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  • Energizing Protein-Powered Salad

    I’m always looking for delicious, healthy, and quick lunch recipes! I have a yummy salad to share with you -- feel free to add other ingredients you like (roasted red peppers, pepitas, or more hard-boiled eggs, or dairy-free cheese, for example)! Energizing Protein-Powered Salad (makes 2-4 servings) ● 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar ● 2 tsp Dijon mustard ● 1 garlic clove, minced ● ¼ tsp each salt and pepper ● ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil ● 8 cups salad greens ● 1 14 oz. can artichoke hearts, rinsed and halved or quartered ● 1 cup rinsed no-salt-added chickpeas ● 2 celery stalks, chopped ● 1 carrot, sliced ● 1 avocado, chopped ● 2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped In a large bowl, add the vinegar, mustard, garlic, salt, and pepper. Gradually add the oil, whisking until well combined. Add the salad greens, chickpeas, celery, carrot, avocado, and eggs and toss to coat with dressing. All that’s left to do is sit down and devour it. :-) Enjoy!

  • 10 energy vampires you need to banish

    Any time someone is asked, "What would you do if you had 24 hours to yourself?" the answer always includes SLEEP and RELAX. Aren't we all so freaking tired, physically and emotionally? ​ The thing is, you might be CAUSING your exhaustion. Sigh. ​ So here are 10 THINGS VACUUMING ENERGY FROM YOUR BODY: ​ 1. Not getting enough exercise. Not moving your body can make you want to move even LESS! Making time for exercise can get your blood pumping, improve your endurance, and boost your energy. ​ 2. Eating processed and refined carbs. These might give you a quick shot of energy thanks to the blood sugar rush … but when your body sends out insulin to remove the sugar, it can make your blood sugar level plummet – leaving you tired and drained. ​ 3. Not getting enough quality sleep. You already know this, but your body needs sleep to fully recover and recharge. ​ 4. Food sensitivities. One side effect of eating foods that your body is sensitive to includes fatigue. If you think that you might have sensitivities, it’s worth checking with your doctor. Common culprits include gluten, dairy, corn, soy, and eggs. ​ 5. Eating too LITTLE. Not getting enough fuel (i.e., food) can make you feel tired – and so can eating a poor-quality diet without enough nutrients. ​ 6. Not getting enough protein. Studies show that eating protein boosts your metabolism, and scientists believe this may help prevent tiredness. ​ 7. Drinking too little water. Studies show that being even a little dehydrated can make it harder to stay focused and leave you feeling drained. ​ 8. Energy drinks (including coffee). Like refined carbs, these can send your energy up before crashing back down. Not only that but caffeine can take up to 8 hours to clear your system, making it harder to get a good night of sleep, adding to the energy drain. 9. Stress. Feeling constantly stressed can definitely deflate your energy, both mentally and emotionally. Just another reason it’s important to have (and follow!) a plan for managing stress. ​ 10. Being in a negative environment. It’s possible to “catch” the moods of the people around you, but being aware of it can help lower your susceptibility, as can finding things that make you feel positive! ​ Bottom line … move your body … eat healthy whole foods … drink your water … and surround yourself with a positive environment … and your energy should quickly return! ​ If it doesn’t, it’s worth mentioning to your doctor to see if you have an underlying issue. When I had all 4 levels of my thyroid tested, it took years to balance out, but it changed my life 100%! ​ At Fit With Deb, I believe that your results are all connected – sleep, stress, nutrition, fitness, mindset, and more. ​ ​​​​​ If you're looking to boost your energy, I have workouts, recipes, and resources that will help you RIGHT NOW! They're all found in my Fit + Fresh Membership! ​​​​

  • Nighttime snacking and junk food addiction

    Let’s talk about ONE BIG AREA that a lot of people struggle with when it comes to cleaning up their nutrition – NIGHTTIME SNACKING! Have you heard of “ultra-processed foods”? That’s the new buzzword for packaged snacks, pizza, and basically anything with a lot of added sugar, fat, salt, or other ingredients to make them tastier and more appealing. These foods can actually trigger an addiction-like response in your brain, making you crave them. AND … it goes without saying these foods aren’t at ALL helpful to any health or fitness goals you have. Maybe by day you are exercising, drinking more water, eating clean meals, and feeling GREAT. But then every night when you finish cleaning up after dinner, you get a massive craving for those ultra-processed foods (even though you are not hungry) …. and every night you give in. How can you end the cycle of nighttime snacking? I'd suggest you change up your evening habits to help break the snacking cycle. Maybe at night you tackle a home organization project and then go to bed early – and stay away from the couch and the TV (the trigger), which is where the snacking happens. This way you remove an automatic cue (TV + couch) to grab those junk foods. Sometimes in order to break a habit loop, you have to (at least temporarily) remove the triggers that cause the habit to happen. It’s a great tip straight out of the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. Do you have a time of day when it’s harder to meet your nutritional/fitness goals? You don’t always have to rely on willpower – a little brainstorming can help you find a solution that’s a LOT easier! If you want expert guidance with this in your own life …. a few simple tweaks can lead to GIANT results. P.S. I'm all about helping clients create simple (but life-changing) habits to achieve REAL results. Be sure to check out Fit + Fresh Membership, which is yours for FREE right now! Head HERE for the free details!

  • Mediterranean Power Salad Recipe

    I’ve got a fantastic lunch recipe for you today that’s fast and easy … and it’s loaded with anti-inflammatory ingredients. From the leafy greens to the colorful veggies to the delicious dressing, you’re going to want to add this into your regular rotation. This is also super delicious with salmon instead of tuna / chicken. TIP: Try using the leftover dressing as a dipping sauce. SO GOOOOD! Mediterranean Power Salad (serves 1) ● 2 tbsp dressing (see recipe below) ● 3 cups baby spinach or other dark-green leafy vegetable, cut into bite-sized pieces ● 2.5-ounce pouch water-packed tuna or chicken ● ½ cup rinsed cannellini (white) beans ● 1 carrot, peeled and shredded ● 1 celery stalk, chopped fine ● 3-4 grape tomatoes, cut in half ● 2 tbsp dressing (see recipe below) For the dressing: ● 1 clove garlic, minced ● 1 tablespoon lemon juice (from ½ medium lemon) ● 1 tsp Dijon mustard ● ½ tsp Nature's Hollow maple syrup alternative ● Pink Himalayan salt, to taste ● Freshly ground pepper, to taste ● ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil Make the dressing: Mix all the ingredients well in a small bowl, using a fork or whisk. Assemble the salad: Toss the greens with the dressing in a bowl, then top with the tuna, beans, and other veggies. Toss lightly and enjoy! I hope you enjoy this recipe! Speaking of recipes, I have HUNDREDS of crowd-pleasing recipes in Fit + Fresh for you to access for $0! Reaching your goals can be a lot easier (and more delicious!) than you think. Especially when you have someone in your corner, cheering you forward. P.S. I'm all about helping clients create simple (but life-changing) habits to achieve REAL results. Be sure to check out Fit + Fresh Membership, which is yours for FREE right now! Head HERE for the free details!

  • This test can show how you’re aging!

    I’ve got a fun "test" for you today! ​ ​ It’s a test that can give you a hint about how well you are aging. ​ It’s called the sit and stand test. ​ It was designed by Brazilian researchers, and their study shows it can help predict how long you’ll live (or … more precisely … how long you will NOT live). ​ To do it, all you need is a clear space on the floor. Stand in the middle of the floor, and lower yourself to the floor to a sitting position – without using your hands or any assistance. ​ Then, without using your hands or any assistance, stand back up! ​ (TIP: Cross your legs on the way down and then back up to help with balance. It’s not cheating.) ​ This test can be a strong measure of musculoskeletal fitness – which is strength, flexibility, and coordination, a component that’s often forgotten about as we get older. ​ Here are the results of the study in Brazil – which I thought were shocking! ​ The researchers tracked more than 2,000 men and women aged 51 to 80 for 6 years. ​ No matter their age at the start of the study, those who needed to use both their hands and feet to get up and down were about 7x more likely to die within 6 years than those who didn’t need to use their hands! ​ WOAH! ​ So … try it today and see how you’re doing. If getting up and down is harder than you thought it would be … ​ I have some good news for you: it’s definitely not too late to turn it around! I am here to help, so send me a message! ​​​​​​​​​

  • Fabulous and 40 (and 50 and beyond)

    The old gray mare, she ain't what she used to be. When I hit the big 4-0 not too long ago and was like, "Ummm why is everything falling apart?!" Do you know what I'm talking about? Shoot, maybe you're 55 and thinking, "Girl, my body has been hijacked so good luck!" Once we cross over the 40 hump, it's like we wake up in a new body, right? In our minds nothing has changed, but our body is like a stranger. We just can't pretend we are in our 20's. We start using words like "peri-menopause" and "menopause" (I hate those words and think the "M" word needs a makeover). We struggle with exercise and hormones and we can't even smell a donut without popping a button off our pants. If you're in your 20's, just pretend none of this will happen to you, and carry on about your day. If you're in your 30's, changes will come, so listen up. If you're in your 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond....lean in close and let me ask you a few questions. * Do you sometimes feel like your body has hit a brick wall? * Are you worried you’ve spent your 20's and 30's so busy with life and work that now that you’re stuck with a body you hate? * Do you feel old, even if in your heart, you just graduated from high school? * Does everything you put on make you feel frumpy and undesirable? ---> Are you convinced you’ll never feel sexy again, much less try on a swimsuit because your body has given up trying? ---> Do you find yourself justifying food and trying to work it off later, only to find yourself discouraged? ---> Are all your “tricks” to lose a few pounds no longer working and you’re scared this is as good as you’re going to get? ---> Have hormones wreaked havoc on your body? If you’re ready to have your energy back so you’re not walking around in a fog, if you want to stop looking at brownies and gaining weight, then I invite you to join me on a 12-week journey to getting your body back to one you love, no matter what your age or hormones or menopause are trying to throw at you. During this 12-week FABULOUS AND 40 (and beyond) online program, I’ll be walking you through the 10 reasons your body no longer is cooperating with you. Yes, you can be in your 40's, 50's and beyond! I'll share: >>> The magic formula for how to eat and have the body you did 15 years ago >>> Exercise videos perfect for you whether you haven’t exercised in years or you’re ready to take it to the next level and tone up your thighs, arms and tummy (all without causing pain in your joints) >>> The ONE thing you’re doing right now that is absolutely sabotaging your weight-loss >>>The counter-intuitive way to reverse the effects of menopause and how doing this ONE thing will affect your waistline >>> The 3 reasons you feel out of control with eating & why your metabolism feels like it came to a screeching halt when you turned 40 >>> 3 reasons why what you’ve been doing and what your scale is telling you are ALL wrong >>> How to boost your energy, crush cravings and lose that hungry feeling in 5 easy steps >>> Everything you need to know about how the 3 big hormones are affecting your sleep, eating and weight loss >>> Top 3 benefits of getting 8 hours of sleep and how to create a bedtime routine that keeps insomnia away >>> And, how even if you’re doing everything right, you can fix the crazy hormones you lovingly joke about, so that you feel your best yet! What to expect in our 12-Week FABULOUS AND 40 (and beyond) Program: 1. Weekly emails that educate how to balance hormones, stay active, re-energize, rev up the metabolism, conquer cravings, and lose inches with tips you can instantly use to feel your best yet. You thought it was just your age causing you to feel crazy, right? Nope. It's not you. There is a whole science to the menopausal body with eating differently, exercising smarter, tackling hormones, and practicing rest-based living. Let's tackle menopause topics like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, brain fog, low energy, weight gain, and the important hormonal factors. You're already young at heart, so let's not feel our age! This is not a Facebook group. All content will be delivered to your inbox so you can go at your own pace! 2. Weekly education videos that teach how reverse-aging can be a reality starting right now. 3. Sample meal structure of how to lose inches in menopause + a grocery list of fat-burning foods (pssst it's not about eating less). 4. Individual Progress Monitor to chart your strategic progress of looking and feeling our best in our forties (and beyond), without ever stepping on a stupid scale. 5. 9 At-Home Full-Length Workout Videos for all fitness levels (no joint pain). The smarter way to get in shape in less time! I've never created workout videos this way. 6. 20 Ways to Practice Self Care to avoid looking (and feeling) like your grandma. 7. One-Time Personalized Food Journal Review: I'll assess what's causing problems with your nutrition and provide individualized feedback. 8. Printable Action Plan for walking, exercising, reducing stress, and eating for fat loss. This online program is valued at over $600, but because I truly want you to FINALLY get your body to respond so that you see results, I've slashed that price to just $159.97 (a savings of over $440!), Hurry, this offer ends soon! "Fabulous and 40" is a 12-week digital program, not a group program. You will receive weekly communication to the email used with purchase. On day 7 of the program, Katherine messaged, "I'm feeling SO great! My pants are getting loose and I've already lost almost 6 lbs!" Find out why Sally shared, "My 'go to' skirt for dressy occasions is now too big. I have worn it for years." Uncover the secrets like Miss A did: "My body composition has changed, I rest, I relax, I walk and I am making a mental shift." Be like Lisa who happily proclaimed, "I just zipped up pants that have been on the 'skinny' side of my closet (y'all know what I'm talking about) and they fit comfortably. Before I couldn't even pull them up over my hips much less zip them. I've learned so much from our 12 week program." You know what I learned myself as I researched and applied this in my own life? * I learned how to eat for fat loss at my age. * I discovered how to exercise around discomfort. * I found the importance of movement (which is not the same as exercise). * I uncovered how stress is a bigger player than ever and that it's crucial to implement rest-based living. * I was reminded that self-care is not a selfish luxury. * I know the specific steps to losing fat without compromising on hunger, energy, or cravings. * With age comes hormonal change, yet I'm equipped to balance them. Weekly secrets to navigating our 40's (and beyond) delivered to your inbox Weekly videos about unlocking the keys to reverse aging and hormonal balance Uncomplicated method of eating for fat-loss (without starving or dieting) Individualized success tracker to monitor your weekly progress Exclusive access to 9 fat-burning workout videos that tone and tighten without aggravating your joints Personalized food journal feedback for your Week 1 nutrition Motivating step-by-step thriving strategy and so much more! Reverse aging starts now! HURRY, THIS OFFER ENDS SOON! "Fabulous and 40" is a 12-week digital program, not a group program. You will receive weekly communication to the email used with purchase. Got questions? I love them! Click HERE to email me!

  • Have you heard of “inflammaging”?

    I have a little assignment for you today that might lead you to a delicious weekend project! Go into your kitchen and look inside your pantry ... and then open up your fridge and take a look in there, too. What’s inside can make a BIG difference in how you age. A lot of times people talk about what you SHOULDN’T eat – like sugar, processed foods, etc. – because they are linked with a higher risk of disease. BUT there are actually foods that help FIGHT a major factor in aging. Plus, they can reduce aches and pains. There’s a process in your body that plays such a huge role in aging that it’s actually been called “inflammaging” – inflammation + aging. ● Research shows a key sign of aging is having more inflammatory markers in your bloodstream. ● Inflammation is your body’s immune response to toxins as it tries to remove them from your system. ● It can cause aches and pains – and over the long term it can actually trigger chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease & strokes, mood disturbances, and it’s even linked with Alzheimer’s! ● Low-grade inflammation is highly influenced by your gut microbiome … and by what you eat! Science shows that changing your diet to include more anti-inflammatory foods can help slow, stop, or maybe even REVERSE low-grade inflammation. Here’s your anti-inflammatory food checklist: ● Veggies – a colorful array that includes tomatoes & leafy greens ● Fruits – strawberries, blueberries, oranges, etc. ● Nuts – tree nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc.) are a good source of healthy fats ● Fish – especially fatty fish (like salmon) that contain omega-3 fatty acids ● Whole grains – contain important vitamins and fiber; oats, quinoa, brown rice If you don’t have many of those foods in your kitchen, think about adding them to your grocery list for this weekend! Then … experiment with some fun recipes: here are some to check out: Together, these foods provide antioxidants, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, prebiotics, and polyphenols to help your body function optimally. Another possible add-on that research shows might help: probiotics – but be sure to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about supplements before you add them to your routine! As you can see, it’s not only what you don’t eat that matters for your health – it’s also what you DO eat! P.S. I'm all about helping clients create simple (but life-changing) habits to achieve REAL results. Be sure to check out Fit + Fresh Membership, which is yours for FREE right now! Head HERE for the free details!

  • How to age in reverse

    Let's discuss a BILLION-dollar topic . . . staying healthy as you age. This year, people will spend $62 billion on anti-aging efforts. You don’t have to break the bank in order to be healthy at EVERY age. Your health & wellness is like your retirement account. The consistent investments you make NOW – by eating a healthy diet, working out regularly, taking care of your skin/eyes/teeth, not smoking, etc. – pay off big-time deep into the future! And the BEST part is, it’s never too late to start making those investments in your personal wellness account. ● Working out creates a strong base of muscle (and bone!) that will keep you strong as you get older … plus of course, it keeps your heart & body healthy! ● Getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night builds a healthier and more focused brain. ● Finding ways to manage stress keeps your brain and body happy. ● Eating healthy foods floods your body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally. ● Building a social network keeps you feeling connected, which has a direct link to your feelings of wellness and well-being. ● And so much more! This means the workout plan you are following TODAY has the potential to pay off decades from now, and your decision to choose an apple vs. a cookie for your afternoon snack will, too! It’s all about being CONSISTENT with small, good-for-you actions. Here’s a challenge for you: Come up with THREE actions you can commit to this month that can help you feel better NOW – and into the future! Some ideas: ● Taking a walk after lunch ● Ditching the sugary dessert after dinner ● Swapping your soda for water ● 2 Fit With Deb workout videos this week Basically: What can you do TODAY that your FUTURE YOU will thank you for? Let me know! I'm all about helping clients create simple (but life-changing) habits to achieve REAL results. Be sure to check out Fit + Fresh Membership, which is yours for FREE right now! Head HERE for the free details!

  • Stress eating: What to do about it

    Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a bad day and “treated yourself” to sugary or high-fat processed food! My hand is raised! ​ Pizza … ice cream … chips … or whatever other food falls into your “self-soothing” category. ​ Stress eating is REAL. ​ BUT … too much stress eating will derail your results. And even more importantly, it’s not good for your health. ​ I’ve seen it happen time and time again with some of my clients. ​ They’ll be feeling GREAT and amazing making progress, but then BOOM! ​ They’ll get hammered by a busy time at work, a sleepless night, or a super hectic week. ​ And if they aren’t prepared ahead of time, the stress flood gates open – and it’s stress-eating central! ​ I’ve got a quick rundown of why this matters – and what to do about it. ​ You will probably recognize this stress eating cycle: ​ You get stressed … your cortisol levels rise ... your metabolism slows ... you crave sugar or other processed foods ... your blood sugar rises and falls ... you get more cravings ... and on and on. ​ UGH. ​ You need a plan BEFORE THIS HAPPENS to help avoid falling into that cycle. ​ When you notice yourself getting stressed: ● Take 5-10 minutes to sit quietly and just exist, without doing a thing. Don’t fight any stressful thoughts that may pop up. Instead, just notice them and let them go. ● As soon as you have the chance, exercise. It prompts your body to release endorphins, which have natural stress-fighting properties. ● Go outside! Being in nature for just a few minutes is a proven stress buster. ● Keep a journal and focus on the positive things happening vs. the negative. This can shift your focus and lift your mood in a pinch. ● Eat something containing protein (the most satiating nutrient) at your next snack/meal. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are chronically stressed and feel “stuck” or overwhelmed, reach out for help! ​ Remember this: You are much stronger than your stressful days. At Fit With Deb, I believe a natural approach is the BEST and MOST SUSTAINABLE path to results. Good news: I've reopened my Fit + Fresh Membership, which is yours for FREE right now! Head HERE for the free details! ​​​​


    A little over a year ago, something happened that stalled a LOT of people’s results. ​ Yes, it had to do with the lockdown …. but I’m not talking about all the stress-related eating/cooking/baking that happened. ​ The “something” is a LACK OF DAILY MOVEMENT. ​ Most of us moved a lot less (and maybe still are). We walked less, stood less, and sometimes even showered less (lol). ​ All of this regular daily movement is a surprising factor in 1) getting results, 2) keeping those results coming, and 3) maintaining your results. It is responsible for burning a significant amount of fuel each day! ​ I’ve got some solutions for you. ​ First, some background: When it comes to your calorie burn, it can be broken down into three major categories. ● BMR (basal metabolic rate) – the calories your body burns at rest, to keep you alive. This makes up about 60%-70% of your total daily burn. ● TEF (thermic effect of food) – the calories your body burns converting food to fuel. This totals about 10% of your daily burn. ● TEPA (thermic effect of physical activity) – This actually is broken into two categories: the calories you burn working out, and those that you burn while doing other daily activities – walking to the mailbox, washing dishes, engaging in hobbies, etc. This category accounts for between 10%-30% of your daily burn. You’ll notice the last one (TEPA) encompasses a wide range! Working out helps boost that number, but so does being active in general. ​ For example, cranking out a 45-minute workout is GREAT! It definitely can help. But if you burn 400 calories and then sit down for the rest of the day, your overall burn won’t be very high. ​ PLUS … when you sit a lot, your body releases less of an important enzyme(lipoprotein lipase) that helps your body convert fat to fuel. ​ So, what can you do? Track your steps with a fitness tracker and try to get AT LEAST 5,000 a day. Set a timer to get up every 30 minutes to walk around for a few minutes or do chores around the house (if you’re working from home). Make it a point to get outside for a lunchtime walk. Take a 15-minute break (mid-morning & mid-afternoon) and do some light movement. When you do household chores, pretend your mother-in-law/nosy neighbor is coming over in 10 minutes. Work fast & furiously! Turn on some music to help keep your energy up. Take time every day to engage with your kids/pet/spouse– chances are they also have been less active. Go for a walk, play ping pong or an active video game, throw a ball … it doesn’t matter as long as you’re MOVING. Look for opportunities to move your body! ​ At first, this can take some effort, but before long it will become a habit and you’ll notice more pep in your step AND you’ll be back to burning your pre-lockdown numbers again. ​ REMEMBER: It’s the little things you do consistently over time that give you the best results! ​ If you’re ready to make a real difference in your fitness/wellness, send me a message and I'll help!

  • The truth about “discipline”

    I have some SERIOUS motivation for you today, so get excited! ​ It all starts with a time-tested truth from Aristotle … ​ “Through discipline comes freedom.” ​ It sounds backwards, right? Isn’t the idea of freedom to be FREE of discipline? ​ But it isn’t. ​ Example 1: if you want more free time, you have to be disciplined in the way you spend your time. ​ Example 2: If you want financial freedom, you have to be disciplined with how you handle your finances. ​ Basically, it’s about taking 100% ownership of your actions AND the results they bring you. ​ Your actions directly lead to your results – good, bad, and neutral! ​ When it comes to health and wellness goals, it’s your intentional daily actions that add up the most. ​ It’s your choice as to whether they take you in the direction of the results you want. ● You can choose to go for a walk or sit on the couch. ● You can choose to eat an apple or a cupcake for your afternoon snack. ● You can choose to stay up late binge-watching Netflix or go to bed to make sure you get 8 hours of sleep. The best part about all of this is that YOU are the one who makes those decisions. This means YOU are the one who is 100% responsible and ultimately the one in control. ​ This does NOT mean beating yourself up if you choose actions that keep you where you are … or even move you further away from your goals. ​ Instead, it’s about OWNING your actions, regrouping if you’re not happy with the result, and restarting! ​ So, what decisions will YOU be making today? ​ If something is pulling at you to take that next step forward towards your goals, I’m here for you. ​ Together, we can come up with a plan that works for your life, your goals, and your unique needs. ​


    Are you ready for the secret to body transformation success? (This secret actually contributes to almost EVERY kind of success.) ​ It’s that the BASICS will get you (at least) 90% of the results you are looking for! ​ The quality & quantity of foods you eat … how much & what kind of movement you do every day … how much sleep you get … how much stress you’re under. ​ They all add up to SUCCESS. ​ “The big secret in life is there is no secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.” – Oprah Winfrey. ​ The best thing about all of this is this: every single one of the basics impacts the OTHER basics. ​ They work synergistically to not only help you FEEL BETTER, but also reach your goals. ​ This is what I’m talking about (just one example!): ● When your nutrition is dialed in … ● You have more energy to exercise, which helps ... ● Boost your mood and relieve stress, which makes it easier to ... ● Get a good night of sleep, which helps ... ● Balance important hormones that help you stay feeling full & satisfied, which ... ● Makes it easier to keep your nutrition on-track. ● And around it goes! Getting your basics in line helps you feel vibrant, focused, refreshed, and motivated. ​ In fact, if you’re NOT feeling those things, it’s a sign that at least one of your “basics” is out of whack. ​ What steps can you take TODAY to cover your basics? ​ It really does make all the difference – especially when you’re at a sticking point in your program. ​ If you are ready to make your results a reality, I’m here to help with a proven program. And of course, I'll help you to really nail those basics! Make today incredible by joining Fit + Fresh for F*R*E*E!!! I've got the must-have secrets to your transformation success!

  • 5 reasons you’ve hit a plateau

    Are you ready to ramp up your results? I hope so because I’m giving you the TOP ACTIONS you can take to 10x your results … ​ … even (especially!) if you’re stuck in a plateau. ​ Basically, a plateau is when your results stall out and you stop seeing the progress you saw when you first started your program. ​ Nearly EVERYONE goes through a plateau from time to time. It’s not a fun place to be - but the good news is that if you DO experience one (or are in one right now), there are a few key things to pay attention to... ​ 1. You Are “Kinda-Sorta” Following Your Program. Have you started to slack on your plan? Be honest! This is one of the top causes of plateaus and it’s a good sign to shake things up with new recipes, workouts, or injecting some more FUN into the mix! ​ 2. Your Body is Used to Your Workouts/Plan. This is another top cause of plateaus! The good news is this means you’re fitter/healthier. It also means it’s time to (safely) challenge your body in a different way. Regular updates to your plan is going to be KEY to your success! A great coach can help you quickly identify small tweaks to fire up your results again. ​ 3. Hormones, Stress, Sleep Deprivation, and More. Your body isn’t a machine! It’s an incredibly complex organism that functions best when it’s in balance. So many things can throw it out of balance, from being overtired to overstressed and even undernourished and overworked. ​ 4. You’re Not REALLY In a Plateau (Part 1). If you only rely on the scale to track your results, you’re missing out! Your body could actually be changing in a big way EVEN if the scale doesn’t move. That’s why it’s important to measure other things - like the percentage of body fat or circumference measurements. ​ 5. You’re Not REALLY In a Plateau (Part 2). If you’re struggling to lose those “last 5 pounds,” you might be at a weight that’s healthy and natural for your body. Losing those pounds can take extra effort – as can keeping them off once you hit your goal. ​ I hope this list helps you rev up your results. ​ The fastest and surest way to get – and keep – your momentum going is to work with an experienced coach with a tried & tested program. They’ll be able to make adjustments as you need to make sure you stay on track with your goals to get the results you’re looking for! ​ I’ve helped hundreds of women over the years get the results they’ve wanted. It’s why I do what I do! ​ If you’re ready to get serious about your transformation, send me a message RIGHT NOW!​

  • 5 Ways to Sneak Veggies into breakfast

    Did you know that 90% of us don’t get enough vegetables every day? Most of us need between 2 and 4 cups a day (less if you are smaller and/or less active, and more if you are bigger and/or more active). ​But the truth is, most people don’t sit down to eat a big bowl of veggies every day. They usually end up as an afterthought in a side dish. ​ This is why sneaking veggies into your meals (including BREAKFAST) is such a great idea! It’s a pain- and bother-free way to get more of them into your diet. ​ I know this tip might fall into the category “I know this but I don’t do it very often.” ​ Consider this your reminder that it’s time to START! :) ​ I have some ideas to get you going. ​ 5 Easy Ways to Add Veggies to Your Breakfast: Stir spinach or any other green into your eggs. Shred zucchini or carrots into overnight oats or chia pudding – or stir them into your oats while they cook (surprisingly yum!). Make a big batch of veggie hash (basically saute a bunch of veggies together) ahead of time, and when it’s time to eat, heat it up and add a poached egg or browned chicken sausages on top. Add cauliflower, kale, or beets to a smoothie. Pop a veggie quiche into the oven. ​ ​ Your assignment: Sneak some veggies into your breakfast a couple of days this week. ​ You don’t have to overhaul your entire lifestyle to feel healthier and more energized fast. ​​ It really IS about making small changes over time that you can actually live with! In my Fit + Fresh Membership, which you can access for FREE right now, I have hundreds of amazing breakfast recipes with veggies incorporated!

  • Ahem, getting a bit personal

    When it comes to your core muscles, one group often gets overlooked … until it gets to be a problem! ​ That’s because when we think of our core, we usually only think of the muscles that wrap around our body’s midsection. ​ But did you know that your pelvic floor muscles are the FOUNDATION for your core? ​ They work very hard to support you – as well as all the organs that are inside your pelvic region. ​ Keeping those muscles strong and fit can make a big difference in your body’s overall stability, as well as your digestive and reproductive organs. ​ This doesn’t just apply to women, BTW – men also benefit from having strong pelvic floor muscles. Strong pelvic floor muscles help with urinary and bowel control as well as sexual function. ​ Many things can affect your pelvic floor muscles, including pregnancy, obesity, constipation, surgery and/or radiation, and just getting older. ​ Note: if you’re currently having problems with pelvic floor weakness it’s important to check with your doctor to find out the root cause, and to get their go-ahead to start working on correcting those issues. ​ That’s because if your pelvic floor is very weak, trying to strengthen those muscles can actually make the problem worse by overstressing them. ​ 3 Exercises For Your Pelvic Floor: ​ #1 KEGELS – The trick with Kegels (for men AND women) is to isolate them without contracting your ab and glute muscles. ​ It helps to think about lifting up the muscles at the front and back inside of your pelvis as high as you can and hold for 8 to 10 seconds, and then relaxing. Repeat 2-3 times … and then do a few reps a little faster, holding for 1-2 seconds each. ​ Make sure you breathe and really focus on targeting just your pelvic floor muscles! ​​ #2 BRIDGE – Lie on your back with your hands at your sides, palms facing up toward the ceiling. Your knees should be bent and your feet flat on the floor. ​ Engage your ab and glute muscles and push your low back into the floor, then press your hips up toward the ceiling, until you’re in a straight line from your knees to your hips to your shoulders. ​ Keeping your core and glutes engaged, hold for 2 to 3 seconds before lowering, and repeat for a total of 8-10 reps. (Make sure you breathe!) ​​ #3 BIRD DOG – Kneel with your knees hip-width apart and your hands flat on the ground under your shoulders. ​ Engage your core and keep your spine neutral as you reach your right arm straight in front of you while extending your opposite (left) leg behind you. ​ Think “long” and not “high” when lifting your arm and leg, with your hips and chest still facing the floor. If you find your back starts to sag or your hips rotate, only lift your arm and leg as high as you can while keeping good form. ​ Hold for 2-3 seconds then return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side, keeping the movements smooth and fluid. ​ Repeat for a total of 5 repetitions on each side. Let me know how it goes!​​​

  • Sundae for breakfast? Yes, please!

    We all roll our eyes when we venture onto Pinterest and check out recipes that have a NOVEL introduction. You scroll pages and pages of words, words, words just to finally get a look at the recipe. I love you too much for that nonsense. Here's a breakfast recipe without a story. BERRY DELICIOUS BREAKFAST SUNDAE (Serves 2) ● ½ cup dry quinoa, rinsed and then soaked for 10 minutes. ● ½ Tbsp coconut oil ● ½ Tbsp cinnamon ● ¼ tsp sea salt ● 1½-2 tsp ChocZero syrup or honey, divided ● ⅓ cup chopped walnuts ● 1 cup plain dairy-free yogurt ● 1½ cups fresh berries (your choice) ● 2 Medjool dates, chopped Drain the soaked quinoa and then pat it as dry as possible with clean paper towels. Place the quinoa in a bowl along with the coconut oil, cinnamon, ¼ tsp sea salt, and ½ tsp syrup or honey. Roast the quinoa mixture in a medium skillet over medium-low heat for about 8 to 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the walnuts about halfway through. These can burn quickly so keep your eye on them -- they should be golden brown. Let cool for about 5 minutes and then assemble your sundaes. Spread half of the yogurt in each serving dish, top with a drizzle of syrup or honey, and then add the berries and dates, and sprinkle the quinoa and walnut mixture over the top. Enjoy! Want more stupid-easy recipes? Oh good! Go check out Fit + Fresh for tons of delicious recipes, fun workouts, and more!

  • 7 Signs You Have a Weak Core

    Are your core muscles getting weak? Your core muscles are some of the most important in your body, supporting your spine and internal organs, and they power almost every movement you make. The problem is, our lifestyles work against having a strong core – and over time your muscles can get weaker without you even realizing it! This can set you up for poor posture, injuries, aches & pains, and more! Have you noticed any of these warning signs? 7 Warning Signs You Have a Weak Core 1. You have to use your arms to help you get out of bed or out of a chair. This one can be super sneaky because you can do it subconsciously. Here’s a test to try right now: sit down in a chair, wait a few seconds, and then stand up. Did you automatically reach out to grab a table, desk, or even put your hands on your thighs to push you up? Here’s another test to do first thing tomorrow morning: when you are still lying in bed, pay attention to how you get up. Do you use your hands to push you into a sitting position to get up? 2. You notice you’re slouching when you’re driving or at your desk. This is another one of those subconscious signs. The more (and longer) you sit, the more you’re apt to slouch. It only makes sense because over time your muscles get tired of holding you up! But this can make it harder for your lungs to expand when you breathe … it can make pretty much all of the muscles in the front of your body become tight and inflexible … and can make you feel fatigued and even depressed! And eventually, it can even lead to weakness. 3. Your balance is off. Your core muscles help keep you stable, especially if you have to make any sudden moves, stand on one foot, or do anything that involves rotating or twisting. Try standing on one foot for 15-30 and then repeat on the other side. If you find yourself wobbling, try this: think about “zipping up” through your core muscles while you stand on one foot. Did it help? (Make sure you breathe! More on that below.) 4. You feel weak or off-balance when you do certain movements like a throw or kick. When you move with force, your core fires up to keep you stable – especially during unilateral (one-sided) motions. Not being able to generate much force is a sign your core is weak. 5. Your plank form is off. Having a hard time getting into a proper plank position is a BIG sign your core is lacking strength! A plank requires that your entire body is in proper alignment. That means you’re in a straight line from the top of your head to your heels. Your shoulders, back, and butt should all be neutral (not hunched, lifted, or sagging), your neck should be long and strong, and your legs engaged. If you’re having difficulty, it means you might have some imbalances in those muscles. NOTE: Holding a plank in improper form can actually reinforce any weaknesses/imbalances you have, so finding that “perfect” form is VERY IMPORTANT. 6. You hold your breath when you do planks and other core exercises. This matters because of a muscle deep inside your body – your diaphragm! Not only does your diaphragm play a key role in your breathing, but it also works with your deep core muscles. If you can’t breathe and hold a plank (or do other core exercises) at the same time, chances are it’s because your core muscles are weak. This is just one reason why coaches always cue you to breathe. :) 7. Your hip flexors/legs get tired when you are doing ab & core exercises like bicycles or bird dogs. When your core is weak, your body can recruit other muscles to do the exercises! If you notice that happening to you, focus on 1) engaging your core, 2) moving more intentionally, 3) breathing, and 4) modifying the movement by going more slowly or shortening your range of motion until your core is stronger. Paying attention to all of these warning signs can help you build a strong core that supports your body for a healthy, active, and fit life! And the best part is that you’re never alone! I'm here to help you in your fitness/wellness journey...check out Fit + Fresh for tons of fun core workouts!

  • Your success checklist

    How do we make our health and wellness goals a REALITY? I'm so glad you asked! Here are 10 Steps to Conquering Your Goals! 1. FOCUS & DECIDE. Instead of choosing several goals to work on all at the same time, harness all that energy and focus it toward just 1-2 main goals. 2. Pick the goal with your BIGGEST WHY. This is the goal that you emotionally connect with and have a STRONG REASON for choosing (example: “I want to have the energy to play with my kids.” - that’s a pretty big reason). It’s your “WHY” that keeps you going, so it has to be a good one. 3. COMMIT (No, Really.) Commit the right amount of resources (time, energy, and attention) to make your goal a reality. Treat it like anything else important in your life - because it IS! 4. MAKE A PLAN. Every Sunday, set aside 15-30 minutes to plan out your week and make sure you have what you need on-hand and ready to go. Then, every night take 3-5 minutes to make sure you’re on track for the next day. This makes a HUGE difference! 5. TAKE ACTION. This is actually the MOST IMPORTANT STEP of all. You won’t reach your goals without consistent action. Do something daily that moves you closer to your goal. 6. GET SUPPORT & ACCOUNTABILITY. Tell trusted friends and family members what you’re working toward. Or even better, work with an experienced coach who will help you get (and stay) on-track with a proven program. With someone in your corner, when you have a “win” or a setback, you have someone to share it with and that will help spur your motivation to keep moving forward. 7. SET DEADLINES. Don’t skip this one! Without having a specific date to shoot toward, you don’t have any URGENCY to take action. When you feel a clock ticking down toward your goals, it will help you light a fire of motivation. 8. GIVE YOURSELF A REWARD. When you meet milestones along the way toward your goals, reward yourself with a healthy payoff! New shoes, workout gear, a book, or a massage are great choices. 9. MANAGE EXPECTATIONS. Making changes and going after goals can take time and effort. Be patient and stay the course! Give your plan time to work … and know that some days will be easier than others. Just keep repeating step 5 (taking action). 10. REEVALUATE. Do a quick evaluation of where you’re at every few weeks. Are you killing it and staying on track? (woohoo!) Or, are you following the plan? Or, are you following the plan and it’s not working? This is where a coach can make a big difference - because they have an experienced, big-picture view of your goals and can help you accelerate your results. Let me help you create your personalized plan to reach your goals. We have a PROVEN track record for success! Enrollment into Fit + Fresh will soon be closing so be sure to take advantage of your FREE 7-day trial today! Remember – this is YOUR year to shine, and I can’t wait to see you succeed!

  • Greek Salad!

    ​Have you ever had a chopped salad before? They are the BEST! ​ Because everything is chopped up into tiny portions, you get deliciousness in every bite and that makes them a lunch to look forward to. ​ As an added bonus, because of all that chopped goodness, they require less dressing than most other salads, which is perfect if you have a body transformation goal. ​ TIP: taking the time to really chop up those ingredients before you put them in the salad bowl pays off! Every salad I assemble at home involves my scissors going wild! ​ Feel free to customize this salad recipe to suit your own tastes. Try adding chopped grilled chicken, steak, or shrimp! ​ Greek Chopped Salad (makes 4 servings) ​ Dressing: ​ 3 Tbsp olive oil ​ 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar ​ 1 Tbsp lemon juice ​ 2 tsp Dijon mustard ​ 1 tsp chopped fresh oregano ​ ¼ tsp Himalayan salt ​ ¼ tsp fresh black pepper ​ Salad: ​ 4 oz roasted red peppers, chopped finely (about the same as 1 red pepper) ​​4 cups ​lettuce, chopped (I'm on an arugula kick) ​ 2 small cucumbers, chopped ​ 1 cup grape tomatoes, halved ​ 2 Tbsp pitted kalamata olives, chopped ​ 1 (15-oz.) can salt-free cannellini beans, rinsed and drained ​ 16 oz chopped grilled chicken, steak, shrimp In a large salad bowl, whisk together all the dressing ingredients. Next, add all of the salad ingredients, and stir to incorporate the dressing. Enjoy! ​ Hope you love it!

  • Make your goals a reality!

    Imagine it's December 31, 2021. What have you accomplished? How do you feel? BEGINNING WITH THE END IN MIND is a powerful way to determine your path of success. What needs to happen between now and December 31st to reach your goals? Rather than piecing together a bunch of tasks or habits … hoping they stick … and crossing your fingers that they’ll give you the results you want … What if you REVERSE ENGINEERED your goal? Look at where you WANT to be and determine exactly what it will take to get there. Here’s an example of how to reverse engineer your goal: Picture yourself energetic, confident, strong, and looking amazing in your favorite jeans… Think: What has to change in your life to bring that vision to life? What one or two things would have the biggest impact on your success? Those are the things to focus on FIRST. Take some time and define your vision for YOUR future ... and all of the opportunity and possibility it holds for you. It really is all up to you: #1: Do you want another year to go by feeling stuck and stagnant, and end up setting the exact same goals again next January? #2. Or do you want to make 2021 YOUR YEAR and take control of your life and goals and decide that NOW is the time to make it happen? If you chose #2, congratulations! I’m excited for you. Because DECIDING is the first step … and it’s a big one. Then, it’s time to put those 1-2 new “things” that’ll impact your success the most into ACTION! 5-4-3-2-1 it! If you are ready to take control over 2021 and finally look and feel your best – let’s do this together! Enjoy a FREE week in Fit + Fresh right now!

  • How to make 2022 stellar!

    2021 has brought to the forefront two very important things: #1. What TRULY matters in life. #2. The basics and fundamentals are EVERYTHING. I have some eye-opening questions for you … How can you double-down on your basics to make 2022 the best year possible? What do you REALLY want … and what steps can you take to make them happen? Is it finally losing those extra inches (for once and for all!)? Is it having the energy to play with your kids (or grandkids)? Is it finding simple solutions for healthy meals? Is it getting strong and fitter to enjoy your hobbies and outdoor activities? When you lean into your basics, it’s like giving yourself instant permission to live your best life. It’s incredibly liberating! What those basics look like will be different for each of us. What will YOUR priorities be? If you’re ready to start fresh and make 2022 an incredible year, I’m here to help you come up with a plan that fits YOU, YOUR LIFE, and YOUR GOALS. You're invited to join my Fit + Fresh Membership for FREE! This is your one-stop shop for all of my resources! Access all of my full-length workout videos, all of my deliciously healthy recipes, and countless resources for living the healthiest lifestyle! Let’s make 2022 a year for the record books (in a completely different way!). Happy New Year!

  • Success on autopilot

    Are you ready to get fired up!? I hope so, because I want to talk about something GAME-CHANGING for your success. It’s something that creates the backbone of every single one of your “wins” … in pretty much every area of your life. It’s your HABITS. “We don't rise to the level of our goals; we fall to the level of our habits.” – James Clear Powerful, right? This time of year we start getting geared up to set goals and soon our “New year Resolutions.” And that’s great. BUT ... without the right habits to back them up, those goals most likely aren’t going to amount to much. So I want to float this by you: What do YOU currently have on autopilot every day? Things like: ● How you start your day ● What you eat for lunch ● Parking near entrances or far away ● Your workouts ● Your overall food choices ● Your nighttime activities ● What time you go to bed and what time you wake up ● Reading books or watching TV ● Drinking water or soda ● etc. You get the picture. Now, go through your habits and PINPOINT the ones that are actually helping you to reach your goals … and also the ones that need an upgrade. You don’t have to overhaul everything. Just choose ONE to start with. The goal is to upgrade your habits to the “level” of your goals. That way, when you DO reach those goals, you’re able to maintain them! If you want to, let me know which one habit you’re going to work on this month for a little accountability. Don’t want to wait until 2021 to get a head start on your goals? I don’t either! Join Fit + Fresh for FREE today!

  • My favorite 7-word question ...

    I have a 7-word question for you today. It’s short, sweet, and asking it will help you finish the year feeling strong and in control. Even better, it will help you build momentum into 2021. Here it is ... EVERY TIME you are faced with a temptation that will pull you off track with your health and fitness goals, ask yourself: How will this make me feel tomorrow? At some point this month you’re going to be tempted to put your goals on hold. DON’T DO IT. It’s SO MUCH EASIER to stay on-track than it is to get BACK on track. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. I have never met a person who was happy about retracing their steps. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your holiday favorites – just be intentional about it. → Skip the grocery store cookie and have an apple or some nuts instead. But definitely enjoy your family’s “secret recipe” holiday treats and traditions! → If you don’t have time for your normal workout, do a quick 10-minute routine. Doing some squats and push-ups (or whatever exercises you choose) before your morning shower will go a long way toward keeping up your healthy habits. → Keep up with your sleep and self-care routines. This will help you avoid feeling stressed and overwhelmed! → Block off some intentional time to unplug, relax, and refocus. Personally, I want to start 2021 feeling energized and plan on making it an amazing year. I hope you join me! You can do this!! If you're not yet in our 12 DAYS OF FITMAS mini-challenge, you can still join for FREE! The motivating accountability has prizes and daily inspiration! Join our "Fit With Deb Girls" Facebook group HERE!

  • My Favorite Online Products for Fat Loss

    I love being able to shop online. Whether it's for school supplies, clothes or gifts. I need my life simple and streamlined. I even order my groceries online most of the time so I can simply run and pick up food like a drive-thru. How thankful I am for my Amazon Prime account! My goal is fat loss and I have learned that the foods, drinks and supplements that help me reach that goal just might not be in my grocery store. So I get on the computer and order certain specialty items on repeat. I want to share my top 10 favorite products to order online that do NOT cost a fortune at all! Some of these ARE available in select stores, but I typically order online to save time. These ingredients are frequently used in my FIT + FRESH recipes! MY TOP 10 FAVORITE ONLINE PRODUCTS: #1 Momsanity BCAA’s All-natural branched-chain amino acids supplement that promotes lean muscle mass, assists fat loss, reduces cravings, and energizes #2 Momsanity CRAVE Cocoa Performance-based cocoa powder specifically designed to help control hunger and cravings #3 Aloha Protein Bars Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan protein bars #4 Nature’s Hollow Honey substitute & syrup substitute, which is a low glycemic index alternative to high-sugar syrups and honeys #5 Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free Almond Flour Gluten-free, vegan, finely sifted alternative to white flour #6 Viva Labs Gluten-Free Coconut Flour Gluten-free alternative to white flour #7 Momsanity Mom Fuel Protein Powder Gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, tasty protein #8 Just Great Stuff powdered peanut butter Gluten-free powdered peanut butter, perfect for baking and for protein shakes #9 Enjoy Life Dairy-Free Chocolate Chips Chocolate chips that contain no dairy, soy, gluten #10 Swerve sweetener All natural, low glycemic alternative to sugar that measures and tastes like sugar NOW LET'S HEAR WHAT YOU WOULD ADD TO THE CART! Find recipes to enjoy with these ingredients now!

  • 15 Favorite Kitchen Products

    Abs are made in the kitchen, right? Since you can't outrun your fork you might as well enjoy your time in this room of your home! I've created my top 15 must-haves in my kitchen in order to do my thing! These are inexpensive items (well, other than the blender) that I use on repeat throughout the week. You can find them in stores as well as online. And I'd love to hear what your favorite kitchen products are too! COACH DEBBIE’S 15 FAVORITE KITCHEN PRODUCTS: Mini whisk (for making homemade hot cocoa) High quality blender (I have a Ninja; Vitamix is expensive but worth it) Roaster oven (bigger than a crock pot for bigger meal prep) Air fryer (bigger is better) Silicone muffin pan (easy clean up, muffins pop out; buy 3 for meal prep) Green pan (toxic-free ceramic pans) Momsanity Shaker bottle (for protein shakes) Veggetti (vegetable spiralizer) Griddle (cook protein pancakes in bulk) Skewers (either wooden consumable or metal, for grilling) Broiler pan (for baking bacon in oven) Momsanity Frother (for fancy coffees and hot cocoas) Matching storage containers (when preparing food in bulk, you need containers with matching lids to make things convenient to store and transport) Kitchen Scissors (for quick meat/veggie/etc cutting in meal prep) Plastic popsicle mold (freeze protein shakes and BCAAs for “dessert”) I keep my meals very simple and easy so I can spend more time on the couch! For recipes and a meal plan each month, check out my Fit & Fresh program. ​ #kitchen #favorites #blender #cook

  • The best workout to get results

    Have you ever noticed how invigorated you feel after you go for a walk … do a workout … or even get up off the couch to tackle some chores? There are so many reasons for this “feel good” effect that extends far beyond the mood-boosting hormones that get released when you get some exercise. Moving your body helps you to digest food better. It revs up your immune system, fights stress, helps you sleep better, and builds and maintains stronger bones and muscles! And of course, it helps you maintain your weight, build confidence, and boost energy. And even though exercise can do all of this for us ... FACT: Only 1 in 3 people get the amount of recommended exercise each week! And less than 5% get 30 minutes of activity a day. But where do you start? What’s the #1 BEST workout that you can do to reach your goals? The best workout routine for you is …. drumroll ... The workouts you actually will DO and enjoy! So often we worry about finding the “perfect” plan or spend hours researching what to do. Or, we decide we will start “next Monday” … (seriously, do you know how many times I’ve heard this?!) or wait until that pair of workout shoes we ordered finally arrives. The REAL TRUTH is that feeling better is literally 15 minutes away – I’m talking about 15 minutes from right now. All it takes is a brisk walk around the neighborhood – or picking up that pair of dumbbells in the closet and cranking out a few exercises. It doesn’t haven’t be complicated. You just need to make a decision and take that FIRST step. You are worth it. You’ve got ONE life. Let’s make the most of it. You deserve to see what you’re capable of. If you need someone in your corner to help you create a plan and support you along the way, I can help. This is my mission in my life and business. Access my 10-20 minute workouts RIGHT THIS SECOND for FREE!   Check out Fit + Fresh for $0 right now!


    Controversy alert today! 😉 This year has taught us how important it is to be PROACTIVE and take charge of your personal HEALTH as much as possible. We have heard a lot about preventing the spread of illnesses this year… but one thing that we haven’t heard much about is strengthening your body’s natural defenses against illness. You already know that a healthy, balanced diet of whole foods (vs. processed) that are low in sugar is good for you. And that keeping your routine steady – with enough sleep (7-8 hours a night) and not too much stress – is also good for your immune system. Moving your body also plays a major role – → It can keep your body’s lymphatic system moving. This system is a huge part of your immune system, keeping all your disease-fighting white blood cells and antibodies flowing through your body, and helping to get rid of waste. → Being physically active can flush invading bacteria out of your respiratory system, cutting your risk of getting sick. → The slight increase in body temp caused by vigorous exercise might stop bacteria from growing, helping your body fight infection. →  Also, exercise can reduce stress and help you sleep better! That’s great, but you might be wondering how to put it into action? * Acute exercise (defined as moderate-to-vigorous intensity that lasts less than an hour) is an important immune system booster, especially if you workout on a near-daily basis. For example: a walk, riding a bike, or quick weights session. * Too much exercise (like an athlete prepping for a major event) OR if you work out hard while under a lot of other stress (not eating enough, traveling, too little sleep, etc.) can actually harm your immune system because it can overstress your system. The takeaway: Definitely MOVE and be ACTIVE most days of the week, but don’t do it too long or too intensely too often.  Find your sweet spot! If you are looking for help in creating your own fitness plan, Ii'd love to help!  Check out Fit + Fresh for FREE right now!

  • These 5 seconds are life-changing

    Have you heard of the 5-second rule? No, I am not talking about the 5-second rule for food dropped on the floor. :-) ​ Call it whatever you want – your motivation, drive, or discipline – but this rule can be a total game-changer in that department. I’ve talked about this in the past, and come back to it time after time because it is SO IMPORTANT for your results. ​ Yes, it’s true: your success can come down to as little as 5 seconds, according to author Mel Robbins, who wrote an entire book about it! ​ Here’s how the rule works. The moment you get a “spark” to do something that will help you move closer towards your goals – you count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … and then you DO IT! ​ That brief countdown is the amount of time it can take for your brain to kill your best motivations. ​ There’s a part of your brain that HATES change – it likes to stay in its little comfort zone (even if you no longer find that zone very comfy). ​ But if you are able to TAKE ACTION before it can stop you, you WIN! ​ As an example: Let’s say you are about to sit on the couch to watch TV, and you have a goal of being more active. You suddenly think, “It’s nice out. I should go for a walk.” ​ If you say 5-4-3-2-1- and right away put on those sneakers to go for a walk, your brain won’t have time to respond with, “Nah, I’m feeling tired - I think I’ll just veg out here instead.” ​ Makes sense, right? ​ It’s basically the same as Nike’s tagline: Just Do It. It gets you out of your head and spurs you into ACTION. ​ Which is perfect, because that’s where the change happens! ​ Try it for yourself. The best part is, over time it builds on itself as you start to see firsthand how well it works. ​ Up for giving it a try today?

  • How stress gets in the way of your results

    Have you ever had a hard day at work and been tempted to pull into the drive-through or pizza joint for a quick fix of junk food? Or maybe you think about stopping at the grocery store for a pint of ice cream. And you don’t even feel that bad about your plans to eat every single bite of it … After all, you’ve had a bad day, right? Stress eating is real. But guess what? It usually leaves you feeling WORSE after you finish it. You’re bloated … you’re tired … you feel blah … and maybe you even have a stomachache. And, most of the time you regret it or feel guilty about giving in afterward. Giving in to cravings can soothe you temporarily, but it sets you up for even more cravings in the future. ---> Here’s why: Your brain burns about half of your body’s daily carb requirements. (Do you think that’s as AMAZING as I do!?) Regular short-term “acute” stress can mean your brain needs about 12% more energy, which might explain the initial cravings. But when your stress becomes chronic, your body releases a barrage of hormones to help you cope with it – including cortisol and insulin. Over time, this can cause blood sugar swings, insulin surges, more cravings, and even slow down your metabolism! Your body definitely doesn’t deserve that. This is just one reason I force "recess" into my programs! Trying to “walk it off” when it comes to stress doesn’t set you up for success – but being proactive and mindful definitely does. ● Spend some quiet time every day – either taking a walk outside, praying, or journaling. The point is to be intentional with whatever you choose. Allow yourself to relax! ● On days you’re tempted to “stress eat,” before you take the first bite, distance yourself from the food by doing something else – take a hot shower or bath, go for a walk, read, exercise, play with the dog or the kids. Divert your attention to something positive. ● Practice a healthy lifestyle by getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and getting regular exercise. ● If stress is a big problem in your life, talk with your healthcare provider. I hope these tips help you tame the stress monster in your life – and the food cravings that go along with it! If you need support for your healthy lifestyle, send me a message and let's chat!

  • Cravings-buster breakfast!

    Oh, I’ve got a craving-buster recipe for you today that you are going to love! ​ It’s a breakfast recipe but it’s great for any time of the day. ​ That’s because it not only tastes great but has plenty of protein and fiber in it – which means it’s going to keep you feeling full and satisfied for hours. ​ Mexican Breakfast Scramble (Makes 4 servings) ● 1 tbsp grapeseed oil ● 1 can of pinto beans, drained and rinsed ● Juice of 1 lime ● 2 big handfuls of spinach or kale ● Hot sauce, to taste ● 8 eggs, whisked ● Splash of water (1-2 tsp) ● Salt and black pepper to taste ● Salsa / pico de gallo (optional) ● Sliced avocado (optional) In a medium pan over medium heat, heat the oil. When it’s hot, add the pinto beans, and cook until heated. ​ Add the spinach and lime juice, stirring until the greens are beginning to wilt, and add 1-2 dashes of your favorite hot sauce. ​ While the beans are cooking, crack the eggs into a bowl and add the water, whisking well. Season with salt and pepper. ​ When the greens are wilted, add the eggs to the pan and stir. When they are almost fully done, sprinkle the cheese over the top and continue cooking until the eggs are set. ​ Serve with optional salsa/pico and avocado! ​ Leftovers will keep for a couple of days in the fridge, making this a great make-ahead breakfast. ​ I hope you enjoy this! It’s a delicious way to start your day. Don't forget -- I've got hundreds more amazing recipes in Fit + Fresh!  Reach your goals and join us!  ​​

  • can you believe this prevents cravings?!

    We’ve all been there … ​ You have a cruddy night of sleep and the whole next day you want to eat ALL the food, right? ​ And for some reason, you never actually feel full or satisfied. ​ Did you know that not getting enough sleep is one of the top reasons you could be having cravings? ​​ It's crazy: between 1/3 and 1/2 of adults don’t get enough sleep.   Are you one of them? ​ Your sleep affects two hormones that play a big role in your appetite AND metabolism. ​ First, there’s leptin. It tells your body when you’re full, and it also tells your body when to create energy (i.e., burn calories) to fuel your activities. ​ BUT … when you don’t get enough sleep, your body doesn’t have enough of it.  Ugh. ​ This makes your brain think you don’t have enough energy … which leads to a signal to eat … PLUS another signal to store the calories you eat as backup for the energy shortage. ​ The bottom line – low leptin levels can make you feel constantly hungry AND slow down your metabolism.  Boo. ​ Hormone #2 is Ghrelin and it is almost exactly the opposite of leptin, and its levels actually RISE when you don’t get enough sleep. Too much ghrelin can make you feel hungry and slow your metabolism. ​ You can see how leptin and ghrelin can set you up for a cycle of cravings and weight gain, right? ​ So what's the fix?  Get enough regular, quality sleep – 7-9 hours a night! – super important. Sleeping in on the weekend is not enough! ​ Tracking your sleep is a great idea. A sleep tracker like the ones on many fitness devices (like FitBit, Apple Watch, Whoop, etc.) will not just let you know how much you’re sleeping, but also the quality of sleep (light, deep, restless, etc.). ​ PLUS … knowing WHY you are having cravings is a big help in putting them in their place. ​ If you find that you are having cravings because you didn’t get enough sleep, take action to minimize them! ​ → Make sure you eat enough protein, the most satiating nutrient. For best craving-crushing results, have a protein-rich food at every meal.  I've got hundreds in FIT + FRESH. ​ → Drink at least 9-12 cups of water every day. I add BCAA's to take it to the next level. ​ → Go to bed early if at all possible!  Create a sleepy bedtime routine that trains your brain to sleep! ​ If you need more sleep ideas, check out my article on tips for sleepy success HERE! ​

  • Does your metabolism really slow down as you age?

    Maybe this has happened to you already … and if it hasn’t, there’s a good chance it will at some point! One day, seemingly out of the blue, your pants don’t button up as easily, or you notice that the scale creeps up faster than it used to. AND … it’s much harder than it used to be to get those pants to fit the way they once did.  Been there. It’s not your imagination! The truth is your metabolism naturally slows down as you get older. Sorry to be Dark Cloud Deb. Here are some of the top reasons your metabolism begins to slow: ● You’re less active ● You’ve lost muscle ● Your body’s metabolic processes have slowed down because of age Here's the good news about getting your metabolism revved up as you get older. 1) Your activity level.This is a sneaky one, because you might not actually notice you’re moving less each day! How active you are each day (including your workouts and your normal activities of daily living) makes up about 10% to 30% of your daily calorie burn. Very active people can actually burn up to half their daily calories from activity! BUT ... studies show that as we get older, we tend to move less, both in terms of exercise AND our general daily living. More than 25% of people over 50 don’t exercise, and by the time we reach 75, that number jumps to more than 35%. Plus, studies show we also move less in general, burning almost 30% fewer calories through non-exercise activity. There is a way to avoid that slowdown! A study comparing women aged 21-35 with women ages 50-72 showed that when the older women engaged in regular exercise, they avoided the dreaded age-related metabolic slowdown. → The takeaway: Start a regular exercise habit you enjoy NOW, and find active hobbies! Having these habits in place will set a strong foundation for continued movement as you get older. 2) Muscle loss. This next major cause of a slower metabolism is called sarcopenia – age-related muscle loss! It’s tied in with your activity level, since being less active is one reason you can lose muscle. On average, adults lose between 3% and 8% of their muscle mass each decade after the age of 30. One reason this matters – beyond your general strength and ability to move easily – is because muscle burns slightly more calories (even at rest) than fat. You can help maintain and build muscle as you age with consistent strength-training workouts: free weights, machines, and even water fitness classes can help! The most important part is to create some resistance for your muscles to work against. → The takeaway: get in at least 2 strength-training workouts a week that work all of your body’s major muscle groups. 3) The aging process. As you get older, the actual process of metabolism in your cells slows down or becomes less efficient. There isn’t a lot you can do about this – but here’s some good news. While these slowdowns do happen, studies show they have a minor impact compared with lower activity and muscle mass! → The takeaway: concentrate on living a healthy lifestyle and on more activities to offset the metabolic slowdown. → BONUS takeaway: Make sure you eat enough protein. As people get older, they often tend to eat less protein. Aim for 20% to 35% of your total daily intake. Tip: to boost absorption, spread your protein intake out over the course of the day, since studies show that to be more effective. Actions you take today can have a BIG impact on your life into the future. If you’d like some guidance about putting these takeaways into action, I can help … My Fit + Fresh offers workouts for all ages and fitness levels AND my protein-packed recipes help feed your muscles!  Try it for free now!

  • This burns 3x more calories

    I’ve got some pretty cool (and weird) human facts for you. They have to do with your metabolism and I hope at least one of them leaves you feeling empowered! It’s tempting to think of your metabolism as something you can “turn up” or “turn down” ... but the fact is, metabolism is a complicated process that happens in your cells – and the more cells you have, the faster your metabolism. (Random fact: the average person has 30 trillion cells! That’s a lot of cells … and a lot of metabolism.) The biggest chunk of your calorie burn (aka your metabolism) happens just to keep you alive – it’s known as your BMR, your basal metabolic rate. BMR can vary a LOT between people. Some things that impact your BMR are things you can’t control – genetics, gender, and more. But there’s actually a lot you CAN do to turn up your metabolism, and it has to do with your body composition. I like to think of these ‘metabolic boosters’ like compound interest ... it’s not going to make you rich overnight, but over time, it adds up in a big way! Here it is … Add more muscle to your body through your workouts. And I’m not talking about giant Hulk muscles, girl. I simply mean strong, flexible, and supple muscle! Every pound of muscle you have burns about 6 calories a day while you’re resting. That’s triple the amount of a pound of fat, which comes in at about 2 calories a day. So, 10 pounds of fat would burn 20 calories a day, while 10 pounds of muscle would burn 60. Not that impressive. But over a year, 10 pounds of muscle burns 21,900 calories (a little over 6 pounds), while 10 pounds of fat burns 7,300 calories in a year (around 2 pounds). That means workouts that build your muscles – whether it’s old-school bodybuilding workouts, or fitness workouts that include weights – have a double-whammy effect! Not only are you burning calories WHILE you’re doing them, but you get a BONUS burn in the future as you build muscle! Pretty cool, right? Beyond your workouts, it’s important to get enough protein to help build, repair, and maintain your muscle. So let's add more muscle and get adequate protein!  How?  Join our FIT + FRESH for free right now and access all of my workout videos and yummy recipes!

  • Top foods to boost your metabolism

    Want to rev up your metabolism?!  I’m going to give you a solid list of foods below that do just that ... ​ As you know, the foods you eat can have a pretty big impact on how your body functions. ​ Some foods are easier to digest than others, others keep you feeling full longer, and others help build and repair muscle! And still others can cause rapid blood sugar swings that can affect how your body stores fat. ​ Well today I’ve got a list of power-packed foods that can help give you a healthy, all-natural boost for your metabolism. ​​ Foods That Boost Your Metabolism: ​ Protein-rich foods: Eating foods high in protein (meat, eggs, fish, turkey, etc.) rev up your metabolism because it takes your body more energy to digest them. ​ This is called the thermic effect of food – different foods require more energy than others. ​ Fun fact: Protein can boost your metabolism by 15% to 30%, carbs can boost it 5% to 10%, and fats between 0% to 3%. ​ A bonus with protein is that if you’re losing weight, it helps you hold onto more of your muscle, which also can help you keep your metabolism humming along. ​ Legumes: On top of containing plenty of plant-based protein, legumes (lentils, black beans, kidney beans, etc.) also contain resistant starch. That’s a form of fiber your body can’t digest. ​ Resistant starch can help improve your metabolism because it helps stabilize blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity, both of which are key in fat storage. ​ Coffee and tea: The amount of caffeine in an average cup of coffee (around 100 mg) appears to boost your metabolism by up to 11% for up to 2 hours. ​ Also, studies suggest the antioxidants and catechins in green tea (especially green tea extract) appear to rev up your metabolism by 3% to 4% (and as much as 8%), over the course of a 24-hour period. ​ Ginger: One study found that adding a heaping teaspoon (2 grams) of ginger powder to hot water and drinking it after breakfast raised metabolism – people burned about 43 extra calories AND they didn’t feel as hungry for the next three hours. ​ Apple Cider Vinegar: In mice studies, apple cider vinegar was found to promote the production of an enzyme called AMPK, which lowers the rate of fat storage and boosts the rate of fat burning.  ​ (Tip: try combining ginger and 1-2 tbsp of organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar in hot water for a refreshing morning drink.) ​ Water: Drinking 2 cups of cold water temporarily boosts your metabolism by as much 30% for up to 40 minutes after you drink it. Much of the increase has to do with how hard your body works to warm up the water. ​ Chili peppers: Add some red pepper to your dinner to fire up your metabolism! Many studies have investigated supplements containing capsaicinoids, which is the component that gives chili peppers their “heat.”  You can get some of the same benefits from food by adding the spicy peppers to your recipes. Yum! Throw them into some chili with black beans and ground turkey for a 1-2-3 metabolic punch. ​ It’s important to know that none of these foods will suddenly make your body burn hundreds of extra calories a day ... but it’s pretty surprising how quickly layering in small, consistent changes can rev your daily burn! ​ I hope this list helps! And don’t forget, my Fit + Fresh Membership has HUNDREDS of recipes that rev up your metabolism!

  • press the “FASTER” button on your results

    Ready to press the “FASTER” button on your results!? You probably already know that your metabolism plays a HUGE role in your results – because it affects how your body processes fuel, both how fast and how much. Let's talk about PRACTICAL, ACTIONABLE STEPS you can take to fire yours up and balance it out. It’s tempting to think of your metabolism as a “thing” – kind of like your body’s speedometer that controls the rate your body burns energy. But your metabolism actually is a complex PROCESS where your body converts the food you eat into energy. It’s a series of chemical reactions that happen inside your cells. Your own metabolic burn depends on many things. Some are outside your control … like your genetics and gender. But the great news is that you have control over a LOT of the other factors … like your activity level, sleep and even how stressed you feel! Here’s a fast look at 5 major factors that YOU control that play a role in how fast or how slow your metabolism is: 1.  FOOD CHOICES – Eating a balanced, whole-foods-based diet with enough protein and fiber can help boost your metabolism and keep you feeling full. Drinking 8-12 glasses of water a day will also make a big impact! 2.  EXERCISE – Nearly all workouts can help you burn more calories, but strength training and high-intensity interval training workouts can give you some bonus burn after your workout is over. 3.  STRESS – When you are stressed, it can affect your body’s hormones, which can in turn make your body burn fewer calories (and store fat). 4.  SLEEP – Not getting enough sleep also affects your hormones. You can end up feeling extra hungry AND burn fewer calories (this is why I talk about sleep so much!). 5.  OTHER ACTIVITY – This is a secret weapon for metabolism! Basically, the more active you are OUTSIDE your workouts, the more calories you burn all day. It can add up fast.  This includes walking, cleaning, dancing, gardening, standing, etc. Here’s the best thing that no one talks about when it comes to those 5 components: when you get them working together, not only does your metabolism rev up … but you also FEEL GREAT. You’ll feel more energized, lighter on your feet, and you might even start to hear people comment on your healthy “glow!” Don't forget, you can access metabolism-boosting recipes, workouts, and secrets in my Fit + Fresh Membership for FREE right now!

  • susie's chicken salad

    My amazing friend Susie made this chicken salad for me when our firstborns were only a few months old. Being a busy breastfeeding mom meant I inhaled a whole lot of this amazing recipe. You are going to fall in love with this insanely easy recipe! It's one of hundreds in my Fit + Fresh Membership menu vault! SUSIE’S CHICKEN SALAD 4 chicken breasts, cooked and diced (save time and buy rotisserie) 1 t salt 1 c sliced celery 2 T lemon juice ½ c mayonnaise OR vegenaise ½ T dried minced onion 1 c red grapes 1 (11 oz) can mandarin oranges, drained Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Chill for at least an hour or two. Enjoy! Head HERE to join Fit + Fresh for FREE!

  • MJ’s Breakfast Club Method

    Most people don’t know this about Michael Jordan (and I just found out)  … but he had a secret club called “The Breakfast Club.”  No, it has nothing to do with Molly Ringwald, HA! ​ After a 3-year playoff losing streak in the late 80’s, Jordan decided to triple-down on his already legendary practice habit by creating a secret “club.” ​ He realized he needed to improve his strength and endurance to overcome the Pistons, so he set up a morning workout habit to specifically improve those traits. ​ It wasn’t long until some of his teammates became curious about his early-morning routine and joined him. ​ Every morning as early as 5 o’clock, they’d get together for intense workouts and also have a nutrient-rich breakfast to help refuel, repair, and rebuild their bodies. ​ This was in ADDITION to their normal practice schedule! ​ Back then, this holistic approach – combining nutrition and fitness – was considered groundbreaking. ​ It’s common now because it works … but the Chicago Bulls went on to win 6 championships!    ​ I love this story for so many reasons, because the same strategy can be applied in our everyday lives. It isn’t just for pro athletes and wealthy celebrities. ​ First, the Bulls had a goal – they wanted to win, but first they needed to beat the physically dominating Pistons. ​ Jordan took control of the situation by figuring out what needed to change. ​ Then, he created an intentional, step-by-step plan to make that change possible, and hired a trainer and chef to help him. ​ He didn’t wait for his team to buy into his new morning workout habit – he started on his own. ​ And when they saw his success, his teammates joined him – and they made a serious dent in sports history. ​ Think about how you can do this in your OWN life. What’s that first step YOU can take? If you are ready to take control, make some changes, and have a plan -- the time is now!  You'll love our Fit + Fresh membership.  Go enjoy it for FREE now!

  • In just FIVE seconds ...

    Have you ever been checking your phone … or vegging on the couch … and suddenly start thinking about a goal you want to work toward? It’s a little push from deep within you – something you can feel in your gut. Almost everyone has felt this way at one point or another. Maybe you finally want to clean up your eating to improve your health. Maybe you want to start working out so you get your energy back and feel stronger. Or maybe your home is still feeling a little too “lived-in”and you get an urge to organize and clean. Whatever the exact push is, author and motivational speaker Mel Robbins calls it an instinct for change. She also says that unless you do something about it within 5 seconds, that instinct will die. She came up with the 5-second Rule (based on real science) to help keep that instinct alive. Basically, as soon as you have that instinct (as long as it’s one that supports your goals!), you count backwards …. 5,4,3,2,1 and then you DO IT! And guess what? It works. Your brain wants to protect you and keep you safe and comfortable. As a result, it sees change as a threat … so it will do whatever it can to shut down that change, including sending you a bunch of thoughts to keep you doing the same-old, same-old. (Thank you, prefrontal cortex!) That’s why it’s so important to take action on those gut-level urges IMMEDIATELY … before your prefrontal cortex has a chance to take over. This can apply to so many areas of your life. Here are just some examples of “instinct” urges you might feel: ● Walking to the kitchen to prep tomorrow’s meals ● Speaking up at a meeting at work ● Lacing up your shoes after work to go for a walk ​ This can lead to LIFE-CHANGING results now and into the future! The more direct action you take toward your goals, the more in-control you’ll be over your life. This will lead you to bigger urges and bigger actions – and bigger success. Pretty exciting, right? Not sugar coating it: the first few times you implement the 5-second rule it may seem painful. You might be feeling really comfy on the couch, in the middle of a Netflix binge, when all of a sudden you think about a chore you’ve been putting off or that you really should be working out. The last thing you’re going to want to do is get up and actually DO it. Just count backwards from 5 … and do it anyway. :) You can always go back to the couch afterward, right? If you're looking for that quick 5-second win, check out my Fit + Fresh for FREE right now!​​

  • Would you do this in the bathroom?

    You already know that habits have the power to transform your life. ​ So get this.  I heard about this man who says he does 2 push-ups every time he visits the bathroom. ​ Now, even though this sounds a little weird, because I wouldn’t recommend doing push-ups in the bathroom (GROSS) … the basic info was awesome. ​ It was all about making realistic changes in your lifestyle to support your goals. ​ The man – BJ Fogg – is actually a Stanford behavioral scientist who studies how people create routines and change habits. ​ He used his 2 push-up habit to kick start another “tiny” but healthy change in his life. ​ And do you know what happened?! They all added up to a 20+ pound weight loss in just a few months. ​ He wrote a book about it called Tiny Habits (it's in my Amazon cart, and my guess is it's similar to "Atomic Habits").  He also came up with a formula that outlines how to make these changes so they become automatic, so you don’t even have to really think about them: ​ "Behavior (B) happens when Motivation (M), Ability (A), and a Prompt (P) come together at the same time." ​ This basically means that to make a lasting behavior change (habit), you need to piece 3 things: ​ Motivation – You have to WANT to make a change. If you think you SHOULD make a change but you aren’t really into it, it won’t stick. ​ (REALITY CHECK: sometimes you have to give a new habit a try before you decide whether it’s for you or not. Once you start feeling the results, you’ll start to want to make the change.) ​ Prompt – This is a reminder to do the behavior. It could be something like going to the bathroom or opening the refrigerator door, or setting a timer or alarm on your phone. ​ Or, your reminder could be a reward … if you want to check your phone, you need to do 5 squats first. ​ Ability – Not only you should be physically able to do the behavior, but also have the time and space to do it. Doing those 5 squats takes a lot less time and is much easier than running 1 mile! ​ Over time, this formula adds up to habits (and results) that can stick for a lifetime. ​ One of the things I really like about this approach is that it is super achievable. ​ He set the bar low – rather than making himself do 10 push-ups, he just did 2. That gets rid of the dread factor! ​ Then he built it up from there, adding or changing a few behaviors as they occurred to him, eventually creating dozens of reflexive changes in his daily life! Pretty awesome, right? ​  I know a lot of us are working to get back into our healthy habits after the wild ride 2020 has given us so far – what is 1 behavior you can add starting today? ​ I’m personally going to recommit to reducing starchy carbs. ​ Will you be joining me? Let me know over in the "Fit With Deb Girls" Facebook group! ​ Don't forget, I have tons more secrets to living the fat-loss lifestyle in my Fit + Fresh Membership, which you can try for FREE!​​​

  • Holiday Party Plan!

    It's almost Independence Day, so in case you have plans to celebrate, I am here to help you enjoy your holiday to the fullest!  I don't want you waking up Sunday morning groggy, grouchy, and gross, so here are some tips if you have festivities on Saturday! ​ 1.  Hydrate ALL day long.  From the time you wake until you end your day.   Especially if you plan on having booze.  I plan to have multiple bottles of BCAA's mixed up for my afternoon!  Oh, by the way you can get those 20% off today with code FIREWORKS -- click here. 2.  Walk or workout in the morning.  Before you light those fireworks, prioritize body care.  You'll feel strong, energized, and empowered.  Plus, you'll be less likely to blow it with hand-to-mouth if you've had a sweat session.  If you need workouts, I have a bunch of videos to do barefoot in pajamas -- click here. 3.  ​​​​​​​​Don't get all crazy in the head.  Say no to the "all or nothing" mentality.  Say no to guilt, shame, calorie counting, starvation, and over-exercising.  And say no to food being a reward.  Just eat pretty healthy, with some bites of junk food here and there, and enjoy the day. 4.  Bring a wholesome dish to the event.  If you're part of a potluck/buffet, bring a healthy dish to guarantee there will be something that feeds your wellness.  I love bringing fresh berries to parties.​​​ 5. Eat normally all day long.  Do not skip meals to "save up" for later.  Eat vegetables, proteins, fats, fruits, and complex carbs throughout your day.​​ 6.  Packing a cooler?  Get a bunch of ice packs and throw in waters, BCAA's, nuts, precut veggies, jerky, hearty fruits, and protein bars.​​​ Go celebrate all the FREEDOMS you have and enjoy your independence, firecracker!

  • How to speed up your results fast ...

    Ready to get a little nerdy?  Ready for something crazy!? Back in the 1970’s researchers studied smokers who were trying to quit. They broke down the “5 Mindset Stages” people go through to create a new lifestyle change. In a nutshell, those stages are: ● Precontemplation – This is before you’re aware of a “problem” (like the need to quit smoking) or are even thinking of making any changes. ● Contemplation – You’ve got a problem that you want to solve, and you start thinking about making some changes. ● Planning – This is when you are planning to actually make the changes. ● Action – When you’re in the process of changing. ● Maintenance – You’ve successfully made the changes and are maintaining them! I want to talk about the jump from “Planning” to “Action” … because it is so easy to get these mixed up with each other! It’s also super easy to get stuck in planning mode. This is especially true with all the info online, where you can literally spend hours going down one rabbit hole after another looking for the “perfect” solution to whatever problem you’re trying to solve. Being educated and informed is always a good thing! But sometimes we confuse that prep/planning time with actually taking ACTION toward our goals. Basically, it boils down to the fact that spending 5 minutes going for a brisk walk will get you closer to your goal than spending a half-hour shopping for the right sneakers or reading articles about the “perfect” diet or fitness routine. (Raise your hand if you’ve ever been guilty of this! We’ve all done it from time to time.) It doesn’t have to be a BIG action, but taking 1 or 2 steps in the direction of your goal will help you get to the “maintenance” state sooner than later! If any of this sounds familiar to you, try experimenting by stacking some action RIGHT into your planning. Go for that walk (or eat that apple instead of a candy bar) AND do your research if you still feel like you need to gather more info. It’s all about taking IMPERFECT action. And if you want to jump to the front of the planning line, this is my specialty! I can help you create a custom blueprint for success to help YOU reach your goals! Have you checked out the FREE Fit + Fresh membership yet? You can get all the details HERE! ​

  • The “REACH” Method

    A while ago I read something that absolutely blew my mind! It actually made me step back and rethink some of the things I’ve been taught. Exactly how long does it take to create a habit? It’s a question researchers have been trying to answer for years. We’ve heard everything from 3 weeks to 90 days to even longer! But … what if that’s the WRONG QUESTION? What if instead, we ask: how many “repetitions” of an action do you have to do before it becomes a habit? This is SO POWERFUL because it is more action oriented. It takes you out of the “passive” mode of waiting for time to pass … to being in charge of the process. After all, it’s the ACTION that helps rewire your brain for success. Studies have shown that your brain can physically change in just a couple of months (and maybe even a few weeks) when you learn new things or create new habits. This is called neuroplasticity, and it’s a new area of brain science. Years ago, scientists believed that the brain was static – once you reached a certain age, there was no way to change it. Well, that’s been tossed out the window, as researchers have found that adults have been able to physically change their brains based on their actions. For example: taxi drivers who have to navigate city streets have changed the area of their brain that involves spatial awareness. Pretty amazing, right? And if it works for navigation, it definitely can work for creating healthy habits and a positive mindset! There’s a specific process called REACH to help “rewire” your brain (aka create new neural pathways in your brain). Here’s the process: ● Repetition. The more reps of an activity you do, the more likely rewiring will occur. ● Effort. You have to put in some work (and enthusiasm!) to make rewiring happen. Just going through the motions doesn’t count. :) ● Attention. Being “in the moment” as you’re doing the activity – paying attention to all that’s required – also helps the rewiring process. ● Complex Activities. The more involved/challenging your habit/activity, the more your brain will rewire (i.e., learning to speak a new language requires more rewiring than drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning). ● Health. The healthier your body and brain are, the more ready your brain is for change. So, lay the groundwork for change by getting exercise and sleep, and eating a healthy diet. Then … start working on those reps! There aren’t any hard and fast rules about how long this process takes – but the easier a habit is (like drinking a glass of water when you wake-up), the fewer reps required. And the more challenging a habit is (planning your meals ahead of time), the more reps it might take. Personally, I find this idea of repetition so much more empowering than waiting around for a habit to “stick.” Being intentional about getting those reps in puts you closer and closer to making that activity part of your lifestyle. If you need help carving out goals or healthy habits, let me plan your meals, write your grocery lists, create your workouts, and give you fat-loss resources.  And be sure to chime in over in our FIT WITH DEB GIRLS FACEBOOK GROUP.

  • I dare you to trash your scale

    We are all guilty of stepping on the scale and then experiencing a roller coaster of emotions.  We've all allowed the scale to dictate how we feel about ourselves.  The problem is we’re boarding a sinking ship.  >>> What are we looking for when stepping onto this device? No, seriously, give yourself a minute to answer that question. You are not a number.  And your worth cannot be measured by those 3 digits.  The scale is no barometer of optimal health. The only thing the device is good at?  Triggering stress, disordered eating, depression, obsession.   Can we rely on an outdated machine to declare whether we are "good" or "bad"?  >>> When did the scale begin yielding too much power in your life?  The scale cannot possibly measure your: Bravery  *  Wisdom  *  Perseverance  *  Generosity  *  Selflessness *  Talent  *  Humor  * Purpose  * Potential  *  Beauty  *  Sexiness  * Kindness  *  Athleticism  * Energy  *  Love  * >>> You wouldn't dare pass down the obsession of weight checking to your daughter, would you? Wanna lose weight?  Fine.  Put your scale in the dumpster and lose 2 pounds instantly. I'm daring you to GAIN instead.  Every day.  Gain confidence. Gain stability. Gain quality of life. Gain peace. Shoot.  Gain weight because you eat and drink daily. Think about the legacy you want to leave. How do you want to be remembered at the end of your life?  Spoiler alert: "everything people love about you has NOTHING to do with your weight." Love your current body. Remember that you are wonderfully made by God in His image. I'm here for you.  I want to help you.  Message me if you're ready to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and take control of your habits and self-talk.

  • Are you weary?

    Last week in my "Lockdown the Lifestyle" challenge group, I sensed that a lot of the ladies were feeling weary.  Long days, weird days, and kind of a funk with moods. It's hard to describe, but we all seemed to be feeling "off." ​ Because of that, I did a Facebook Live broadcast in our secret Facebook group with some uplifting encouragement. ​ I thought I'd share the Bible verses that I read in case you've had a weary week and need a boost of inspiration as well! ​ While I know you may not currently read your Bible, there is nothing like it, so that's our source: ​ >> Psalms 73:26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." ​ >> John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." ​ >> 2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” ​ >> Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” ​ >> Psalm 55:22 "Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved." ​ I hope these usher in peace, joy, and comfort for you today! ​ If I can help encourage you today, let me know!

  • Mug cake recipe!

    A LOT of you are spending more time in the kitchen cooking up goodies these days, which is fantastic, since we’re all reconnecting with a time-honored tradition of preparing our foods and nourishing our bodies. And we’re also re-learning just how good homemade food can be! But let’s be honest. Do you really need an entire layer cake or a big pan of brownies on the kitchen counter, tempting you every time you see it? (I know I don’t!) I’ve got a fast & easy recipe for you today that’s a little unusual for me to share since it’s basically just CAKE but … 1. This recipe makes just 1 good-sized serving or 2 small servings. Fewer temptations! 2. Thanks to the oats, it contains fiber (use gluten-free oats if possible). 3. Although the original calls for peanut butter, you can use any kind of nut butter you want. Almond or walnut butter have more healthy fats than PB. :) 4. You can sub out all or part of the nut butter for mashed ripe banana or canned pumpkin if you want. BONUS: This will let you cut back on the sugar a bit if you want. Taste the batter and adjust! Chocolate-PB Mug Cake (makes 1 big or 2 small servings) ● 3 tbsp gluten-free oats ● 2 tbsp nut butter ● 3 tbsp dairy-free milk of choice (almond, oat, etc.) ● 1½ tbsp CRAVE cocoa powder ● ⅛ tsp salt ● 1 tbsp sweetener (Swerve, monk fruit, etc.) ● ¼ tsp baking powder ● ½ tsp pure vanilla extract Use baking oil spray, or a light coating of olive/coconut oil, on the inside of a mug to prepare it for baking. Set aside. Place oats in a blender or food processor and blend until they turn into a flour, and set aside. In a small bowl, warm the nut butter and milk and then stir until most of the clumps are dissolved. Add the rest of the ingredients (including the oat flour) to the bowl, and pour the batter into your mug. Microwave 45-60 seconds. Let cool, and enjoy! You can eat this straight from the mug, or run a butter knife around the edges and “pop” it out of the mug. ​ When it comes to baking and making snacks, one-serving recipes are a lifesaver! You can enjoy it and then it’s gone, no longer luring you back into the kitchen for more. ​ Remember –I'm here for you to help you reach your goals! ​ Enjoy an all-access pass to my Fit + Fresh Membership for FREE!  I've got so many delicious recipes (and more)!

  • Your self-care mini checklist

    I hope you, your family, and your friends are doing well and staying healthy! For me there have been two big takeaways from this pandemic. 1: People are truly AMAZING. Whether it’s delivering food to the elderly, reading inspiring stories to children over the internet, or leaving $100 and $1000 tips at local restaurants… It’s incredible to see how we can all pull together. 2: Your health is PRICELESS. Doing whatever you can to build up and guard your immune system is worth it. I’ve put together a quick self-assessment checklist list that I personally try to follow every day, and I thought I would share it with you. This list isn’t just important right now in the midst of everything going on, it’s something we should be paying attention to for the rest of our lives! Important Mini Self-Care Checklist → How are my stress levels? A little everyday stress (like the kind you get from workouts) is good because it stimulates your immune system and spurs you to take action ... But chronic stress takes a toll on your body (and mind) over time and leaves you susceptible to illness. If you find yourself feeling tense or anxious and are having trouble sleeping or relaxing, make time to UNPLUG! Step away from the news, relax, and do something fun.  It's why I FORCE daily "recess" (or self-care) in our current challenge group! → Am I eating enough veggies & fruits for antioxidant power? The USDA recommends 5-9 servings a day, and some experts even recommend 10+ for even more benefit. One serving = ½ cup fruits and veggies, or 1 cup leafy greens. This can help give your body the micronutrients it needs to power up your immune response. → Am I getting at least 20 minutes of exercise most days of the week? And up to 1 hour if you’re taking walks? This is so important because: ● Exercise boosts immunity by causing changes in your illness-fighting antibodies and white blood cells (an important part of your immune system). Plus, being physically active can help flush bacteria out of your lungs and airway! ● Workouts raise your body temperature slightly, which may prevent bacteria from growing, and also might help you fight infection. ● Exercise can help burn off stress. As I mentioned above, chronic stress is not good for your immune system. ​ →Am I getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night?If you don’t get enough sleep, your body makes fewer cytokines, a type of protein that targets infection and inflammation, creating an immune response. ​​ → Am I washing my hands EVERY time I need to?This helps prevent the spread of any bugs and viruses you’ve picked up. ​​ ​ → Don’t smoke, and avoid drinking too much alcohol.Among many other things, alcohol can mess with your sleep, your workouts, and your food choices. ​​ It’s a simple list, but it’s a powerful one. It’s the basics that matter most. ​ How are you doing on that list? ​ Stay vigilant with those healthy habits! ​ And if you’re ready to take that next step forward towards optimal health, I'm here for you! Email me at and I can tell you about the services I offer!

  • Make this for dinner this week!

    I’ve got an immune-boosting recipe for you that’s AB-SOLUTELY delicious! So, why is this recipe so awesome? It’s packed with protein and loaded with gut-friendly healthy omega-3 fatty acids PLUS both prebiotics and probiotics. As I've mentioned in a lot of Facebook Live broadcasts, your gut plays a HUGE role in your immune system. And BONUS ... it’s surprisingly easy to make. :-) You probably already know that omega-3 fats are great for your heart and brain ... but did you know that they also can increase the good bacteria in your gut? And the specific kind found in fatty fish like salmon (which are rich in DHA and EPA omega 3s) appears to boost immune function, according to studies! In an environment that seems to work AGAINST all those healthy gut bacteria – between poor diets, stress, sedentary lifestyles, etc. – it’s a great idea to do everything you can to help shore them up! Note: Make sure you get fermented – aka “brined” – pickles for this recipe. Pickles made with vinegar don’t contain the active probiotics cultures that brined pickles do. You can usually find them in the cooler section at your grocery store. I am a freak about getting wild salmon from Alaska.  Farmed salmon is just no okay with me. Here's the company I order from once a year (it's pretty cool to meet them in person and know they actually were on a boat fishing in Alaska): (you can score $10 off your first order with promo code FITWITHDEB) Lemon Salmon with Asparagus and Pickles ● 1 lb salmon, skin on, cut into 4 portions ● cooking spray ● 2 medium lemons (1 sliced, and 1 juiced) ● 3 tbsp grapeseed oil, divided ● ½ tsp kosher salt ● Several “grinds” of black pepper — plus additional to taste ● Optional: finely chopped fresh herbs of choice (thyme or basil work well) ● 1 lb baby asparagus, trimmed ● ½ cup brined pickles, chopped ​ Let salmon sit at room temp for about 10 minutes while you prepare your other ingredients. Preheat your oven to 375ºF and tear off 4 pieces of aluminum foil that, folded, will be large enough to hold a piece of salmon. Lightly coat the foil with cooking spray, then place a salmon portion on each. Take 1 tbsp of oil and drizzle each portion with a small amount. Arrange lemon slices over the top, along with a sprinkle of salt, pepper, and optional herbs. Fold the sides of the aluminum foil over the top of the salmon so each is completely enclosed. Leave some room inside for air to circulate. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until the salmon is fully cooked (thicker salmon cuts might take a bit longer). It should flake when done. While that cooks, slice your asparagus into thin diagonal strips. Place in a bowl and toss with 2 tbsp oil, lemon juice, and salt & pepper. Meanwhile, chop the pickles. To serve, divide the asparagus salad and salmon among 4 plates, and top each with 2 tbsp of pickles (or to taste). I hope you enjoy this! It’s DELICIOUS!!!!!! P.S.  Don't forget, you can enjoy myFit + Fresh Membership for FREE!  I have hundreds of recipes and workouts waiting for you!

  • You have 4 pounds of THIS in your gut

    Having a strong and healthy immune system is more important than ever! There are steps you can take to make yourself healthier, so let's focus on a super important part of your immune health: your gut! There has been a LOT of buzz about “gut health” lately … and for a very good reason. Your gut health doesn’t affect just your digestion (although that’s super important) … but also your heart, your brain, your immune system, and even your mood. You have about 100 trillion (!!!) microbes living in your gut right now. And there are about 1,000 different species of known gut bacteria. (Fun Fact #1: if you were to weigh all the bacteria in your gut, they would weigh over 4 lbs! Some of these bacteria are your personal army of helpers, digesting your food, making energy, and keeping your immune system strong. And others are not-so-good, linked with digestive upset, inflammation, obesity, and even conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and asthma. As you can imagine, you want to make sure your gut stays in balance, with more of the good guys than the bad guys! YOU have the power to do just that with your food and lifestyle choices! But now for fun fact #2 ... your individual gut microbiome is like your fingerprint. No one else’s is exactly the same. All of us share about one-third of the same microbiota makeup – but two-thirds of your microbiota “fingerprint” are unique to YOU! Even though we all have our own unique gut microbiome, the basic guidelines for keeping it in balance work for nearly everyone! Here’s a quick gut health checklist to get you started: Make sure you’re getting enough fiber, including insoluble fiber. These fibers are what the good bacteria in your small intestine like to feed on. Eat fermented foods like sauerkraut, because they contain healthy bacteria that can replenish your gut microbiome. This is especially true if you have taken antibiotics, which can affect the balance of your gut bacteria. Avoid processed foods and sugar. The bad-guy bacteria like to feed on these! Cut stress. Pray, journal, go outside for some fresh air. There’s a direct connection (your vagus nerve) between your brain and your gut, each affecting the other! Get regular exercise. The more active you are, the happier your gut microbiome is! Get enough sleep. When your sleep is disrupted, so are the good bacteria in your microbiome. And vice versa! ​ It’s amazing how everything works together, isn’t it? ​ Speaking of working together … Join my Fit + Fresh for FREE!  Here are all the details on how you can look and feel your best! Click HERE for all the details! ​ Now more than ever it’s a good time to DIG IN and stay focused on our health!

  • 5 Ways to cope with stress

    Because STRESS may be the underlying theme to your life lately, it's important to learn how to cope so that stress does not kill you.  Because it really does want to kill you. 1.  Pray and read your Bible.  Why not take all your woes and worries to the One who is able to create and sustain the universe?  Nothing is too hard for God, so let Him shoulder it all while you exhale. 2.  Move. Walk, dance, bike, workout.  Whatever.  Just be active.  Exercise releases happy hormones and is the perfect outlet for stress. 3.  Take breaks. Shift your attention from the current pressures of work / family / school / etc.  Stress will not magically disappear on its own, so physically change your location for a few minutes. 4.  Laugh. It helps you relax and lower stress hormones.  Prevent burnout by watching funny videos or a funny show or connecting with friends and family. 5.  Focus on your gut. Stress can impact your brain's stress response as well as your intestinal flora.  Fight depression and boost your immune system by taking care of your gut.  Take a probiotic every day and eat foods God grows. Want more help?  I have stress-releasing workout videos, gut protecting recipes, and multiple resources on stress and self-care.  Enjoy a 7-day FREE trial to my Fit + Fresh Membership!   Go recharge!

  • screw it all

    Last night I ate carrot cake.  I hate carrot cake.  So why in the WORLD did I eat it?  To be honest, I'm not totally sure.  I resisted it for a full 36 hours no problem, but then I caved and ate something I don't like, simply because it's sweet. How have you been doing the past couple of weeks with stress eating? Have you had more junk than usual?  Eaten every 90 minutes?  Indulged in more wine?  Welcome to humanity, party of 7.5 billion. I know you have so many emotions right now and you're adjusting to a new normal that doesn't actually feel normal at all.  Right? Our knee-jerk reaction is to cope with food.  And I honestly think it's okay to pout for a few days about the global catastrophe.   But be careful. If you don't pump your brakes, you're gonna find yourself digging a hole that's REALLY difficult to climb out of. I know every day kind of feels like a weekend or Christmas break.  And I am all about splurging sometimes.  We never need to eat "perfectly," whatever that is.  You're not a robot.   But it's time to be intentional.  It is spring.  You will be free to roam before you know it.  You will wear real pants again. Would you rather undo a few days of overindulging, or would you rather undo a few weeks of overindulging? >>> It's time to cope with stress in ways that don't involve hand-to-mouth actions. >>> It's time to break up with unhealthy habits that you'll kick yourself over later. >>> It's time to relieve stress with exercise 3 times a week. >>> It's time to eat 3-5 times per day.  >>> It's time to differentiate mouth hunger vs stomach hunger. >>> It's time to stay busy and get a hobby instead of being a Pro Snacker. Onward.  Upward. Shrug off the past few days.  End self-sabotage.  Purge your pantry.  Cook meats and vegetables.  Lace up your shoes.   Take care of yourself. If you need help with home workouts and yummy recipes while hunkered down, check out my Fit + Fresh amazingness.  It's the perfect plan for staying on track and you can try it all for FREE right now.

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