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Stopping the self-sabotage cycle

Debbie Baisden

Have you ever felt like you're your own worst enemy when it comes to achieving your health and fitness goals?

The good intentions are there… but the follow-through? Not so much.

Some examples:

● You vow to cook a healthy meal from the ingredients in your kitchen… but when dinnertime rolls around it seems like a lot of work, so you end up ordering takeout instead. ● You tell yourself you’ll go to the gym for a workout… but when the time comes, you tell yourself you’re too tired and not in the mood. ● You plan on going to bed at 10 o’clock so you can be rested for tomorrow… but then you get caught up in a show and end up streaming it until midnight.

If any of those scenarios ring true for you, you are NOT alone.

Almost ALL of us sabotage ourselves at some point or another. We skip workouts, eat food that is counter to our goals, don’t get enough sleep, or even go out for little excess “socializing” with our friends.

So how do you bust out of the self-sabotage cycle?

Try following the 5Rs:

1. RECOGNIZE when it’s happening. Get to know your patterns. Are there times when it’s more likely to happen than others? Have you gotten into some unproductive habits, like nighttime snacking?

Try to look at these patterns without judging them – imagine you’re conducting a study on yourself and gathering evidence.

2. Get to the ROOT CAUSE of why it’s happening. This is a big one, and your answers may change over time.

Some possibles:

● Fear of failure

● Self-doubt

● Boredom

● Self-esteem issues

● Loneliness?

When you know WHY it’s happening, it can give you powerful info that will help you overcome it in the future.

3. RESET your goals into small, achievable benchmarks you know you can reach.

On a practical level, this will 1) help break the self-sabotage cycle and 2) help you build confidence and motivation.

● Exercise for 10-15 minutes before work

● Eat a serving of vegetables with every meal

● Read a book instead of watching TV before bed

4. REACH OUT to an accountability partner or coach. They can help you create goals that set you up for SUCCESS (vs. overreaching) and gain real traction.

5. REMEMBER that setbacks are opportunities to learn what works for you (and what doesn’t!).

Focus on progress, not perfection!

Struggling to be “perfect” won’t help you move closer to your goals – in fact, it can move you farther away from them.


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