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Fit in February

Debbie Baisden

Last week I did not have a meal plan. And it sucked. We literally ate the SAME leftovers 4 mornings in a row AND the SAME leftovers for every dinner. It was okay for a day or two, but FOUR?!? No, no, and no. I'm a nutrition lover and know the power of a plan. Yet, I got lazy and busy so monotony became our theme.

How grateful I am that I now have a fabulous plan in place that's easy to follow! I took the time to sit down and create four weeks of meals and workouts that melt inches off the body. And I want to share it with YOU!

I want to be FIT this February, how about you?

See, you already know that you're supposed to eat right. If I asked you about your nutrition, you'd say, "I eat pretty healthy." Then you add the BUT. "But I struggle...."

  • Busy days.

  • Overeating.

  • Late-night cravings.

  • Self-control.

  • Emotional eating.

  • Food prep.

  • No time.

  • Picky kids.

And let's say I could read your mind in regard to exercise. What is your biggest challenge?

  • Time.

  • Motivation.

  • Accountability.

  • Discouragement.

  • Low energy.

  • No results.

Is Change Possible?

Ask Pam, who shared, "I've lost an inch in the hips, two in the small of my waist, two in my chest, and looking at pics....I'm down one chin!!!!! Thanks Deb!"

Allison rejoices, "I am 12lbs down, my baby pooch is a lot smaller, my legs and booty are getting some definition and I feel really good! I can't wait for this month's roll out!! Thanks again Debbie White Wilkins Baisden this is going to be a staple in the "take care of me in 2017" plan."

Want change? You need a system.

Then comes the motivation, the habits, the change! Guess what? I created your eating and exercise system, and it works!

Resolutions don't last. And diets are crazy. Let's get in the best shape of our lives without deprivation or calorie counting. Your entire family has an easy plan to stay on track. You HAVE to eat every day and you NEED to exercise -- why not do it RIGHT!

With nutrition, you're going to:

  • Prepare quick and easy meals in advance (without dairy).

  • Execute healthy meals that your kids will eat.

  • Control portions.

  • Reduce cravings and improve self-control.

  • Enjoy quick breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

While everyone else is white-knuckling through the next diet scam.

With exercise, you're going to:

  • Prioritize time for yourself.

  • Consistently workout just 30 minutes per week.

  • See encouraging results.

  • Enjoy non-boring variety.

  • Experience amplified energy.

  • Stay motivated and accountable.

I'm going to teach you how.

It’s a no-brainer. I’ve taken the thinking out of all things food and fitness! The legwork is done and success is on its way! Get excited to be organized with exciting recipes and workouts that make your life easy! No more guesswork, no more wasted time. It’s all about convenience!

Aren’t you glad there's an EASY BUTTON?

For the next few hours only, yes, from right now until Thursday, February 9, I’m offering my bestest, most effective and super-easy-to-implement FIT IN FEBRUARY! And it’s all 85% off.

Valued at $500, I’m gonna drop it like it’s hot for the next few hours (from now until Thursday, Feb 9) to an easy peasy $69.97. That’s a savings of over $430! The early bird gets the worm, because the price increases to $89.97 if you register February 10 or February 11.

I know. I'm pretty jazzed about the whole thing.

This is almost too good to be true. Except it’s not.

The countdown has officially commenced.

Here’s what you get for a ludicrous $69.97 (when you register by February 9 at midnight):

1. 4-Week Menu. You already know meal-planning simplifies the headache of cooking, but no one has time or enjoys it (if we're being honest). If you are one of the few that already plans meals, do you feel the same excitement at week 2, 3 or 4? Or do you get burned out after a week because of how much time and organization it takes to figure out 90 meals a month? Let me make it easy for you by planning it all for you. Each convenient meal is dairy-free, tasty and fat-loss friendly! Cooked lickety-split, these 40 recipes are made in minutes while you have a dance party in the kitchen. Kids rejoice, husbands rejoice, and moms rejoice! This is no diet!

2. 4 Print-and-Go Grocery Lists. There’s nothing that zaps time (and joy) like aimlessly wandering a grocery store. Is that your current method, just winging it? Are you swinging by the store every other day to grab stuff for dinner? What if you could shop just once a week! Grocery shopping is a chore, so skip the boring game of “what should we eat?”—everyone loses and you know it. I've made your shopping list (other shoppers will be begging for such freedom). In and out, boom.

3. Workout Videos. Exercise is good for you, but that doesn't make it appealing. What if you could get addicted to fitness because it's fun (and makes you toned)? My workouts don’t suck because they’re only 10 minutes long and weights are optional. You’ll do 3 per week (quick math: that’s 30 minutes a WEEK). Perfect for any fitness level, you get to keep these full-length videos forever. You'll also get the workout in written form too! Enjoy your new fitness addiction.

4. 1 Printable Calendar. This is honestly the part that makes me giddy. My inner nerd rejoices. You get this adorable color-coded action plan. With little boxes to check off! You’re going to stick it on the fridge and stay on track, knowing which meal and which workout is on tap for the day. I’m even going to remind you to guzzle water. You’re going to track your meals, hydration, exercise and then tally up those points each week…..for PRIZES! That’s right, I’m bribing you to stay on track!

5. 1 Measurement Tracker. Throw out the stupid scale. That is not the way to measure success! My Measurement Tracker is the way to accurately measure results. It’s like no other way to monitor body change, and it won’t make you cry. You'll start seeing progress very quickly, which makes you keep up the good work!

6. A Private Facebook Community. You’re not in this alone! Your coach and your new friends will bring support, encouragement, and tips! We’re on this journey together, which is the tipping point in seeing your body change! Stay accountable and encouraged – without the entire world of Facebook knowing your biz-nasss. No judgment, just pure acceptance. Our team is cheering each other along with care! We'll even have a weekly Bible verse focus, because we're taking care of our bodies for God!

7. FREE BONUS #1: 21 Tricks for Avoiding the Afternoon Slump. Because we all want to nap at 2:00 but can't.

8. FREE BONUS #2: 13 Ways to Stop Justifying "Cheats". Let's stop abusing grace and decide that coping with cookies isn't smart.

9. FREE BONUS #3: 7 Methods of Pushing Past a Plateau. Uncover ways to finally see your body change (with less effort)!

I may have lost my mind. I am just addicted to helping women finally see results that last!

The doors are officially open. But the spots available are as slim as those new jeans you’re going to need. And hundreds of people are reading this at the same time as you.

All this disappears into thin air in just a few short hours. Remember, you must sign up by Thursday, February 9 at midnight to get the $69.97 sale. After that, the price increases to $89.97 up until our FIT IN FEBRUARY begins, and I’m locking you out February 11 at midnight.

You’re 1 click away from the goods. Invest in yourself. Treat yourself.

Side note, let’s be Facebook friends. Otherwise, I can’t add you to the private Facebook group. My name (and personality) is a lot to deal with: Debbie White Wilkins Baisden. Find me and friend me.

What others are saying:

I've lost an inch in the hips, two in the small of my waist, two in my chest, and looking at pics....I'm down one chin!!!!! Thanks Deb!


Lost 2 1/2 inches in waist, 1 5/8 in lower waist, 1 1/2 in hips. Biceps, thighs, and calves up and down but i can tell they firmed up. So glad to have been a part of this. Can't wait til next round.


I am 12lbs down, my baby pooch is a lot smaller, my legs and booty are getting some definition and I feel really good! I can't wait for this month's roll out!! Thanks again Debbie White Wilkins Baisden this is going to be a staple in the "take care of me in 2017" plan.


2.5 inches in "small" waist, 1.5 in lower waist, .5 in hips! I've loved this group and this month!! Thank you, Debbie!


Hey, so I started eating according to the plan you put out for us on December 1 ( I'm a habitual eater so it is cool lol) and as of this morning, I've already lost 2.5 inches off of my lower waist and an additional 2.5 inches off the small of my waist. That's insane!


I have lost 4 lbs, roughly 1 lb per week. Inches are lower too, I could tell by the sweater I wore over Christmas because it fit perfectly. So incredibly happy that I was able to turn to you in my weak moment. That would have been the end of my resolve (and diet) but you helped me hold on… and I MADE IT through and the results were great.


Just wanted to share...4 months ago I definitely would not have wanted a picture of myself from this angle! Thank you for getting me on track, and inspiring me along the way.


Debbie, I took your advice and I am ignoring/staying away from the scale. I did, however, put on a pair of shorts yesterday that just a week ago were very, very snug and they fit perfectly yesterday! I can already tell a difference in my body. Both my husband and I feel less stomach upset and bloating … We've loved all the meals and felt satisfied each day! So excited for this lifestyle change we are making!


Since I started this program in April, I have lost 10 inches of waistline ❤️ #nevergoingback #youarewhatyoueat


After 16 days, my measurement around my belly button went from 34 inches to 31 inches!! Across my boobs went down 1 inch (from 35 to 34) and across my hips went from 38 to 37. Doesn't seem like much when I measure BUT my jeans are hanging off me!! And my arms have muscle I can see!


I got tired of hiking my jeans up every 50 steps so I pulled out an *old* belt from the depths of my closet that I haven't needed for years! I even had to move over a notch from where I used to wear it! WHAT? It works, y'all...all of it...together. Debbie knows what she's talking about.


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