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  • 9 Reasons Your Butt is a Pancake

    I'm gonna be REALLY candid with you today. I debated coming off as some kind of know-it-all today, but that's just plain stupid. I don't have a great butt. I just don't. And that's okay. It keeps me humble. I have goals of a Beyonce backside, so I am always learning how to perfect the peach. There's actually a lot to learn about the bootay and how to get workouts to, well, WORK. So in case you're in the pancake butt club, you are not alone. And there are plenty of valid reasons why you are not a butt model. Yet. Here are the 9 reasons why your butt is saggy despite exercising: 1. Genetics. There's nothing you can do about what ya mama gave you, sorry. Work with what you got, but know that genes play a big role in all of this. 2. Exhaustion. When you're sleep-deprived, your body is lacking the hormonal reset it needs. You just cannot have optimal ANYTHING if you are chronically tired. Sleep is a powerful tool that can reduce fat! 3. Diet. If you are inhaling Cheetos by the fistful, or licking the brownie batter like an Olympic event, there is not enough exercise in the world to undo the damage. Food is information, so ask yourself if you are telling your body to burn fat or store fat. 4. Technique. You exercise plenty but you're doing things wrong. When doing leg moves, your quads and or hamstrings or back take over with the work. If you're like me, you got plenty o' leg, but the butt is suffering. This is a really common mishap. 5. Focus. In order to prevent your quads and hamstrings and back from taking over and doing all the work in a workout, you've GOT to think about your rump. The mind-butt connection is the most powerful shift in lifting and plumping the buns. What I often tell my clients (and myself) during a sweat session is, "Think about your butt. Do you feel your glutes activating during each rep? Don't let your back or legs do what the bum needs to do." Simply by THINKING about your glutes, you will USE them! 6. Compensation. Every Google search will tell you to do squats and deadlifts for a tight, toned butt. Those are great moves, sure. But let's not share the load....instead, do single leg moves that really target one butt cheek at a time. Think split squats, single leg squats, single leg deadlifts, and lunges. Isolating makes each move so much harder and we really can get more results! 7. Omission. If you're already physically active yet your backside doesn't show it, it's time to have 1 aggressive Butt Day workout each week. You want to fire up those muscles to fatigue. Perform moves that require the glutes to burn (like bridges, for example). Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze! Ever single rep is intentional. 8. Weightless. While I love bodyweight moves, it is crucial to LIFT HEAVY WEIGHTS if you want the saggy pants look to end. Strength training can come from weights or even resistance bands, but just doing Donkey Kicks for hours ain't gonna cut it. 9. Overkill. You do not need to workout daily. I'll say it again. You do not need to workout daily. More is not better. Muscle is built on rest days! So if you are over-exercising, not only are you potentially obsessed, but you are potentially increasing your risk for injury and exhaustion. That means the muscles will stop cooperating. If you are already have an injury, this will negatively impact your chance for seeing change; consider therapy and rest to get past that speed bump. So which of these are your guilty of and how will you make adjustments starting right now? I'd love to hear your thoughts! #butt #glutes #workout #exercise #fitness #body #booty

  • 8-Minute Seated Workout

    When it comes to exercise, isn't our typical excuse either that we are too busy or too lazy? How about an 8 minute arm workout that lets you sit down the entire freaking time? PAR-TAY! You can do this while waiting for water to boil in the kitchen, for crying out loud. No more excuses, grab some weights and have a seat. Enjoy sculpting your arms in just 8 minutes! Don't even think about it, just hit PLAY and let's do this! Building up arm strength goes beyond just looking good without sleeves. It's about carrying groceries from car to kitchen in one trip It's about holding a babe on the hip all the live long day. It's about being able to teach kids that strength has value. It's about being able to improve posture, feel confident, and even help your bones. -----> Want more workouts that rock? Of course you do! Click HERE to access those! Check out these past blog posts about how to get those GUNS: 3 Surprising Fixes for Arm Flab End Arm Jiggle in Just 1 Move #arm #workout #fitness #seated #video #exercise #YouTube

  • End Arm Jiggle in 1 Move

    Tank tops CAN be part of your wardrobe! You can have lovely, lean arms that don't embarrass you! We can target arm jiggle without working out hours each day! In case you haven't read my 3 Surprising Fixes for Arm Flab, you need to read that now because change starts OUTSIDE of the gym! Click HERE for the article! I am a big fan of exercising to get the muscle definition for sexy arms, and I know that this comes from both body weight workout moves AND lifting challenging weights! What's most important when exercising is to always stay safe and have PERFECT form. No cheating here! The goal is to steer clear of injury or pain! Ready for the ONE move you can incorporate into your next workout that will torch the back-of-the-arm jiggle? TRIANGLE PUSH-UPS! A study revealed that this move activates the most muscle activity for this problem area! How do we do Triangle Push-Ups? 1. Get on your knees or toes. Whichever position allows you to maintain perfect form. No equipment is needed, other than a workout mat. 2. Instead of placing your hands under your shoulders, have your hands form a triangle directly under your chest. The tips of your left middle finger and right middle finger form the top of the triangle. Your two thumbs meet to form the bottom of a triangle. Can you picture this? 3. Keep your core engaged and keep your back flat. Your eyes should look 6 inches in front of you on the ground. 4. Lower your body in one line, keeping your hips locked in place. Your elbows are not flaring out as you lower, but are tucked in. Go almost all the way to the ground and come back up to the starting position. 5. Do as many reps as you can until you fatigue and/or your form starts to slip. Over time, you'll build up endurance...and muscle! Check out this how-to video for Triangle / Tricep Push-Ups! -----------> Want more ARM workouts? Of course you do! Click HERE for full access! Let's be fearlessly sleeveless!!!! I want to hear from you! What is your favorite fitness move that burns your triceps? ---------------> Want a FREE workout that targets those ARMS? Click HERE for the video! #tricep #pushups #arms #exercise #workout #fitness

  • 3 Surprising Fixes for Arm Flab

    You're likely reading this on your phone, so I want you to hold up your free hand and wave. That's right, pretend you are waving at a friend who's looking for you at the airport. I know you feel like a crazy person right now. Now glance at your arm as you wave. Is your arm skin flapping in the wind like a flag? Okay now stop waving. Is your arm still jiggling long after the waving ended? It's okay. I hear it all the time from women who are frustrated about their "bat wing" arms. Those tricep muscles are so stubborn and I often get asked how to tighten and tone the backs of arms. What in the world are we supposed to do? There's a lot that could be going on that you never ever considered. And it doesn't even involve exercise, can you believe it?!? (Want the 1 move that ends arm jiggle? Click HERE) HERE ARE 3 SURPRISING CAUSES FOR ARM FLAB & HOW TO EASILY FIX BAT WINGS: 1. You're tired. Not getting enough sleep means you are likely to store fat. Sleep provides a necessary hormonal reset for us, but if we don't get enough sleep (or if we don't get quality sleep), then our bodies are going to be negatively impacted. The solution is less Netflix and more pillow. Create a consistent bedtime routine which means no screens for 1 hour before bed, keep your bedroom temperature cool, use magnesium oil (not melatonin or Zquil), take a bath, and keep a regular bedtime (even on weekends). Being well-rested can help the arms to get lean! 2. You're stressed. You have a demanding job, a family to nurture, endless chores and errands, and more. Stress, like exhaustion, stores fat. When cortisol levels rise, your body is in fight-or-flight mode and compensates by clinging to those fat reserves. It's vital to start incorporating ways to decompress and relax every single day. Not once a week, not on vacation. Daily. Read a book, take a nap, enjoy a walk, talk to loved ones, pet a dog, paint your nails. Whatever helps you to step away and fully exhale from life's cares. By reducing our stress (and lowering our cortisol level), we will help our arms to slim down naturally. 3. You're malnourished. Too many refined, starchy carbs and not enough protein are a recipe for, you guessed it, storing fat. Picture every cookie, cracker, or chip as adding a layer of fat to your arms. Eating the empty calories of zero nutritional value will enlarge our arms. Equally important is getting adequate protein in your diet as protein is the building block for muscle. Reduce the flab by getting less processed foods like candy and cake and getting more lean protein every meal you eat. Pick just 1 of the 3 habits to start working on this week! Just 1. Once you have nearly mastered this, move on to the next 1 habit. By making small, simple changes, your body will start responding (and you'll be WAY less overwhelmed). I want to hear from YOU! Which 1 thing will you begin to tackle TODAY? ******************* WANT MORE WORKOUTS? OF COURSE YOU DO! CLICK HERE FOR YOUR ALL-ACCESS PASS TO MORE! ************************* Click HERE for a FREE arm workout you can do at home! #arms #flab #stress #nutrition #sleep

  • Anti-Diet: The Fun Way to Eat & Move for Success

    Junk food is easy and delicious. There is little time to prepare healthy meals, especially ones the kids will eat. Portion control is a struggle. Being busy means no time to plan ahead. Work means no opportunity to eat lunch which leads to overeating later. Have you ever felt like this? I was a junk food addict myself. I ate Frosted Mini Wheat cereal for both breakfast and lunch. Sometimes I made nachos as a homemade snack. Dinner was some sort of pasta. Give me a break, I have four freaking kids! I needed fast, easy meals that tasted yummy. Everything was fine because nothing was off-limits, not even Oreos. Except it wasn't. I was out of control, yet I kept convincing myself it was fine. My pants were painfully tight. I dreaded wearing pants altogether. I knew it was an outward sign that something had to change. My nutrition was all about convenience and carbs. And I refused to buy bigger clothes! What I needed was help. That was hard to admit, but I was desperate. I didn't know which foods were good or bad. I needed someone to just tell me what to do. Clearly I was doing it all wrong. Are you there? Are you feeling uncomfortable yet pretending your body will magically transform somehow? Do you feel confused by all the diets that scream quick fix? Is there a craving for a lean body that you feel confident about but you don't have the time to figure out what to do? My Frosted Mini Wheat days have ended. 7 years ago I decided to quit eating like a stupid teenage boy and get my act together. ENOUGH! So I've spent 7 years educating myself AND living it out. And I figured out the way to eat MORE yet weigh LESS. One of my favorite things to do is take the thinking out of meal ideas for busy women. I am all about saving moms time. You have so many responsibilities. Do you really enjoy spending time trying to figure out when to eat what? Is the 5 o'clock scramble fun? Is the guilt of throwing PopTarts at kids awesome? Would you like your eternal search for healthy recipes to just end already? That family of yours wants to eat 3 times a day. Every day. Enter Fit With Deb. I take the thinking (and hating) out of meal planning. I offer exciting new recipes that get you out of your rut. I free up your time so that you can get poolside with your family. Speaking of the pool, I help your body fit into that swimsuit. Want looser clothes? Need support and encouragement? Ready to see results? Craving motivation and accountability? You are not alone. Repeat after me: I AM NOT ALONE. I've designed a 4-week food + fitness plan that is perfect for you to happily stay on track and experience success! Yeah, even when you vacation. Christine says, "I joined this group 13 months ago. I couldn't do the workouts, or at least it felt that way. I was more of the beached whale attempting a workout of any kind. Before this group and Debbie Baisden leading me along ( and sometimes pushing) I felt pretty hopeless. I had been diagnosed and treated for breast cancer ( that's a pretty long sad story all in its own) My oncologist told me my cancer was estrogen driven and estrogen is stored in fat cells. I was enrolled in Weight Watchers and had stalled out after losing only 18 pounds. I thought it was maybe my age working against me....and behold: a new way of looking at food, gluten and dairy. Meal planning for a week at a time and here I am today. I can run, ( I still pee a little when I run, lol) I can hike, bike and keep up with my 4 year old twin grandsons. My birth certificate says I'm 61, I feel 20 years younger. If you are on the fence about any of these programs I'm here to tell you, jump off the fence and straight into a life of abundant energy. You can do this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Debbie. I'm pretty sure you saved my life." In addition to a month of freaking amazing recipes that even crazy busy moms can make and love, you're going to start enjoying exercise. Does "enjoying" and "exercise" sound like the biggest joke ever? I hated exercise. I dreaded it, avoided it, and told myself it was for those fitness-lovers. I had no need to sweat. Shoot, it probably wouldn't even work if I tried. But those tight pants. When I started exercising, IT DID NOT WORK. I absolutely hated it and looked for reasons to skip the gym. I looked the same, I felt the same. I was discouraged and frustrated. But then. Then I learned how to do it RIGHT and in LESS TIME. What?!? I could be done in 20 minutes? I could actually make time for it?! Right now you might not enjoy exercise and so you do nothing. Or you've got a bum knee. Or you'd rather fold laundry. Or maybe you don't even know which workouts to do. Or your kids are always around. Or you're one of those moms who takes care of everyone but herself. I promise I went from lazy and inconsistent to motivated. Why was I motivated? Because my pants fit! Results help you find the time! I'm all about helping you stay on track. Sally says, "I've never said these words before swimsuit is too big!! I'm officially down 20 lbs, 5 inches of hips and 5 inches off waist, 3 off my chest since December.....I'm stronger and healthier. I've noticed that my cravings are not as strong." Mandy says she's "enjoying going from being size 12 to a 6. Thanks for the motivation." Dawn says, "I am very excited that I lost 5 inches total which is fabulous! Thank you Debbie for all of the encouragement and wonderful meals!" Lindsay says, "I put on a pair of shorts yesterday that just a week ago were very, very snug and they fit perfectly yesterday! I can already tell a difference in my body. We've loved all the meals and felt satisfied each day!" If you're not ready for the no-brainer way of getting results, that's okay. If you enjoy wasting time on Pinterest, carry on. If you love seeing no change from hours at the gym, keep at it. THIS IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. If you enjoy chronic frustration, endless excuses, emotional eating, or the daily struggle of doing things on your own.....bye. For the rest of us, let's get excited that our inbox is about to get an awesome plan filled with food and fitness that helps us to get lean! Here's what's coming your way: 4 weeks of dairy-free recipes that taste crazy good. Yes, they are easy. Scroll down to see what's landing on your kitchen table this month. 4 printable grocery shopping lists that give you more free time. Just print and go. 1 printable calendar that keeps you on track with meals and workouts. You'll forever answer, "Mom what are we eating today?" 10 total body workout videos that kick fat to the curb in 20 minutes. Go ahead, do them in pajamas. A closed online community of women just like you who need some cheerleading during the journey. I'll be there to answer your questions and high-five you the whole time! Valued at over $400, I'm going to give you a 75% discount. I'm insane, yeah. But you have to hurry. We get started this week! This is your summer to finally experience success. Registration rates increase in 24 hours. What others are saying: I've lost an inch in the hips, two in the small of my waist, two in my chest, and looking at pics....I'm down one chin!!!!! Thanks Deb! --Pam Lost 2 1/2 inches in waist, 1 5/8 in lower waist, 1 1/2 in hips. Biceps, thighs, and calves up and down but i can tell they firmed up. So glad to have been a part of this. Can't wait til next round. --LaRae I am 12lbs down, my baby pooch is a lot smaller, my legs and booty are getting some definition and I feel really good! I can't wait for this month's roll out!! Thanks again Debbie White Wilkins Baisden this is going to be a staple in the "take care of me in 2017" plan. --Allison 2.5 inches in "small" waist, 1.5 in lower waist, .5 in hips! I've loved this group and this month!! Thank you, Debbie! --Amber Hey, so I started eating according to the plan you put out for us on December 1 ( I'm a habitual eater so it is cool lol) and as of this morning, I've already lost 2.5 inches off of my lower waist and an additional 2.5 inches off the small of my waist. That's insane! --Scarlett Just wanted to share...4 months ago I definitely would not have wanted a picture of myself from this angle! Thank you for getting me on track, and inspiring me along the way. --Jennifer I got tired of hiking my jeans up every 50 steps so I pulled out an *old* belt from the depths of my closet that I haven't needed for years! I even had to move over a notch from where I used to wear it! WHAT? It works, y'all...all of it...together. Debbie knows what she's talking about. --Kelly GET IN MY BELLY: Meal Plan: Week 1 MONDAY: Blueberry Bread & Balsamic Chicken Salad TUESDAY: Overnight Quinoa Breakfast Pots & Taco Salad WEDNESDAY: Key Lime Smoothie & Stew THURSDAY: Oat Bran & Roasted Red Pepper Chicken Chili FRIDAY: Hardboiled Eggs with Avocado & Cheat Meal SATURDAY: Eggs, Bacon, Fruit & Skinny Shrimp Scamp with Zoodles SUNDAY: Chorizo Egg Skillet & Grilled Pork Chops with Cabbage Hemp Salad Meal Plan: Week 2 MONDAY: Omelets, Sausage, Fruite & BLT’s TUESDAY: Protein Smoothie & Salmon with Roasted Tomatoes WEDNESDAY: Overnight Oats in a Jar & Baked Buffalo Wings THURSDAY: Chicken Sausages & Hummus Crusted Chicken with Cucumber Salad FRIDAY: Rocky Road Chia Seed Pudding & Cheat Meal SATURDAY: Eggs, Bacon, Fruit & Grilled Steaks with Roasted Cabbage SUNDAY: Overnight Breakfast Casserole & Turkey Avocado Burgers Meal Plan: Week 3 MONDAY: Quinoa Egg Bake & Roasted Roots Soup TUESDAY: Egg White Frittata & Asian Shrimp Zoodle Stir Fry WEDNESDAY: Protein Smoothie & Slow Cooker Chicken Fajitas THURSDAY: Oatmeal & Thai Peanut Beef with Broccoli FRIDAY: Wheat-Free Pancakes & Cheat Meal SATURDAY: Omelets, Fruit, Bacon & Salmon with Veggies SUNDAY: Breakfast Cookies & Thai Citrus Chicken Salad Meal Plan: Week 4 MONDAY: Chorizo and Egg & Crock Pot Pesto Chicken Salad TUESDAY: Apple Crisp & Meatloaf with Veggies WEDNESDAY: Smoothie & Slow Cooker Pot Roast THURSDAY: Baked Eggs in Ham Cups & “Spaghetti” FRIDAY: Baked Oatmeal & Cheat Meal SATURDAY: Omelets, Fruit, Sausage & Slow Cooker Lemon Orange Garlic Chicken SUNDAY: Easy Crustless Quiche & Beef Fajitas The Anti-Diet is currently closed. To see what menu is currently open, check out the Fit & Fresh program here. * make sure we are Facebook friends so I can add you to our secret Facebook group (I'm Debbie White Wilkins Baisden) Got questions? I love them! Contact me at #meal #plan #antidiet #recipes #exercise #workouts #health #nutrition

  • 17 Easy Ways to Squeeze in Exercise

    You are so busy and never have enough time, right? You know you SHOULD workout. It's what you're SUPPOSED to do. But there are just not enough hours in the day to fit in fitness. Here are 17 easy ways to sneak in exercise, no matter how busy you are! Listen. You are important and need to take care of yourself. This is the only body you get, so get that body moving! You don't have to be perfect, just do something! 1. Go pee. Every time you go to the bathroom, do 1 minute of exercise. It can be a wall sit, calf raises or arm circles. The more water you drink (yay), the more you'll have to pee (yay)! 2. Sleep in your bra. Sports bra that is. Go to bed in workout clothes instead of pajamas so you are more likely to wake and work! 3. Screens off. We use those little pockets of time to scroll social media, right? Step away from the screens and decide to invest in your health with a short but effective workout! 4. Stay home. Skip the gym membership. You're more likely to make excuses to skip the gym because it involves driving, parking, standing in line for a class, and waiting for equipment. Home workouts are just as effective! Head to my "online fitness" workout video options at and just press "play"! 5. Dance. Dancing is fun and stress-relieving, so grab your kids and shake yo booty! You can do this while folding laundry or stirring dinner! 6. Get out. Head outside to stay active. Wash the car, mow the yard, throw the ball, or use the nearby park playground as your gym! 7. Hit the pavement. Go for a walk. Take the family...or go solo. Walk during the kids' soccer practice. Walk during lunch with a coworker. Enjoy a mobile conversation after dinner. 8. Deskercize. Work out at work. Yeah, even in your blazer. Pace while on the phone. Park far from your office. Do desk push-ups. Find creative ways to move your body, even while seated, to fight the sedentary lifestyle. 9. Trip over equipment. Set up every single thing you'll need for your next workout the night before. Lay out your mat, weights, water bottle, socks, shoes. Put it somewhere in your home where you'll see it and trip over it so that you stay reminded of your goal. 10. Inconvenience kids. Instead of wasting your time doing chores, make your offspring do household to-do's. You just freed up 20 minutes. 11. Pick favorites. Do what you like to do and you're less likely to avoid it. Love biking? Get on a bike. Love Pilates? Go plank. Hate running? Don't run. 12. Stop at 10. Tell yourself that you only need to workout for 10 minutes. Just 600 seconds is 0.7% of your day. Chances are you'll keep going past 10 minutes, but give yourself permission to stop. 13. Study your calendar. Look at your monthly calendar. Where can you squeeze in a sweat session? It's all about priorities. Don't you schedule a dental cleaning and keep that appointment? Don't you make time to grocery shop consistently? Do you see your OB/GYN even though it's not your favorite? Treat exercise as a can't-miss appointment. 14. Don't snooze. Wake up 30 minutes earlier. Yeah, it's brutal beyond words at first. But the payoff is huge. You get an energy surge and you're more likely to have a quiet environment without interruption. Let your alarm clock remind you it's time to build muscle! 15. Grab a pen. Write down your plan. Thinking it over will not cut it. Get out of your head and onto paper that can go on your fridge. You are more likely to follow-through. 16. Treat yourself. Set a goal for yourself and then reward yourself. For example, your goal may be to complete 12 workouts in a month; at the end of the month you get your nails done. We all love incentives! 17. Message me. The biggest game changer is accountability, pure and simple. Your spouse is not eligible, trust me. I love keeping women on track by making sure they do what they set out to do. One-on-one coaching is an individualized way to not get lost in the crowd. We'll set goals, then accomplish them. Boom. Message me about getting started or find out more about my accountability program. The reality is YOU HAVE THE TIME. You do. It just takes some shuffling things around to make it unfold. I am cheering for you! #home #exercise #workout #fitness #time

  • Why You Should Skip Your Next Workout

    I used to hate, loathe, and despise exercise. Sweat was icky and gyms were scary. I just didn't see the point in CHOOSING to work hard. That was for fanatics and bodybuilders, you know, people who LIKE exercising. Then the seams of my pants showed me who was boss. And I decided that maybe fitness should become a part of my life instead of marathon cookie eating. Fast-forward to today, I actually enjoy workouts (and actually am typing this a stank, sweaty mess since I just completed a home workout). I feel empowered, strong, happier. I encourage women to get toned and lean and sexy by exercising regularly a few days a week. It's cheaper than plastic surgery, antidepressants, and going to therapy. But. Sometimes I'm a big fan of skipping workouts. I tell clients to nap instead of squat, to be lazy instead of hardcore. Why? Because our bodies need, crave, and demand rest. You need a freaking break sometimes. Few things are dumber than repeatedly pushing our bodies to "train mean" 8 days a week. When we overdo it with exercise, our bodies REVOLT. We get injured. We stay sore. We do not get tight, toned, lean bodies. We dread all things fitness. See, rest is crucial. On those days when we self-preserve, our bodies have ample time to recover from a tough workout session. When we decide to give ourselves a pass from lifting weights and holding planks, our bodies build muscle. True story. When we grant permission to skip the gym, we don't dread future workouts. It's pretty cool that a lot of physical and mental magic can happen on our "off" days. If you're looking for a reason to justify lounging instead of crushing your fitness goals, this is your sign. Take a break, preferably every other day. Repeat after me, "It is okay to rest." So the next time you're tempted to kill a 2 hour workout Monday through Saturday, just don't . Less is more sometimes. Give your body what it needs: self care. Exercise smarter, not harder. I dare you to nap today. #rest #workout #fitness #recover #exercise

  • All The Chocolate: A Recipe You'll Adore

    If you're a part of the human race you love chocolate. Chocolate haters, you are crazy and I just don't understand your DNA. Thing is, we love chocolate, but we also hate thick thighs, yes? It's this push-pull angst between desire and rules. What if we didn't have to restrict or deprive ourselves? What if we could still get that "fix" without the pudgy aftermath? Here's a recipe that in its original state I would have sheltered you from. So I cleaned it up and made it something that you can enjoy every now and then. I just shared it recently with my EATfit membership to enjoy! Do not inhale this by the gallon daily or you will only fit into a mumu. DARK CHOCOLATE SEA SALT ALMONDS (your mouth is already watering, I know) STUFF: * 6 ounces Enjoy Life chocolate chips (yes, only this brand) * 1.5 cups whole, raw, unsalted almonds (or nuts of choice) * Himalayan salt (yeah, you can use Sea Salt) * Swerve sweetener (or stevia)(no honey, no agave, no sugar, no splenda) ACTION: 1. Line a large baking sheet with parchment. If you use wax paper you will hate life like I did because your kitchen will be filled with smoke. Set sheet aside. 2. Melt chocolate in microwave, using a microwave safe bowl, in 30 second increments until melted and smooth. If you set it to 2 minutes while you go pee, prepare to smell burned chocolate for days. 3. Stir the almonds into the chocolate pool. Remove each nut with a spoon or fork, only a couple at a time. Yes, you're hungry, but you need to stay patient or they'll all stick together. Try to keep the chocolate in the bowl as you transfer chocolate nuts onto your baking sheet. Don't lick the bowl. Okay, two licks, but that's it. 4. Sprinkle almonds with a little salt and Swerve, then allow the chocolate to set in the fridge. Twenty bucks says you'll want to eat them within 21 seconds. Go do a workout on my Fit With Deb YouTube channel while the fridge does its job. 5. Enjoy your sweet treat with your family and friends so that you don't accidentally eat every single one and get mad at me. If you have leftovers, they'll do just fine in the fridge for a couple of weeks (leftover chocolate sounds as realistic as unicorns and flying pigs, but it's possible). There ya go! Enjoy the lack of white-knuckling! Why not share this recipe up on the Facebooks or email it to a friend! #recipe #nuts #cook #nutrition #chocolate

  • Recipe Research: 6 Ways to Know if a Recipe is Fat-Loss Friendly or Not

    I get a lot of questions about recipes since people know that I create monthly menu programs. "Debbie, is this recipe good for me or not really?" "Hey Deb, would you eat this? Is there too much fat?" "I adore cheese, can you look this recipe over and tell me if I am allowed to eat it?" I love to help. As consumers we need to be smarter than manufacturers. Here are 6 tips to keep in mind when deciding if you should cook a recipe you found on Pinterest: 1. Study nutrition labels! Take the total carbohydrates. Subtract fiber and protein. This number should be 10 or less. The fat content should be less than 15. Aim for sodium that’s 200 or less. Can you pronounce the ingredients? 2. Remember the dangers of dairy! Avoid cheeses and butter and yogurt and regular creams and cream of ___ soups. 3. Sugar is terrible. Sugars can be hiding in recipes (for example, dried fruits, fruit juices, granola, muffins, pastas, bagels, sauces and drinks) and avoid sugar additions (often the added sugar can be completely eliminated or can be substituted with a reduced amount of Swerve or 100% pure organic stevia). 4. Avoid unhealthy oils (vegetable, soybean, canola, corn, safflower, cottonseed, sunflower, peanut) and margarines and fake butters. 5. Flours can cause fat STORAGE. I only like almond, coconut, and some newer options like sweet potato, etc. Using white flour or whole wheat flour is a no. 6. Keep it REAL. A recipe’s ingredients should include real food. Limit processed, refined, boxed foods. Spices are a genius way to add flavor without unwanted calories. I am pretty skeptical when I see food that claim to be "healthy" as too often they are anything but. That's why I spend HOURS putting together 4-week menus of fat-loss friendly recipes (that don't taste like cardboard). What do you look for when checking out recipes? #recipes #fat #healthy #cooking #nutrition

  • Stress-Busting Workout

    I'm gonna be super honest with you that right now I am not winning any trophies in the motherhood arena today. I am short-fused, impatient, bombarded constantly, and about to lose my mind. Being a mom is hard. Working for money is hard. Adulting is hard. So I have some options: 1. Make a reservation for the funny farm. 2. Turn to food for comfort (well, dang, I already tried that 15 minutes ago and now I'm even more irritable because of those freaking Cheat Night Oreos). 3. Get on the local news for acting like a complete fool because of stress. 4. Exercise. That's right, I just said to workout to work out frustration, stress, and overload. It may not be your typical go-to when you feel overwhelmed, but it certainly is one that doesn't lead to jail time, bigger thighs, or having to apologize to anyone. Am I right? So here's my Public Service Announcement: GO EXERCISE. Because, chances are, you are pretty stressed out and you need it to exit before you implode. And I promise you will feel so much better after. You'll feel accomplished, empowered, even euphoric. Here's your anti-stress workout right now, no equipment required. Feel free to blare your favorite tunes. Feel free to cry or shout or grunt. Do not stop until there is boob sweat aplenty, okay? Each move is done for 60 seconds. Rest as needed. Don't die. Do 4 rounds of this madness: 1. Punching Squats 2. Fast Push-Ups 3. Burpees (that's right, burpees...don't argue with me right now) 4. Tricep Dips 5. Jumping Lunges Let me know if you're alive at the end, okay? I'm proud of you. #workout #stress #exercise #fitness

  • 7 Guilt-Free Desserts

    Rich, spreadable peanut butter—no matter how many calories and fats it has, we just can’t seem to resist it. It’s great on toast, celery sticks, apples, Oreos, in candy, as frosting and by the spoonful. But wouldn’t it be nice to eat this creamy dream without the guilt that often follows? Well, you can! Better Body Foods has shared these 7 peanut butter desserts with us so we can enjoy each scrumptious bite completely guilt-free. 1. Skinny Chocolate Peanut Butter Krispie Cheesecake Bars Don’t keep this one from your belly. It’s a delicious mix of peanut butter cups and rice crispy bars, with a creamy cheesecake topping that’s to-die-for. These bars aren’t just a gluten-free, low-calorie dessert (only 230); they’re also packed with 20g of protein, and look just as good as they taste. Recipe, directions and image source: 2. PBfitⓇ Peanut Butter Sourdough Cookies We’ve all had traditional peanut butter cookies, and while they’re great, isn’t it time you tried something new? And that’s better for you? This cookie recipe is both, as each bite gives you a succulent unique twist on the classic cookie thanks to the hint of sourdough. Recipe, directions and image source: 3. Homemade Peanut Butter Oreos If you’ve ever dipped an Oreo in peanut butter (thanks, Parent Trap), then you’ll totally love these homemade Oreos. Made with two outer cookie layers of chocolate and an easy peanut butter filling smashed in between—and with only 71 calories and 1.1g of sugar—you can eat a few of these without feeling any guilt. Recipe, directions and image source: 4. PB&J Pops Few things bring back childhood memories better than peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and popsicles. And this tasty recipe combines both childhood favorites. These popsicles are easy to make, but you’ve got to have some patience to let them freeze several hours before eating. But, I promise the wait it totally worth it. Recipe, directions and image source: 5. Double Chocolate, PB and Banana Muffins Words don’t do these muffins justice. I mean, just looking at the picture you’re probably already drooling. Mixing bananas, peanut butter, cocoa powder and chocolate chips, plus a handful of other ingredients, into grab-and-go muffins was the best idea since sliced bread. Recipe, directions and image source: 6. Flourless Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Blender Cake This cake has no white sugar, no flour, no butter and no oil—but it tastes just as good, and is just as soft and moist, as your mom’s homemade cake that include all those ingredients. The peanut butter and chocolate pair perfectly, and it only takes 2 minutes of prep time. I guarantee this recipe will quickly become a family favorite. Recipe, directions and image source: 7. Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Brownies The gooey, crunchy, chocolatey goodness that is a Snickers candy bar is exactly what you’ll taste with each bite of these brownies. Except this sweet treat is 100 times better for you, and it’s also vegan-friendly. Recipe, directions and image source: So go ahead, have some dessert! #dessert #chocolate #peanutbutter #oreos #cookies #muffins #brownies #cake #recipe

  • Fit in February

    Last week I did not have a meal plan. And it sucked. We literally ate the SAME leftovers 4 mornings in a row AND the SAME leftovers for every dinner. It was okay for a day or two, but FOUR?!? No, no, and no. I'm a nutrition lover and know the power of a plan. Yet, I got lazy and busy so monotony became our theme. How grateful I am that I now have a fabulous plan in place that's easy to follow! I took the time to sit down and create four weeks of meals and workouts that melt inches off the body. And I want to share it with YOU! I want to be FIT this February, how about you? See, you already know that you're supposed to eat right. If I asked you about your nutrition, you'd say, "I eat pretty healthy." Then you add the BUT. "But I struggle...." Busy days. Overeating. Late-night cravings. Self-control. Emotional eating. Food prep. No time. Picky kids. And let's say I could read your mind in regard to exercise. What is your biggest challenge? Time. Motivation. Accountability. Discouragement. Low energy. No results. Is Change Possible? Ask Pam, who shared, "I've lost an inch in the hips, two in the small of my waist, two in my chest, and looking at pics....I'm down one chin!!!!! Thanks Deb!" Allison rejoices, "I am 12lbs down, my baby pooch is a lot smaller, my legs and booty are getting some definition and I feel really good! I can't wait for this month's roll out!! Thanks again Debbie White Wilkins Baisden this is going to be a staple in the "take care of me in 2017" plan." Want change? You need a system. Then comes the motivation, the habits, the change! Guess what? I created your eating and exercise system, and it works! Resolutions don't last. And diets are crazy. Let's get in the best shape of our lives without deprivation or calorie counting. Your entire family has an easy plan to stay on track. You HAVE to eat every day and you NEED to exercise -- why not do it RIGHT! With nutrition, you're going to: Prepare quick and easy meals in advance (without dairy). Execute healthy meals that your kids will eat. Control portions. Reduce cravings and improve self-control. Enjoy quick breakfasts, lunches and dinners. While everyone else is white-knuckling through the next diet scam. With exercise, you're going to: Prioritize time for yourself. Consistently workout just 30 minutes per week. See encouraging results. Enjoy non-boring variety. Experience amplified energy. Stay motivated and accountable. I'm going to teach you how. It’s a no-brainer. I’ve taken the thinking out of all things food and fitness! The legwork is done and success is on its way! Get excited to be organized with exciting recipes and workouts that make your life easy! No more guesswork, no more wasted time. It’s all about convenience! Aren’t you glad there's an EASY BUTTON? For the next few hours only, yes, from right now until Thursday, February 9, I’m offering my bestest, most effective and super-easy-to-implement FIT IN FEBRUARY! And it’s all 85% off. Valued at $500, I’m gonna drop it like it’s hot for the next few hours (from now until Thursday, Feb 9) to an easy peasy $69.97. That’s a savings of over $430! The early bird gets the worm, because the price increases to $89.97 if you register February 10 or February 11. The Fit in February program is currently closed. To see the menu, grocery lists and workouts available right now, check out my Fit & Fresh Group Program here. I know. I'm pretty jazzed about the whole thing. This is almost too good to be true. Except it’s not. The countdown has officially commenced. Here’s what you get for a ludicrous $69.97 (when you register by February 9 at midnight): 1. 4-Week Menu. You already know meal-planning simplifies the headache of cooking, but no one has time or enjoys it (if we're being honest). If you are one of the few that already plans meals, do you feel the same excitement at week 2, 3 or 4? Or do you get burned out after a week because of how much time and organization it takes to figure out 90 meals a month? Let me make it easy for you by planning it all for you. Each convenient meal is dairy-free, tasty and fat-loss friendly! Cooked lickety-split, these 40 recipes are made in minutes while you have a dance party in the kitchen. Kids rejoice, husbands rejoice, and moms rejoice! This is no diet! 2. 4 Print-and-Go Grocery Lists. There’s nothing that zaps time (and joy) like aimlessly wandering a grocery store. Is that your current method, just winging it? Are you swinging by the store every other day to grab stuff for dinner? What if you could shop just once a week! Grocery shopping is a chore, so skip the boring game of “what should we eat?”—everyone loses and you know it. I've made your shopping list (other shoppers will be begging for such freedom). In and out, boom. 3. Workout Videos. Exercise is good for you, but that doesn't make it appealing. What if you could get addicted to fitness because it's fun (and makes you toned)? My workouts don’t suck because they’re only 10 minutes long and weights are optional. You’ll do 3 per week (quick math: that’s 30 minutes a WEEK). Perfect for any fitness level, you get to keep these full-length videos forever. You'll also get the workout in written form too! Enjoy your new fitness addiction. 4. 1 Printable Calendar. This is honestly the part that makes me giddy. My inner nerd rejoices. You get this adorable color-coded action plan. With little boxes to check off! You’re going to stick it on the fridge and stay on track, knowing which meal and which workout is on tap for the day. I’m even going to remind you to guzzle water. You’re going to track your meals, hydration, exercise and then tally up those points each week…..for PRIZES! That’s right, I’m bribing you to stay on track! 5. 1 Measurement Tracker. Throw out the stupid scale. That is not the way to measure success! My Measurement Tracker is the way to accurately measure results. It’s like no other way to monitor body change, and it won’t make you cry. You'll start seeing progress very quickly, which makes you keep up the good work! 6. A Private Facebook Community. You’re not in this alone! Your coach and your new friends will bring support, encouragement, and tips! We’re on this journey together, which is the tipping point in seeing your body change! Stay accountable and encouraged – without the entire world of Facebook knowing your biz-nasss. No judgment, just pure acceptance. Our team is cheering each other along with care! We'll even have a weekly Bible verse focus, because we're taking care of our bodies for God! 7. FREE BONUS #1: 21 Tricks for Avoiding the Afternoon Slump. Because we all want to nap at 2:00 but can't. 8. FREE BONUS #2: 13 Ways to Stop Justifying "Cheats". Let's stop abusing grace and decide that coping with cookies isn't smart. 9. FREE BONUS #3: 7 Methods of Pushing Past a Plateau. Uncover ways to finally see your body change (with less effort)! I may have lost my mind. I am just addicted to helping women finally see results that last! The Fit in February program is currently closed. To see the menu, grocery lists and workouts available right now, check out my Fit & Fresh Group Program here. The doors are officially open. But the spots available are as slim as those new jeans you’re going to need. And hundreds of people are reading this at the same time as you. All this disappears into thin air in just a few short hours. Remember, you must sign up by Thursday, February 9 at midnight to get the $69.97 sale. After that, the price increases to $89.97 up until our FIT IN FEBRUARY begins, and I’m locking you out February 11 at midnight. You’re 1 click away from the goods. Invest in yourself. Treat yourself. The Fit in February program is currently closed. To see the menu, grocery lists and workouts available right now, check out my Fit & Fresh Group Program here. Side note, let’s be Facebook friends. Otherwise, I can’t add you to the private Facebook group. My name (and personality) is a lot to deal with: Debbie White Wilkins Baisden. Find me and friend me. What others are saying: I've lost an inch in the hips, two in the small of my waist, two in my chest, and looking at pics....I'm down one chin!!!!! Thanks Deb! --Pam Lost 2 1/2 inches in waist, 1 5/8 in lower waist, 1 1/2 in hips. Biceps, thighs, and calves up and down but i can tell they firmed up. So glad to have been a part of this. Can't wait til next round. --LaRae I am 12lbs down, my baby pooch is a lot smaller, my legs and booty are getting some definition and I feel really good! I can't wait for this month's roll out!! Thanks again Debbie White Wilkins Baisden this is going to be a staple in the "take care of me in 2017" plan. --Allison 2.5 inches in "small" waist, 1.5 in lower waist, .5 in hips! I've loved this group and this month!! Thank you, Debbie! --Amber Hey, so I started eating according to the plan you put out for us on December 1 ( I'm a habitual eater so it is cool lol) and as of this morning, I've already lost 2.5 inches off of my lower waist and an additional 2.5 inches off the small of my waist. That's insane! --Scarlett I have lost 4 lbs, roughly 1 lb per week. Inches are lower too, I could tell by the sweater I wore over Christmas because it fit perfectly. So incredibly happy that I was able to turn to you in my weak moment. That would have been the end of my resolve (and diet) but you helped me hold on… and I MADE IT through and the results were great. --Sally Just wanted to share...4 months ago I definitely would not have wanted a picture of myself from this angle! Thank you for getting me on track, and inspiring me along the way. --Jennifer Debbie, I took your advice and I am ignoring/staying away from the scale. I did, however, put on a pair of shorts yesterday that just a week ago were very, very snug and they fit perfectly yesterday! I can already tell a difference in my body. Both my husband and I feel less stomach upset and bloating … We've loved all the meals and felt satisfied each day! So excited for this lifestyle change we are making! --Lindsay Since I started this program in April, I have lost 10 inches of waistline ❤️ #nevergoingback #youarewhatyoueat --Christine After 16 days, my measurement around my belly button went from 34 inches to 31 inches!! Across my boobs went down 1 inch (from 35 to 34) and across my hips went from 38 to 37. Doesn't seem like much when I measure BUT my jeans are hanging off me!! And my arms have muscle I can see! --Courtney I got tired of hiking my jeans up every 50 steps so I pulled out an *old* belt from the depths of my closet that I haven't needed for years! I even had to move over a notch from where I used to wear it! WHAT? It works, y'all...all of it...together. Debbie knows what she's talking about. --Kelly Because Diets SUCK! The Fit in February program is currently closed. To see the menu, grocery lists and workouts available right now, check out my Fit & Fresh Group Program here. #menu #workouts #nutrition #fitness #accountability

  • 7-ingredient Crockpot Recipe

    I am all about convenience as a busy mompreneur. I just don't have the time or desire to spend a bunch of time cooking a meal that's devoured in less than 4 minutes, you know? But. I know that I can't be hitting the drive-thru all the time and still manage to fit into my pants. I insist on cooking for fat-loss, without deleting the important element of FLAVOR! In case you missed my latest Facebook live on Fit With Deb, here's the replay of how to make the amazing dinner step-by-step. My JANUARY RESET families are enjoying this tasty dish this month (it's one of 40 recipes). It was so freaking easy that I would've made my kids do the whole thing, but they were at school. Press play right HERE for that. Here's the recipe that's made in minutes (and your family will inhale it): Crockpot Balsamic Chicken (start your crockpot in the morning) (4+ hours cooking time) (serves 5-7) 5 frozen chicken breasts 2 small yellow squash, sliced 1 medium zucchini, sliced 1 medium purple onion, sliced Assorted bell peppers (5 mini ones), sliced 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1/4 cup Balsamic vinegar Place ingredients in crock pot for 4-6 hours. Enjoy! (Need a good crockpot? Here's what I use. (Some links found on my blog may be affiliate links, at not extra cost to you. I only recommend what I use and love!) #crockpot #chicken #recipe #kitchen #fatloss

  • How Tired Are YOU?!

    I talk to a lot of women, especially moms, and one thing we all agree on is how TIRED we are! We fantasize about naps, right? Do you stay up too late? Do you wake really early? Do you have trouble falling asleep? Do you struggle with staying asleep? Are little people the reason for your mombie eyes? Is stress the cause? Chores? TV? I have lots of thoughts on sleep, which you can check out here: I wanted to know more, so I turned to my friend Faye Knauss who I consider a sleep expert. Here are her thoughts on all things sleep! Meet Faye... I did my pre- and post-doc at the Duke sleep lab so that was some time ago. I do have research and clinical experience; however, I'm not certain I would still consider myself an "expert" in sleep. As a clinical psychologist, I do feel okay saying I can speak to the topic. I am though careful to not "advise" fully out of my realm of scope. With that said, I can certainly give behavioral recommendations. For those who present to me with physical and/or emotional/psychological/mood issues - it is critical to check sleep patterns first. I feel like so often correcting just sleep will set everything else in a positive motion. The first thing to look at is whether people have patterns of insomnia (i.e., have problems initiating sleep, staying asleep, and/or early morning waking). There are times a need for a sleep study is indicated as we often perceive ourselves as getting less sleep than we actually do. The real key is not the "hours" of sleep per night but the "consistency" night after night (it;s important for overall sleep architecture) that we have similar patterns night after night. We get in big trouble when we get 8 hours, 4 hours, 9 hours, 3 hours, etc. The 1st thing to do is to establish what a patient thinks is the "ideal" number of sleep per night. Lets say 7 hours. I then have them set a sleep and wake schedule (sleep at 11:00pm and wake at 6:00am). While we are getting sleep back on track - these set times need to be agreed to and not altered by more than 10 minutes daily for several weeks and/or until sleep problems are resolved. During this period, other recommendations are given. As follows: *No Naps (EVER) *No caffeine after noon *Exercise early in the day *No physically stimulating activities in the evening *Enough activity during day to acquire a sleep debt (we have to be over a threshold of sleep debt to both fall asleep and stay asleep) *Relaxing activities to decompress for a reasonable period of time prior to bed (I always add in the importance of disconnecting from electronics during this time - at least phones, Facebook, etc) *bedroom should be at a cool, nice temperature and dark *No TV in bedroom *Bedroom for sleep (and sex if applicable) ONLY (until sleep on track - no other activities such as reading, eating, games, anything in bed) - the key is we want to neurologically wire that bed=sleep! This is a pain but a critical piece. During the period where sleep is an issue, absolutely NEVER stay in bed awake more than 20 minutes. This includes while falling asleep and throughout the night. For the hours from 11-6 (in previous example) one must be in bed asleep. If awake for more than 20 minutes during this time period, get out of bed and go do something super boring (like read the encyclopedia ). It is important NOT to do anything physically stimulating nor cognitively stimulating (i.e., don't watch anything interesting or engage in anything that may entice one to continue with activity). When one feels sleepy again, go back to bed and try to sleep again. Do not fall asleep outside of bed. If still awake after 20 minutes, get back out of bed and do something boring until sleepy again. This can be quite a frustrating dance but it is critical. If one keeps it up - it may take weeks, but it is proven to work! Sleep patterns can be retrained - we just need to keep strict behavioral routines until our sleep architecture gets back on track!!!! What would you add to the conversation on increasing zzz's? Instead of melatonin or other sleep aids, try natural magnesium oil at bedtime instead. Let's prioritize rest so that we can think clearly, feel energized, and look healthy! #sleep #rest #tired

  • How to Eat for the Body You Want

    If you don’t already have the body you want, then your nutrition is not good enough. The good news is, you can change your body by learning and applying smarter nutrition. The bad news is, you cannot do this alone (nor should you have to). Instead of stupid quick-fix diets, how about finally achieving long-term success! You can unlock the keys to losing fat and improving your health. It’s time to look and feel your best! It’s time to EATfit! I’ve stalked you and know that you're craving structure, routine, and a plan. You’re sick of feeling tired and bloated. You’re frustrated by caving to cravings night after night. You want to know what to put in your mouth that doesn’t add pounds. When you have more questions than answers, it’s so easy to shrug your shoulders and give up on your goals. Help is here! Do you need: Accountability to stay on track with nutrition? Strategies for crushing cravings? Recipes that your family and wallet love? Meal prep tips that avoid major food sensitivities? Tips on what to eat at restaurants? Fat-loss do’s and don’ts? Help with your grocery shopping list? Encouragement and support for your journey? Quick feedback for your nutrition questions? Tools for measuring true success that lasts? A judgment-free environment that cheers alongside you? If you prefer making excuses, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. You have to be ready. You have to want change (or at least want to want to change). I cannot do your journey for you. If you are DONE making excuses and ready for radical success, high-five! That’s the first step in body change! I’m going to work with you in achieving your long-term goals. As a member of our private community, you’ll have an all-access pass to the uncomplicated EATfit FAT-LOSS ACTION PLAN! This is not a quick fix, a 21-day program, or a deprivation diet. It's a way to optimize your health, one day at a time, focusing on finally getting traction in reaching your goals. Our EATfit membership starts September 6. After September 5, the doors close and you’re on your own. Sorry. If you’re still reading this, there’s a solid chance you know you should do this. EATfit is a monthly membership of awesomeness plus dedication that you can change your life! Is this affordable? Only if you donate plasma and sell all your belongings. JUST KIDDING! Because this plan doesn’t suck, neither does the price. REGISTER NOW. Throughout my previous EATFit program, happy girls shared: "I've lost about 3-4 pounds just this week." "I love the support and encouragement of this group." "I am REALLY looking forward to a beach trip for the new year." "Jeans out of the dryer and no muffin top!" "Earlier tonight I pulled by khakis on and off without unbuttoning!!!" "My clothes are comfortable. Yes, ma'am! I don't have to lunge and squat in jeans to zip them when they are out of the dryer . I wear cute somewhat fitted tops that were tucked away." EATfit digital membership is $9.99 per month. No contracts or strings attached. Change is possible. #eat #nutrition #fit #support #accountability #healthy #body #food

  • Alcohol + Fat Loss

    I’d like a frozen margarita with salt, por favor. I love margaritas. And Smirnoff Ice drinks that all my friends make fun of me for liking. I like what I like. I hate beer and I tolerate wine. Instead of trying to convince you to change your favorite adult beverages, let me try to just shed some light on the topic of ALCOHOL AND FAT LOSS. Can we drink and stay trim? Is self-imposed prohibition the new way to looking good and losing weight? Are we allowed to get away with countless drinks? Let me just go ahead with all the bad news. And there’s plenty of it. You’ll wish you’d already had a drink before reading this. Alcohol contains empty calories. So you are adding calories to your daily allotment with no nutritional value. As you drink you lower your inhibitions (hello, bar top dancing) WHILE increasing your appetite, which means you think to yourself, “You know what goes with beer? Pizza!” So you end up eating even more calories, usually in the carbs and fat department. Alcohol with fat and starch is a fat-loss nightmare. Calories + Calories + Regretful bar top dancing. After just one and a half drinks, you significantly blunt your fat-burning by about 75%. So every sip has the potential to tell your body, “Hey body, get fat stat!” I reminded myself of this as I sipped on frozen mudslides in the Dominican (one of the highest calorie drinks in existence) for 3 days straight. Alcohol disrupts our sleep and makes us tired and fatigued. This leads to a chain reaction of not wanting to exercise for at least a couple of days (and the booze reduces our testosterone which means we don’t recover well from workouts). With heavy drinking, the breakdown of alcohol can occur for up to 48 hours after your last sip. Basically, you become a lazy bum (hello, Netflix). For those of you who like fun, fruity drinks---good news. You get an overdose of calories and sugar so your muffin top can expand. Dangit. Debbie, is there any GOOD news? Must I move to a dry county and live off water for the rest of my days?! This is real life. Cocktails are happening and you’ll often see one in my hand on the weekend or at the end of a rough day with child-rearing. I judge no one. The key is MODERATION. Heavy drinkers are more likely to stall weight loss and move into the obese category. The “beer gut” label is real. Having one a day is not a big deal if you are eating healthy otherwise. If you know booze are part of your day, here’s your game plan: Adjust your eating for the day BEFORE you start drinking. Eat less starchy carbs and allow zero desserts that day. Think of it as a swap instead of deprivation. When alcohol is combined with fat and starchy carbs, you are setting yourself up for fat storage. Focus on lean protein, green veggies, and a gallon of water beforehand. WHILE drinking, eat lean proteins like beef, chicken, seafood, or turkey. You want your blood sugar to stay level. Drink more. Water, that is. Alcohol dehydrates (and makes you act the fool) so soothe your kidneys and help your metabolism by drinking a full 8-ounce cup of water after every cocktail. Don’t even ORDER the next glass until you have finished the water (this may keep you out of jail too). Don’t “save money” by ordering pitchers. You’ll just drink more and be filled with regrets later. Red wine is best with the bioflavonoids. White wine won’t make you as hungry as other alcohol beverages. Sparkling wine is better for you than margaritas (unless you’re Debbie). Sangria is better for you than a mojito (“Hey, look, there’s fruit!”). Dark beer is your best option in the beer department, not causing the “where are the pretzels?” effect. The bitters help suppress the appetite. Choose top-shelf liquors, especially the clear ones. No fake colors or additives Mixers = trouble. This is when the sugary calories add up. Go for club soda or seltzer. Tonic or juice is too many calories. Colorful drinks are pretty, but saddlebags are not. Add some lemon or lime to add flavor. Allllllll this said, life is short and sometimes being told you “shouldn’t” or “cannot” have something just triggers your unrelenting desire for that thing. If you want a drink, have a drink. If you want 12 drinks, call a sponsor. I’m joking. But balance is key. Don’t get hammered on the regular, drink water and eat healthy. Cheers!

  • Free Buns & Guns Workout

    There are few things I love more than FREE things! How about a FREE workout just for you, no strings attached? Sound good? This is a secret, private workout that I have HIDDEN! It's one of my 18 Buns & Guns workouts that you can own forever! I talk to a lot of busy women who crave a quick workout while a meal bakes in the oven. I often exercise in my kitchen so I can peek in the oven when I take rests. I hope you like this 20-minute sweat session that will tighten and lift your booty AND give you anti bat wing arms! No equipment is needed. Hashtag winning! If you like this workout, there's more where that came from. Click here to get the entire BUNS & GUNS 18 video collection for a STEAL! Here's your FREE workout! Just click play! Enjoy your FREE workout and be sure to share the love! I'm proud of you! The entire BUNS & GUNS video collection can be yours today---->CLICK HERE! #buns #guns #exercise #workout #fitness #free

  • 22 Non-Food Rewards

    It's so easy to reward ourselves with food and drink but is that really the healthiest way? You are not a dog so stop rewarding yourself this way! Here is a list of 22 better alternatives to celebrating your successes! 1. New workout clothes (bras, socks, leggings, tanks, shoes) 2. New workout equipment (weights, medicine ball, jump rope, gloves, etc) 3. New workout music (buy a song or an album from iTunes) 4. New headphones for your new music so you can jam out and tune out others 5. Nap or sleep 6. Home spa day (bubble bath, nails, foam roller) 7. Spa or salon experience (massage, nails, hair) 8. Massage (go for deep tissue!) 9. Donate your big clothes to charity 10. Take a vacation day from work and do whatever you want 11. Go see a movie (or rent one at home) 12. Subscribe to a fitness or food magazine 13. Sign up for a 5k and walk for charity 14. New sunglasses 15. Take a cooking class 16. Get a dog (new friend and new walking buddy) 17. Try a new experience (sky diving anyone?) 18. Spend quality time with someone you like 19. Attend a concert, enjoy a museum, scream at an amusement park 20. Book a photo shoot to show off your hard work 21. $1 jar. Ever reward you've earned equals a one dollar bill in a jar. Use the money for whatever you choose once you hit a predetermined total. 22. Write a thank-you letter to anyone who has helped you along your journey! It will mean the world to them! #rewards #tips

  • My Top 15 Fitness Finds

    I like to think I'm a minimalist when it comes to my workouts. I don't need a gym membership or fancy machines. I keep things quick and simple because I'm a busy mom with lots of things to accomplish each day. Here are my Top 15 Fitness Finds that I must have in my workouts: Gym Boss Interval Timer (perfect for Tabatas) Thick camping mat (instead of a thin workout mat) Weighted medicine ball (slams get aggression out) Ab roller (not just an infomercial anymore) Dumbbells of all sizes (I have size 8 to 35) 32 ounce Thermos (less refills because I'm lazy) iTunes gift cards (fast music improves performance) Bose Bluetooth wireless speaker (the louder the better) Butterfly Armor leggings (super cute and motivating) (get 15% off with promo code FITWITHDEB) Cute workout tanks by Fashletics (comfy and fun) My Soxy Feet socks (you'll always have 2 that match) BCAA’s (branched chain amino acids) (I use Momsanity brand from Amazon) Sliders (perfect for no-impact workout moves)(I use Momsanity brand from Amazon) Non-Running shoes (currently I have Nike and Brooks) Foam Rollers & TheraCrane (bumpy = more joy and more pain) What are your favorite fitness products? I'd love to hear! #fitness #products

  • Is Organic Worth It?

    "Organic" has become a more common food label at the grocery store. Is buying organic food worth it? Does it even make a difference? You may be surprised. "Organic" refers to food grown without synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers. The rationale is, if it kills bugs, why would we want it in our bodies? The threat of chemical residues affecting our environment and our bodies is disturbing. "Organic" does NOT mean: Healthy (seriously, organic cookies?!) Free range Hormone free Natural Are organic foods superior? Do they offer better nutrition? No. Studies show there is only a trace difference in the nutritional content of organic versus conventional. Both organic and non-organic can still run the risk of contamination with bacteria. So the assumption that organic equals healthier is false. The benefits of eating fruits and vegetables far outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure. Eat fruits and vegetables! Don't let labels stop you from consuming foods that God grows! If you're going to eat the skins of a food, consider buying organic. If you can peel the skins off, it's not necessary. There are 12 foods you should eat organic; here's the Dirty Dozen: 1. Grapes 2. Peaches 3. Celery 4. Apples 5. Spinach and lettuce 6. Nectarines 7. Cherries 8. Pears 9. Bell peppers 10. Strawberries 11. Potatoes 12. Kale and collard greens To reduce the pesticide residues: Wash and scrub under running water (without soap). Remove the peel. Trim the fat from meat. Eat a variety of foods from different sources. Organic has some downsides as well: It costs 50%- 100% more.It still carries a risk of bacteria contamination. Unless labeled "100% organic" it may only be 70% organic. Organic foods may come from multinational companies, and they may be trucked across the country which contributes to petro chemicals. A great solution to this organic buzz is to buy local foods. And keep eating fruits and vegetables! As a parent, there are some things to consider. By NOT going organic, potential side effects may include: more severe ADHD, symptoms of learning disabilities, and prenatal exposure can affect the brain formation of a baby which could affect later IQ. Yikes. Organic is definitely a piece of the puzzle in optimal health, but let's not give it more credit than deserved. #organic #fruit #vegetables #health #nutrition #dirtydozen #natural

  • Secret Sugar Bombs

    "Pour some sugar on meeeee, when you need a little love." I love that song. Aren't we all sugar addicts on some level? While we may not snort the white stuff, we sure like things to be sweet and delicious. It's a contradiction within because as we crave the sugar high we loathe the sugar crash. We want to eat right but we often eat junk. 20 bucks says you want to eat healthier and feel better. But candy and desserts beckon, "I'm hot, sticky sweet, from my head to my feet, yeah." We have GOT to resist! Let's make a plan to get on the straight-and-narrow and reel in our sugar coma tendencies. Before you head to the store, you should be aware that many "healthy" foods are actually secret sugar bombs. Sugar is hiding in supposedly healthy foods. What the heck?!? Here's a list of some foods that are loaded with more sugar than you may realize: * protein bars and protein powders * nut butters * yogurts * oatmeals * fruits (natural and dried) * drinks (sports drinks, juices, energy drinks, coffees, sodas) * cereal * many snacks * fat-free products * sauces * granola bars * soups * bread * pasta * muffins & bagels Yikes, that's an unfun list. So what do you do? Be an alert consumer. Look for products that have a sugar content BELOW 15. Be aware of fake sugars that are toxic (sucralose, maltodextrin, maltitiol, aspartame, saccharin, dextrose, corn syrup, etc). Here's my alternative to the list of sugar bombs: * No Cow protein bars * Mom Fuel protein powder * lower sugar nut butters * plain, dairy-free yogurts * plain oats * lower sugar fruits like berries, apples, pears * water, green tea you brew, zevia or la croix on occasion, black coffee, juice you actually squeezed yourself * no cereal * homemade snacks that don't come in a box * avoid fat-free labeled products * lower sugar sauces do exist * no granola bars (get No Cow protein bars instead) * lower sugar soups or make your own * no bread * no pasta (try zucchini noodles) * low-carb muffins you make yourself * no bagels Because of all the secret sugar bombs, I created my Fit + Fresh Membership with hundreds of fat-loss friendly recipes that taste delicious (without that extra sugar). Enjoy plenty of starchy carbs that actually benefit your waistline and land on the kitchen table in lightning speed! #sugar #healthy #nutrition #sweet #food

  • 4 Steps To Designing Your Fat-Loss Workout

    I love creating fat-loss workouts for my in-person and online clients! If you are at home, at the gym, or even on vacation, you can create your own workout that can be accomplished in 5 to 20 minutes! How? 1. Consider your location and available equipment. If you are limited with space you know that you cannot do any moves that require 'traveling,' for example (like walking lunges). The good news is you do not need a lot of space to do an effective workout! Hotels can offer workout rooms but I often use my hotel room and get the job done. Sometimes I travel with my weights from home, but I also enjoy doing bodyweight-only moves to limit my need for equipment. I've done some forest workouts (yes, I'm serious) and only did moves that kept me upright (whew, no burpees allowed). You can get creative; I've used playground equipment and medical waiting rooms more times than I can count. 2. Decide what body parts you want to work. Some days I will create a "butt" workout, a "core" workout, a "leg" workout, etc. While we cannot "spot train" (or the ThighMaster would still exist and every girl would have a thigh gap), it can be fun to focus on one problem area. Unlike men, women's bodies actually respond best to full-body workouts so I may do more leg work but I will make sure to work the other muscle groups as well. With the style of workouts I create I tend to do a lot of hybrid moves (a squat with a bicep curl or a lunge with an overhead press, for example) to get the maximum results in a short amount of time. 3. Pick 4-10 moves to perform in your sweat session. More moves means more creativity and less repetition; less moves means more repetition and more rest. You can switch every workout up and alternate between 4 one workout but 8 the next workout. Four full-body moves could include: push-ups, a squat with a bicep curl, chest presses and mountain climbers. 4. Choose the timing. If you have access to a timer, you can do each move for a set amount of time (30-60 seconds long). Or you can simply decide the number of reps you will do of each move (8-12 is best) and end the workout when 20 minutes is up. You can also do each move until you need a rest, then switch to a new move after you recover. There you have it! You can design your own workout wherever you are with any amount of time you have! #workout #weights #equipment #location #fatloss #fitness #exercise

  • I Am An Addict

    Do you have a favorite Little Debbie snack? Yes, that is ironically funny to me. I love Oatmeal Cream Pies. Second to that is Swiss Cake Rolls. Growing up, my mom was a big fan of equal treatment. Each of the 4 kids had their own Tupperware container (mine was the yellow one; do you remember those Tupperwares from the 80’s?). Each week my mom would go grocery shopping and buy various prepackaged treats for us, which would be equally divided and placed into our color-coded Tupperware. We had the freedom to eat those desserts (with permission) either slowly by rationing them out OR inhale the whole container at once; but once it was empty, there was no refill until her next trip to the store. Fair enough, right? Let me pause and say I love my mom. And she taught us early to eat a lot of protein and live on an overall healthy eating plan. But the sugary pattern became ingrained early for me. I remember delighting in my Oreos as a little girl; shoot, they still are delightful. And we were the “cool house” when my friends came over as we had a plethora of junky cereals to enjoy. As I became an adult on my own, I lived on a diet of Fat, Sugar, Starch. I didn’t really drink water or enjoy vegetables. Yes, I want the bun on my burger. Yes, I want 3 bowls of Frosted Mini Wheats….for lunch. Yes, a row of Oreos after dinner makes sense. And all was well in my world. I had no limits because I was not a fat girl. That was my mentality. I was relieved that I needed no restriction. And then my body revolted against me. My pants were angry with me and saw no reason to slide higher than my knees. The only exercise I needed were squats and lunges….as I played tug of war with my jeans. I’d take a shower then beg those pants to come up, up, up; then I’d stay in a squat to dry my hair and brush my teeth. Are you picturing this with me? I was so frustrated. How could I have my cake and wear pants too? I decided I should, of course, be so smart and wise and genius and count my calories. I’d gained a lot of weight in about 6 months so my OB/GYN suggested tracking my calories (he also said to ease up on my cookie diet, but I pretended he didn’t dare say that). I found a free online program and was on my way. I decided to reduce my caloric intake to 1,500 calories a day (it sounded like a low enough number to drop some lb’s). I tracked everything I ate and even ate some green foods. Every night I was still able to have my dessert because it was still under 1,500 calories. This idiotic plan lasted a whole week. Maybe it was actually 5 days. Why? Because tracking calories is tedious. And because I felt restricted (I should insert that I’m the baby of my family and feel the need to never be restricted or told no). It was unfun torture. Super long story short, my friend Emily gave me a better way to eat. She said I didn’t need to eat less but eat more (my jaw dropped). She said I didn’t have to count calories (my smile widened). She said my pants could fit again (my heart danced). This was more challenging than I thought. Because I wanted a magic pill, a quick fix. I wanted it to be easy and fast. But what I embarked on was a temporary pain for long-term success; I just didn’t know it yet. I suffered and struggled and white-knuckled for at least 7 days. I was eating hardboiled eggs (gag) and ground turkey (gross) and more salads than made sense (yuck). My plan had no wiggle room really. It was like a self-inflicted prison for me. I complained and whined and whimpered and cried actual tears. It was like a constant episode of Fear Factor where they eat sheep’s balls. Why am I doing this? Do I hate myself? Is this worth it? Will it even pay off? 12 asparagus spears, are you serious?! What I learned goes beyond the plate. I loved food. In an unhealthy way. It was gluttony and it was not okay. Food was a friend that I didn’t even know I was consumed by, because I wasn’t a “big girl.” I had myself fooled. Going to restaurants and parties and events were all about the menu for me. Sugar and starch made me happy; vegetables and meat made me angry. I want what I want!!! I had to learn to die to self. That God could get me through this obsession with food that I never realized I had. I am still dying to self. I still struggle with wanting foods that bring that “high” or that comfort. It’s a process, a journey. That week of torture was worth it. I was refining my body, a machine that God designed to function properly. I couldn’t believe it: I was starting to CRAVE salads and sweet potatoes for crying out loud. I still daydreamed about Doritos, sure, but I knew that would make my pants shrink. Where are you on your food adventure? Are you lusting after the forbidden? Are you repulsed by boxed macaroni and cheese? Somewhere in between? I want you to be encouraged that change is possible. We can break old habits. The cycle can stop any time we want. Our next meal is our “on track” meal. Our screw-ups are simply bumps in the road toward food freedom. I am no longer in bondage to brownies. I may still ache for them sometimes, but they don’t have as firm a grip. I value myself and my body. While a part of this is superficial and I don’t want to expand my wardrobe with larger sized clothes, a bigger part is wanting to feel better (feeling sluggish sucks). An even bigger part is wanting to not use junk food to fill voids in my life. I don’t want food to be my anti-depression fix. I don’t want food to undo my boredom. I don’t want food to dry my tears. Can I help you on your journey, the way Emily did for me? I want to and come abounding with experience and grace. I love helping women realize there IS a way to break free of the body-shaming, addiction to junk foods and guilt over eating. Find out more about my Fit & Fresh nutrition & workout plans or working with me one on one. #addict #story #nutrition #sugar

  • Zzz’s

    Want to lose weight? Skip the Gym and GO TO BED! That’s right! Sleep aids weight loss like nothing else! Here is the SKINNY on sleep! 1st things first: Listen to this Song: “Can’t Sleep” by Above & Beyond ​​ 7-8 hours needed per night, (not 6!) Don’t overdo it either, lazy bones! Prioritize getting more shut-eye (make it happen!) Sleep causes hormonal reset (that’s a great thing) Create a bedtime ritual: reading, cool temps, bathing, screens off Skip workout for a nap (if you only have 30 minutes and you’re exhausted, lights out for you) Sleep-deprivation makes you grouchy (then your family and coworkers hate you) No sleep… no motivation to exercise (and less strength to do the work) Less sleep… hormonally set up for failure! You’ll crave carbs, you’ll have less willpower (especially for late-night cravings) If you’re asleep, you are unable to put your hand to your mouth! Fatigue makes you insulin sensitive (your body holds fat with high cortisol levels as its put into flight-or-flight mode) Sleep assists with post-workout recovery Lack of sleep results in dull brain activity and inability to make good choices Not getting enough rest forces you to be impulsive (I should eat 12 cookies, not 1) Be lazy because shut eye burns calories Sleep just feels good Keep a consistent schedule 7 days a week Make small changes. Start by adjusting your schedule so you get 30 extra minutes per night. Struggle with insomnia? Try magnesium and lavender. #sleep #exercise #health

  • You're Doing It All Wrong

    I didn’t know any better. I thought my exercise routine was going to make me look like some elite athlete. I was sweating! I was running (that’s a lie, I was jogging)! I was using weight machines! I was rewarding my efforts with post-workout drive-thrus! What the heck?! I was wrong. Like pork rinds are wrong. Like chocolate dipped bacon is wrong. Like chicken and waffle potato chips are wrong. And the sadder story is how many people are going through the exact same motions with no results or change. Don’t be in that club. How do you know you’re exercising RIGHT? As a Metabolic Effect certified instructor, here’s how you can know for sure! 4 questions to always ask yourself as you exercise to know if you’re “in the zone”: 1. Am I hot? Well, of COURSE you’re smoking hot. Any mirror will tell you that. What I mean is, are you producing sweat? Do you wish there were 4 fans pointed at you? Do you get to the point where you wish you were in the Arctic doing your weight-lifting? 2. Are my muscles burning? You want this inner fire to be ignited so that you can feel magic happening. You should know without a doubt that you are working hard and that muscles are twitching in a way that forces you to face how strong you can be. Pacing yourself through a workout does not result in said burn or fire. 3. Is this weight heavy enough? Most new clients of mine are so precious as they ask where the lighter dumbbells are hiding. Light weights don’t cause sculpted arms, abs, and legs. The weights need to be heavy enough so that you are forced to drop them down and rest (often!). You couldn’t possibly do one more rep. You’ve reached failure, and that’s right where you want to be. So pick a challenging weight that you can maintain precise form with. 4. Am I out of breath? If you are able to talk on the phone or to a friend next to you, you are not in the zone for physique conditioning. You should not be able to say a complete sentence during a workout. Maybe uttering a quick, “Kill me!” is okay, but nothing as long as, “And then she said she could not believe that I would dare say that! Who does she think she is?” Pant like a dog. Rival asthma. Get off the treadmill. Step away from weight machines. Do not approach a drive-thru. You’re welcome. #fitness #exercise #weights #progress

  • 46 Lines About Myself

    It’s my first blog post on my brand spankin’ new website! Holla! I am over the moon excited to share so much goodness with you. Shall I introduce myself? It seems the polite thing to do. I’m a down-to-earth girl who wanted to be a school teacher ever since I exited the womb. I put my mind to it, got a degree from Appalachian State, and printed more worksheets than any fourth grader could handle. It was short gig as I became a baby-maker with my husband Aaron. We had 4 boys in 4 years (you’re wondering if I have twins…yes). It is everything you think it is. I remember the days of a 16 month old hobbling on his cast from his broken leg while breastfeeding his 5 day old little brother. I remember potty-training twins by taking each one to the bathroom every 15 minutes. I have made more emergency room visits for broken bones, split tongues, rocks in noses than I care to recall. One kid managed to roll the ice cream truck down the street; at age 4. One son asked me if God has teeth. Another child already has his bride and wedding cake picked out. And one of those boys informed very early on that he is allergic to girls. My life in stay-at-home mom suburbia flipped upside down in 2012. My husband Aaron died unexpectedly. Every single time I type that I just freeze. It blindsides me and seems unreal. My children were 8, 7, 4, and 4 when their lives were forever changed. Words fall short here. God is so good. He has always been active and present for us. He gave me an independent nature early on in life (ask my siblings who I regularly informed, “You’re not my boss!”). And our family, our smaller family, put one foot in front of the other. Through shock, denial, sadness, and confusion, our God continues to prove we are able because of Him. And so. Chapter 2 commences. That’s how I call my life. It did not end when Aaron’s did. Yet it shifted so greatly that my life almost seems to have a sequel. Now granted the title of Breadwinner, I decided to play eenie meenie minie moe with what I wanted to be when I grew up. After having 4 kids I decided I don’t really like children. I obviously love and like my own, but the thought of going back to the classroom seemed like a punishment. My friend Emily had been teaching me to eat better and exercise smarter so that the seams on my pants would not grow weary. Funny how I sum up months and months and months of evolution into that one sentence. She changed my life and has continued to do so. Because of her, I rehabbed my way out of Lucky Charms menu and convinced myself that sweat has benefits. Long story short, I decided to take the yellow brick road to the land of Fitness & Nutrition. What a great fit! I get the privilege of helping people look and feel their best! Seeing people’s confidence soar as they lift heavier weights and drop a dress size, well, it’s like being a florist who delivers flowers all day! It is so amazing that God has allowed me to do something that fits my strengths, stretches my weaknesses, and conforms to my personality so well. My life in Chapter 2 is bittersweet because though my sons and I are sad missing Aaron, we have the unique ability to appreciate the here and now. Life really is short. I know my late husband is in heaven and having a blast. And my children have a much richer knowledge of their Maker as they anticipate quite a reunion one day. I am a widow-turned-newlywed as I married a sweet guy (I call him The Hulk because I love squeezing his arm muscles) the summer of 2014. We go way back; back to Chapter 1 of my life. He is an amazing guy who I just flat-out adore and love immensely. He dove right into our prepackaged family and is everything I could want in a man. Enough about me! I think I got bored just rereading this, so that’s a sign to just stop writing, right? I am over the moon that you are here. That you’re reading this. And I would love nothing more than to help you on your health journey (well, that may be a lie. I really want to nap. But you’re a close 2nd!)! #fitwithdeb #story

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