulps of water to prevent feeling like you've been hit by a truck later. #4 BE A DIVA. Only eat and drink what you truly like. Be picky. If you don't love a food, pass on it. Even if you're a people-pleaser and your loved one is raking you over the coals about not taking a bite. Make every sip and every bite worth it so you don't end up eating both foods you love and foods you tolerate because you'll want your stomach pumped later. Go celebrate!

  • Kitchen Sink Salad Recipe

    I’ve got a good one for you today! It’s a DELICIOUS, no-cook lunch or dinner recipe. CONFESSION: I stole this idea from chef Guy Fieri. Except I mixed it up a bit to make it: 1) Healthier, 2) Heartier, and 3) Just as delicious. It’s called the Kitchen Sink Salad because you can put basically anything you want in it. Feel free to make it your own because you really can’t go wrong. If you have other veggies in the fridge, add ‘em! Some leftover roasted sweet potatoes would be really good. Or sprinkle on some dried cranberries! Yum. Kitchen Sink Salad (makes 2 large salad servings) For the dressing: Handful of fresh basil or parsley ½ cup balsamic vinegar Juice of ½ lemon 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tbsp Dijon mustard ½ teaspoon salt Dash of freshly ground pepper ½ cup extra virgin olive oil For the salad: 1 (12 oz) package mixed baby salad greens (or your favorite lettuce) 1 medium cucumber, peeled, cut in half, and diced 1 large tomato, diced 1 - 1.5 cups chopped cooked chicken 1/2 cup rinsed & drained cannellini beans 1 avocado 2 tbsp pecans or walnuts, chopped (Optional extras: radishes, onions, celery, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, jicama, bell peppers, bacon crumbles, seeds, olives, artichoke hearts, snow peas Make the dressing: Place all the dressing ingredients except olive oil in a high-speed blender. Pulse until combined. Turn on the blender and slowly drizzle in the olive oil until emulsified. Pour into a container and keep in the fridge until you’re ready to use it. (You’ll have leftovers!) Make the salad: In a large bowl, toss together the salad greens, cucumber, tomato, chicken, beans, and other toppings you found in your fridge. Add the dressing right before you’re ready to eat it. Top with the nuts and avocado. Enjoy! P.S. I'm all about helping clients create simple (but life-changing) habits to achieve REAL results. Be sure to check out Fit + Fresh Membership, which is yours for FREE right now! Head HERE for the free details!

  • The one question we all dread...

    I know you can relate to this dreaded question. Because it’s about … drumroll … “What’s for dinner?” The answer is a never-ending nightly struggle, am I right?! We make so many decisions every day - and by the time dinner rolls around - it’s like an endless loop trying to figure out what to eat. Lately I found myself standing in front of the fridge trying to figure out what to make. It wasn’t like I didn’t have any food on hand. I’d even gone grocery shopping over the weekend and stocked up on healthy food. But everything required work – and time. It involved COOKING. And honestly, I felt so tired and stressed out by the whole thing. I just didn’t feel like making anything. Sometimes that led to eating out, takeout, or throwing together meat and vegetables. And these things are not bad, they just aren't ideal. Can you relate? Being stuck in that cycle is the WORST … because it’s way too easy to click that Uber Eats button on your phone. . Sometimes you’re not even sure you WANT to break out of it because it does make your life a little easier. But when you look at the big picture… ● You end up consuming WAY more calories than you wanted to, ● There’s likely a lot more sodium (and other unwanted ingredients) in your food, ● And it’s not nearly as nutritious as if you were to make it yourself. Here are three things I did to break out of the loop: 1. I got over the blame game with myself and analyzed why my “meal prep” wasn't working. I always had good intentions of spending time prepping on the weekends - but the fact was, it wasn’t always happening. 2. Spending time “batch cooking." Easy meals only. Last Sunday I ordered groceries (which cost me $1) and had them delivered (which was free). This past Monday (which you may have seen my LIVE broadcasts), I made 3 easy meals. 1. Crockpot Pot Roast 2. Crockpot White Chicken Chili 3. Healthy Sloppy Joes This meant we could easily mix-and-match meals for the week (for lunch and dinner). Because I had a plan, it was SO fast, SO easy, and NOT dreadful. I swear! 3. Here’s where the magic happened! I noticed the link between how I felt (and my results) when I ate home-cooked meals vs. winging it or eating out. I have more energy, my stomach felt SO MUCH BETTER, and I even had more body confidence. Being on track AND saving $$$ is priceless -- and EASY! Your results are waiting for you. If you need help, let’s do this together! Time is going to go by one way or another, and you DESERVE to live your best life. If "What's for dinner?" is about to make you lose your mind, check out Fit + Fresh for FREE -- I've got tons of lightning-fast meals PLUS your grocery lists ready for you! You'll love it! I'm all about helping clients create simple (but life-changing) habits to achieve REAL results. Be sure to check out Fit + Fresh Membership, which is yours for FREE right now! Head HERE for the free details!


    You CANNOT out-exercise a bad diet, right? So how do we break up with the gross, overly processed foods? Step #1: BE AWARE of your cravings, so you can 1) notice patterns and 2) feel more in control of them. Step #2: BE PREPARED. Like a Girl Scout. If you know that you start craving salty/sweet/crunchy food every time you crash on the couch at night after a long day, BE PREPARED. If you know that every afternoon you start having visions of chocolate chip cookies dancing in your head, BE PREPARED. If you always associate eating beer and wings with watching TV on the weekends, BE PREPARED. What “being prepared” looks like will depend on you and your situation. But it can include these two simple tactics: ● Find a diversion. Focus your attention on something else. So, for example, work on a hobby instead of watching TV. Take a bubble bath instead of searching for chocolate. Use your massage gun on those sore muscles instead of diving into the chip bag. ● Have a healthier option on-hand: frozen fruit, carrot/celery sticks, fresh berries topped plus dairy-free whipped topping, Crave hot cocoa, homemade air fryer wings. Make sure it’s ready to go. It only takes a few days of making the switch for cravings to start going away. (REALLY.) And also for you to start noticing changes in your energy, your sleep, and your results! It’s all about being intentional about what you put into your body … and not letting the “automatic” habits take over and derail you from your goals! It’s a lot easier than you think. Here at Fit With Deb, we focus on simple changes that bring big results.


    I want to focus on one of the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS you can do when it comes to getting ACTUAL results. And this one thing will also help: ● Your health ● Your workout/sports performance ● Up your energy levels ● Reduce painful joints ● The quality of your skin and hair ● Your heart ● Your brain ● How you feel now and into the future It's what you EAT. Because there’s a direct line between your food intake and EVERY one of the things on that list (plus a lot more). There might be something specific standing in your way of putting it into action. FACT: There’s a type of food specifically engineered to make you crave more of it. And this food product is also crammed with some of the worst things for your body that you can eat: added sugars, unhealthy fats, salt, and loads of extra (empty!!!) calories. → It’s “Ultra-Processed Food” – cookies, chips, donuts, candy bars, sweetened cereals, sweetened granola bars, fried chicken, white bread, mashed potato flakes, etc. – and it’s ADDICTING. These “foods” stimulate the reward pathways in your brain the same way some drugs do. So, not only is this “food” NOT GOOD for you, it makes you crave even MORE of it. I put quotes around “food” because it actually bears very little resemblance to real food. It has basically been stripped of its nutrition (fiber and micronutrients). To start shifting away from eating them it starts with AWARENESS. Start paying attention to what you’re craving (and what foods you are eating). Keep track! Write down what you’re craving, and also when. Documenting all of this will help you find patterns - and it’s also a great way to start taking back control. So that’s your mini-assignment for the next few days – notice the who/what/when/where/why of any cravings you have. No judgment! Just pay attention and keep track. Are you up for it?! Let me know!


    I've got not 1, but TWO, Workout Videos to share with you today! Hooray! In case you've never done my Fit With Deb workouts before, here's what you need to know: >> They are 10-20 minutes long because you are busy, and you can just do them 2-4 times per week >> They are full-length videos, not just clips that demonstrate moves for a few seconds >> They are designed to be done at home, but you can do them at the gym >> I do the workout alongside you so you will hear me grunt and watch me rest, plus you'll get to know my pets and family >> They are designed to get you the most results in the shortest amount of time >> You get stronger after each video AND you actually will enjoy exercise >> I keep equipment minimal so you can just get started and then move on with your day >> I have a LOT more housed in my Fit + Fresh Membership, which you can access for free right now GO CHECK OUT THESE 2 VIDEOS! WHILE YOU'RE THERE, PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP: GO "SUBSCRIBE" TO MY FIT WITH DEB YOUTUBE CHANNEL! THANKS! 15-MINUTE WORKOUT VIDEO --> PRESS PLAY HERE You will need a mat and 2 moderate/heavy weights for this full body workout. Complete 3 rounds: 1. Kettlebell Swing to Overhead Squat 2. V Sit + Static Curl + Lean 3. Lunge Twist Punch 4. Glute Bridge Reaches 5. Reverse Plank Hip Dips 10-MINUTE WORKOUT VIDEO --> PRESS PLAY HERE You will need a mat and 2 light/moderate weights for this full body workout. Complete 2 rounds: 1. Squat + Arm Arc 2. Side Scissor Kicks 3. Hover Bear Squat with Leg Extension 4. Hover Bear Squat with Leg Extension 5. Static Bridge + Alternating Chest Press to Skull Crusher You can get more workout videos for FREE right now in my Fit + Fresh Membership! Remember, no one ever magically has the time to workout - we have to make the time for things that are important to us.

  • Do this if you’re “too busy”

    Feeling like you don’t have time to exercise is NOT an excuse to skip your workouts... ​ Because workouts are THAT important for your health! ​ Your workouts are literally the Fountain of Youth for your cells. (Even older “aging” cells.) ​ Among all the other benefits of exercise, short & intense workouts actually can boost the mitochondria in your cells, which are tiny “powerhouses” that help your body make energy. ​ These powerhouses start to slow down over time … but working out can help delay that process! ​ Even if you only have 5 minutes to get in some exercise, doing SOMETHING is far better than doing NOTHING. ​ You can … ​ ● Do squats while you’re waiting for your coffee machine to do its thing in the morning. ● Park farther away from your office or the grocery store. ● Crank out a 5-minute core routine. ● Speed-walk around the block. ● Repeat a circuit of 15 squats, 10 push-ups, and 20 crunches for 5 minutes. ● Turn on some music and have a quick dance party. And if you want some professionally designed, 5, 10, 15, and 20 minute professionally designed workouts … ​ You can get them for FREE right now in my Fit + Fresh Membership! ​ Remember, no one ever magically has the time to workout - we have to make the time for things that are important to us. ​​​

  • Pumpkin Pie Pudding

    Don’t you love it when your goals and taste buds collide in delicious harmony? ​ Well today, I’ve got a snack recipe for you that’s: 1) Delicious, 2) Super easy to prepare, and 3) A perfect post-workout snack. (Actually, it’s a good ANYTIME snack, but it has the right combo of protein and carbs to help you improve your post-workout recovery.) It’s Pumpkin Pie Pudding and it has just a few simple ingredients. TIP: It’s also an easy breakfast – just stir in a ¼ cup of rolled oats. ​ Pumpkin Pie Pudding (serves 1) ● 6 oz dairy-free yogurt ● ⅓ cup 100% pumpkin puree ● Dash of cinnamon ● Dash of vanilla ● 1 tsp Nature's Hollow honey or maple syrup (to taste) ● 1 Tbsp toasted chopped walnuts Combine all the ingredients - except the walnuts - in a small bowl until combined. Taste and adjust the sweetness. Before eating, top with the toasted walnuts. Mix up a couple batches and keep it in your fridge for easy grab & go meals or snacks. If you’re looking for more simple solutions for your healthy lifestyle, I can help! Our Fit + Fresh site has loads of yummy recipes and more! ​

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